is Alan Moore at this trippiest. I found it very entertaining and interesting, but occult philosophy isn't my thing, so my eyes glazed over chunks of the story where Promethea / Sophie Bangs is seen exploring the Immateria.
As my article notes (go read it and leave a serious comment as no one else has yet), Moore pulled a bait-and-switch. He started the story as a reimaging of Wonder Woman (just as he had for Superman and Batman), then switched it out to an arcane lesson in Tarot and Kabbalah and symbolism.
There is also the super-creepy scene of Jack Faust having "tantric sex" with Promethea. Faust is an old man, a wizard, with rings which look much like Moore's rings. Is this Moore having sex with his creation? or is it just pervy? or both?
JH Williams III's art is superb.