I was watching about 2 PM today when the news broke. No speech by Biden, who is no doubt drooling and incoherent, just a brief press-release written statement, no doubt written by his puppetmasters within the Biden White House, and not Biden himself.
Roughly a month ago, the Biden / Trump presidential debate made it crystal clear Biden is incapable of being president now, let alone serving a second term.
Even Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski the next day afer the debate were urging on air for Biden to withdraw, along with Van Jones and Democrat House and Senate members. It started with 4 or 5 House Democrats urging Biden to withdraw, and as of yesterday, it was 37, with maybe another 10 ready to ask Biden to withdraw tomorrow, if he didn't today. And just as quickly in the next few days, Joe and Mika and the other pundits completely flipped the narrative, and were again all in for Biden. Hey, you just IMAGINED we were crittical of Joe yesterday, tha didn' really happen. That was just a right wing trick. RIGHT WING !!
But clearly, two factions, for and against Biden, were fighting it out behind the scenes.
I saw Biden campaign officials today on Fox, not an hour before the drop-out, insisting Biden is within striking distance and can still defeat Trump, and then... the announcement, with Biden nowhewre in sight, that he is out.
And then, FURTHER hilarity.
Biden doesn't endorse Kamala Harris. No comment from Kamala, no mention even of who her possible VP running mates would be. Bill and Hillary Clinton announce on social media supporting Kamala Harris (translation: "Ohh Kamala, please, PLEASE pick ME as your VP running mate !" )
Barack Obama does NOT endorse Kamala Harris. And Obama, in a backstabbing sneaky way behind the scenes, has led the charge to undermine Biden. First with George Clooney and other celebrities and pundits in editorials bearing witness o Biden's barely hidden feebleness, callling for Biden to pull out. Then when that failed to make Biden pull out, Obama sent in the next wave, of House and Senate Democrats officials calling for Biden to pull out of the 2024 race.
James Clyburn and the DNC race hustler caucus chime in supporting Kamala Harris, based only on skin color. Certainly not proven ability.
DNC rules say Biden/Harris campaign funds can only go to the DNC candidate if it remains either Biden or Harris. But other Democrats want an open DNC convention, where a few elites within the party can hand-pick who the candidate and VP ticket will be, and for them it's NOT Harris.
And all this happening about 15 weeks before the election. The Democrat buffoons who rigged the primary for Biden have no time to re-group and promote anyone else before the election, no time to establish a clear platform and name recognition for another DNC candidate. So they are stuck with Giggling Kamala.
Democrat oligarchs overthrew the will of 14 million [Democrat primary]voters on Sunday after President Joe Biden who announced Sunday he would not seek re-election.
Democrats have spent years breathlessly claiming that “democracy” (in our Constitutional Republic) is at risk if former President Donald Trump wins. But apparently the threshold for risks to “democracy” depends on the likelihood of winning. When it became clear Biden could not prevail over the consensus that he is unable to carry out the duties of a presidential candidate after his frightening debate performance, Democrats moved to subvert the will of their own voters to better their chances of retaining power.
Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., admitted just that when she said she did not believe Biden could “effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump.” Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., echoed a similar sentiment, telling The New York Times that Democrats “have to win this race” and Biden needs to “get out of this race.”
Their concerns simply rested on whether their party could win. It’s why 17 lawmakers who called for Biden to step down failed to answer when asked by The Federalist whether they also think Biden should resign as president.
In simpler terms, Democratic primary voters who cast a ballot for Biden are now being told by handful of D.C. elites that their votes were simply perfunctory.
As George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said in a post on X, “Vice President Kamala Harris will now be in the awkward position of leading the ticket to ‘defend democracy’ after being made the nominee through succession by defenestration.”
Biden gave no explanation for his monumental decision to withdraw from the race after profusely disputing reports that he would not remain the nominee. Of course, a verbal “why” is not needed: Biden showed the American public why he couldn’t remain as nominee when he failed to speak coherently during the presidential debate and struggled to exit the debate stage unassisted. It’s why Democrats launched a blitz campaign against the incumbent demanding he step down. They knew the chance of Biden beating Trump was shrinking, so they had to do what needed to be done to maintain control of the executive branch.
But for the same reasons that Biden is unable to be the nominee, he is also unable to be the president. No one disagrees that Biden’s cognitive decline is a severe impediment to his ability to carry out his enumerated duties — it’s why Democrats want him off the ticket. Removing Biden as the nominee becomes a justifiable usurpation of primary voters’ will when Democrats also remove Biden as the president. But if Democrats aren’t willing to invoke the 25th Amendment, or get Biden to step down, then their justification is simply a flex of their political muscle: “We can do whatever we want.”
And if Democrats can so easily ice out their own candidate, what else are they capable of? _________________________________________
Brianna Lyman is an elections correspondent at The Federalist. Brianna graduated from Fordham University with a degree in International Political Economy. Her work has been featured on Newsmax, Fox News, Fox Business and RealClearPolitics. Follow Brianna on X: @briannalyman2
Biden never appeared yesterday, no press conference, no prepared video, no audio-announcement where you at least heard his voice. Just a 3-paragraph letter, that was posted by Biden's staffers on "X" / Twitter.
And initially, Biden did no endorse Kamala Harris. And then after that was noticed and commented on in the news media, Biden (or someone) about 30 minutes later made another post on "X" saying Oh, yeah, I endorse Kamala.
Biden clearly didn't want to drop out, and resents Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and others who leveraged him out against his will. I picture him being bound and gagged in a dark basement somewhere by the Democrat-Bolsheviks.
Former economic advisor in Trumps first term, and now Fox Business show host Larry Kudlow, in answer to Harris Faulkner on a panel discussion of Biden's abdication from being the 2024 presidential candidate, Faulkner saying he was involuntarily "pushed out" by Democrat elites, Kudlow quipped: "Was he pushed? Or was he putshed?"
Weirder and weirder.
This, the morning after Biden's creepy 12-minute speech last night, that looked like a hostage video. It was supposed to explain why Biden stepped down, and while hurling the usual invective propaganda that "Trump is a threat to democracy" (while in fact, Democrat weaponization of the IRS, FBI, DOJ and CIA, and incarceration and lawfare against thousands of peaceful conservative dissenters, is the true threat to democracy, including their latest coup against Joe Biden tomnremove him) , the anticipated 12-minute hostage video gave absolutely no information.
Just to clarify the last month :
Biden took an entire week off to prepare for his debate against Trump. But still failed so badly that there were instant calls for him to no longer be the candidate, as soon as the debate ended.
An obvious fake excuse that Biden "had a cold"all week was floated by his press secretary, and that tried to rationalize his poor debate performance, and gave Biden cover, hiding from the public for another week.
Then Biden made some kind of statement a week or so later that "only if I had a serious illness" would he step down as the 2024 candidate. And then --LIKE MAGIC !!-- within hours it was announced that Biden "tested positive for Covid" and he went into hiding for another 10 days or so. Seriously, how stupid does the Democratic party think voters are?
And then while hiding out somewhere, the creepy letter that was tweeted out on Twitter /" X" a week or so ago. Followed over a week later by the inevitable creepy 12-minute creepy hostage video speech that Biden gave last night.
And meanwhile, Russia and China ere doing joint military invasion of U.S. air-space over Alaska with Russian fighter jets and Chinese bombers, at the very least testing U.S. military response time, if no preparing for larger military action, against the weakest and most confused president and vice president his country has ever had. https://nypost.com/2024/07/25/world...acked-intercepted-off-alaska-norad-says/
Hey, no problem, nothing to see here, right Democrats and liberal media?
And while BLM / Antifa / Hamas activists riot in Washington DC, and vandalize the city, burn flags, spray paint monuments, and burn the head off a statue of George Washington. While there are some visibly Arab protesters, a lot of them look more like California, Vermont, of Massachusetts-type leftist neo-hippies rather than actual muslim radicals, despite hat hey are draped in Palestinian flags and "from the riiver to the sea" signs. I would lay money that most of these people are the same leftist radicals who protested in Occupy Wall Street riots, protested in BLM and Antifa riots in 2020, in Soros-orchestrated open borders caravans and riots, and this is just the latest Soros-funded excuse for them to riot and tear down national monuments, and ulimately de-stabilize and overthrow the United States. https://dailycaller.com/2024/07/24/...-washington-dc-benjamin-netanyahu-visit/
Putsch-ed as in The Beer Hall Putsch. This should be a slam dunk for you as they're another group from the same deplorable vein, you mindless groupthink clown show.
Some people will grasp at any conspiracy that suits their “truth”. The simple truth is Biden wasn’t going to be able to win after the debate with Trump. Even he realized that. I really give him credit for doing the hard thing of setting his ego aside and giving us a chance to beat Trump. I believe Biden is right about this being a choice of democracy vs fascism. Trump is telling voters right now that they only have to vote for him once and everything will be fixed so they don’t ever have to vote again!
Some people will grasp at any conspiracy that suits their “truth”. The simple truth is Biden wasn’t going to be able to win after the debate with Trump. Even he realized that. I really give him credit for doing the hard thing of setting his ego aside and giving us a chance to beat Trump. I believe Biden is right about this being a choice of democracy vs fascism. Trump is telling voters right now that they only have to vote for him once and everything will be fixed so they don’t ever have to vote again!
"The simple truth is" that Biden was blackmailed into stepping down, with the threat of being humiliatingly removed by exercise of the 25th amendment, and possibly blackmailing him (and son Hunter) with presenting evidence and witnesses to convict them for their multiple treasonous crimes and tens of millions in payoffs from China, Russia, Ukraine, Rumania and other foreign governments.
The 25th amendment would be the proper and constitutional way to remove Biden and install Kamala Harris. But Biden is still president, and Kamala has not officially been installed. Leaving the Democrat-Bolsheviks the unconstitutional option to replace her in the next few weeks, if she proves to be equally or even more unpalatable to voters than Joe Biden.
Putsch-ed as in The Beer Hall Putsch. This should be a slam dunk for you as they're another group from the same deplorable vein, you mindless groupthink clown show.
You're a spiteful infant, and all you have is insults, no ability to think beyond the liberal talking points you've been spoon-fed. And you lash out with personal insults because you can't give a reasoned argument to the facts I've presented. As usual.
And you try to paint Trump/Republicans/Conservatives as Beer Hall Putsh "Nazis" (wow, what an original idea, not "groupthink" at all !!) , in ironic denial of the fact that it has been the Democrats who are the true Nazis, who use violence, intimidation, and the weaponization of government, including lawfare, to attack and silence their political opposition, because they / YOU cannot win in a free forum of debate and ideas.
FBI, IRS, DOJ, CIA have all been weaponized against Trump and other conservatives. And even against other Democrats who don't goose-step into Democrat-Bolshevik line, like Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Alan Dershowiz, Jonathan Turley, and several Democrat primary candidates leveraged aside in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections, most prominently Bernie Sanders.
And that Democrat abuse of FBI, IRS and other agencies to attack Republicans is not just under the Biden administration, but goes back a least to the presidencies of Barack Obama (who began the more widespread politicization of all federal agencies), but also under Bill Clinton, and even further back to the presidencies of LBJ, JFK, and FDR. It was FDR who began vastly expanding federal government power and spending, and using federal funding to buy political support.
You're a delusional goofball who will believe propaganda shoveled at you by Dinesh D'Souza. No amount of verbose invective on your part is going to change who the sheep is here.
Nah, this is what you do. Take something small and blow it out of proportion. I don't think all Republicans are Nazis or Nazi-like. I just think that about you and the rest of the tumorous assholes that have corrupted a once great party.
I wonder what the Dems did with all those pre made Biden ballots they had ready to go for the 2024 election. Maybe they just scribbled over bidden's name wrote Harris above his.
Last edited by Lothar of The Hill People; 2024-08-108:20 PM.
"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who
"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson
I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
I wonder what the Dems did with all those pre made Biden ballots they had ready to go for the 2024 election. Maybe they just scribbled over bidden's name wrote Harris above his.
The Democrat-Bolshevik party elites stage a strong-arm coup against Joe Biden (who they rigged primaries in 2020 and 2024 to install in the first place), but then suddenly blackmailed Biden to step aside when they suddenly thought he couldn't win.
But if the Democrat-Bolshevik Secret Service, FBI and DHS were unsuccessful in getting Trump assassinated, they now felt a need to eject Biden as the 2024 candidate. But if they were successful in getting Trump assassinated, they would have kept Biden, after having put Biden on a glide path to win the Nov 2024 election by eliminating Trump. Despite that Biden clearly doesn't have two brain cells to rub together, and clearly is incapable of making an executive decision, and thus would put the nation in danger for the next 4 years. Just as Biden and his puppetmasters havepu the nation at risk from 2021-2024, resulting in avoidable wars exploding in Ukraine, in Israel and imminently in Taiwan, that NEVER would have occurred if the Democrats had not rigged the 2020 election, and Biden and the Bolsheviks had never gained power.
Not to mention the pending recession/depression and hyperinflation domestically in the U.S., deliberately, because the Democrats don't even care about the people who naively vote for them (like hens voting for Chic-Fil-A) . Democrat elites who only care about their own Cultural Marxist goals. Clinging to power, no matter who that agenda hurts, no matter how many thousands of Americans it gets killed because of that agenda. And how much it endangers the entire world.
You're a delusional goofball who will believe propaganda shoveled at you by Dinesh D'Souza. No amount of verbose invective on your part is going to change who the sheep is here.
Nah, this is what you do. Take something small and blow it out of proportion. I don't think all Republicans are Nazis or Nazi-like. I just think that about you and the rest of the tumorous assholes that have corrupted a once great party.
While I like Dinesh D'Souza, and he likewise makes well-sourced factual arguments for what he says in his books and speaking appearances, he was NEVER MENTIONED in my above comments, so that is just a non-sequitur attack on your part, with your usual uninformed rantings and 12-year-old-level insults. You accuse me of "invective", without ever making clear what was "invective" as opposed to the sourced fact--FACT-- that it actually is.
You hang on and trust the liberal media false narrative, no matter how many times I deconstruct its repeated deliberate lies over many years, and cite sources that PROVE they are lies. But you continue to cite as gospel truth the Newspeak liberal narrative, from obvious indoctrinated partisan hacks who are deliberately lying to you on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, Politico, and New York Times. You are an unhinged liberal who relentlessly screams tantrums and insults me, professing your detached non-partisan political neutrality, even as you cling to these discredited liberal sources, and go into hysterics when I or anyone else cites Fox News, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Washington Times, New York Post, Rebel News, The Federalist, Human Events, American Greatness, or any respected conservative source, sources who have NOT been similarly been proven deliberately wrong and discredited, as the liberal media has. . No matter how many times they are proven to have gotten the facts wrong, deliberately gotten the facts wrong, you cling to George Orwell's liberal media, as if they are the only sources that can be believed. Despite their OPENLY saying that "objecttivity is over-rated" and that hey think it is their holy mission to prop up the Democrat narrative and either misrepresent or completely omit any facts favorable to conservatives.
So what are the facts about the attempted Trump assassination, Iggy?
Doesn't it strike you as THE SLIGHTEST BIT ODD that over a month after yhe Trump shooting, FBI and Secret Service are still stonewalling about what actually happened that day? Doesn't it strike you as odd that the supervisors on the ground that day knew there was a potential shooter threat in Butler, PA against Trump, but for a least an hour (and actually over an hour) never secured the building the shooter was seen around, and let him set up and make 8 shots at Trump?
Doesn't it strike you as odd that knowing this, Secret Service ignored and deflected warnings given o them from local police, from civilians in the crowd, and let the shooter continue to be a threat?
Doesn' it strike you as odd that Secret Service on the ground, knowing all this, STILL ALLOWED TRUMP TO GO ON STAGE AND GET SHOT AT, ALMOST KILLED?
Doesn' it strike you as odd, that NONE of the Secret Service agents involved have been named, or even had their names disclosed to House and Senate investigators?
That none of these negligent Secret Service agents have been suspended, none have been fired or demoted, and are just stonewalling disclosure of any of the facts to others actually investtigating the Butler, PA shooting? (No doubt, praying that Kamala Harris will win the election, at which point the investigation will be scrapped and forever swept under a rug by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, both in the Democrat-held White House, and in the Democrat-Bolshevik ranks of the Secret Service).
One of the agents involved in the Trump shooting was re-assigned to guard VP nominee J D Vance. Wow, he must feel secure and protected...
Doesn't it strike you as odd that Trump had repeatedly requested more adequate Secret Service protection in advance of the July 13h shooting, and the Biden administration had ignored it? (Likewise, Robert F. Kennedy, whose father RFK, and uncle JFK were both assassinated, has been denied Secret Service protection by Biden for the last year, despite at least TWO attempts on his life in the last month alone? ) (After the Trump shooting, RFK Jr was quietly finally given Secret Service protection, that he should have been given at least 18 months ago. RFK Jr is only alive to receive Secret Service protection at this point because he is wealthy enough to have been paying for his own security protection all this time. )
Doesn't it strike you as odd, that first lady Jill Biden has FOUR TIMES the secret service protection that Trump had on July 13th? Despite that Trump is a former president, and is and has been polling as the leading candidate for Nov 2024?
It seems an obvious , OBVIOUS possibility to anyone capable of independent thought, that 1) Trump has been left unprotected by Secret Service up to this point, in the clear hope of Democrat agents, that he would be killed and eliminated as a candidate, or 2) that these Democrat-loyalist Secret Service agents might have actively been involved in he attempt to assassinate Trump. As egregiously as Secret Service that day broke every protocol of Secret Service protection rules, that put Trump on stage that day to be shot at. It was a turkey shoot.
And further, the only facts coming out about what actually happened, are coming from witnesses, videos taken during the shooting, and local Butler, PA police. And whisteblowers within the Secret Service and FBI, who are being relentlessly pursued by their agencies to be found and punished, even as Secret Service and FBI continue to sttonewall investigators and hide the facts, even from the House and Senate.
And how does my asking obvious question make me a "Nazi"? You lying piece-of-shit Nazi.
And you try to paint Trump/Republicans/Conservatives as Beer Hall Putsh "Nazis" (wow, what an original idea, not "groupthink" at all !!) , in ironic denial of the fact that it has been the Democrats who are the true Nazis, who use violence, intimidation, and the weaponization of government, including lawfare, to attack and silence their political opposition, because they / YOU cannot win in a free forum of debate and ideas.
FBI, IRS, DOJ, CIA have all been weaponized against Trump and other conservatives. And even against other Democrats who don't goose-step into Democrat-Bolshevik line, like Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Alan Dershowiz, Jonathan Turley, and several Democrat primary candidates leveraged aside in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections, most prominently Bernie Sanders.
And that is again, just a fact.
Jus like Donald Trump. Just like Peter Navarro. Just like Roger Stone. Just like Michael Flynn. Just like KT McFarland. Just like a dozen other Trump White House officials harassed, investigated and bankrupted by legal fees of the FBI, but not successfully jailed.
Just like 1,300 peaceful Trump supporters who gathered outside the Capitol to PEACEFULLY wave flags and protest he illegitimate electoral college vote, and supported the Republican House and Senate members disputing the election, legally and Constitutionally, as is is the method prescribed in the Constitution to do so.
Just like the peaceful pro-life protesters, who got 6 AM raids with their doors smashed open by FBI teams, agents with AR-15 red laser dots pointed at their unarmed heads.
Just like the parents who vocally and peacefully opposed woke indoctrination of their children at PTA meetings, who FBI agents followed to their cars after the PTA meetings, and then similarly subjected to 6 AM raids with AR-15's into their homes.
On and on.
And even being a former DEMOCRAT federal official does not protect Tulsi Gabbard from the same treatment. Similar use of indictments were dropped against Democrat mayor Adams in New York City, and against Democrat Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, when they stepped out of line and criticized Biden open borders policy. And though not disclosed publicly, Joe Biden seems to have been intimidated to step down under similar threats from Democrat elites. All the leadership, Democrat and Republican, is under intelligence-agency surveillance and can be smeared in the media, criminally indicted, or blackmailed into silence if they, even a Democrat leader, step out of line.
How many thousands more have to be harassed, jailed, audited, or otherwise intimidated by federal agencies before even Democrat voters will acknowledge that this is authoritarian / Stalinist / Bolshevik / Nazi -level abuse of federal power, against the real or perceived political enemies of the Democrats in power ? And that they, the James Comey's, the Andrew McCabe's, the Peter Strzok's, the Susan Rice's, the John Brennan's, the Joe Biden's, the Barack Obama's, have the dangerous power to do this on the slightest whim.
The Biden administration started in its earliest days to target former military veterans as a "domestic terrorism threat". Then used FBI, ATF, OSHA, IRS, and other federal agencies to target Tea Party organizations and large Republican campaign donors like Frank Vandersloot.
And getting away with that (rigging the 2012 election, by crushing the Tea Party movement wih IRS and these other agencies), by 2016 they were targeting everyone in the Trump campaign through falsified FISA warrant documents to get illegal FBI surveillance on Trump and his campaign staffers. And even after the 2016 election, surveillance and fake indictments continuing on the inaugurated Trump White House staff, and President Trump himself.
I don't understand the idea of a "coup détat". Biden is still president and will be until January or whenever it is the inauguration takes place. He has decided not to run again. Eisenhower did the same thing. Where's the coup?
"Just like 1,300 peaceful Trump supporters who gathered outside the Capitol to PEACEFULLY wave flags and protest he illegitimate electoral college vote, and supported the Republican House and Senate members disputing the election, legally and Constitutionally, as is is the method prescribed in the Constitution to do so.""
Dave, you've switched on a reality distortion field with that one.
Some people will grasp at any conspiracy that suits their “truth”. The simple truth is Biden wasn’t going to be able to win after the debate with Trump. Even he realized that. I really give him credit for doing the hard thing of setting his ego aside and giving us a chance to beat Trump. I believe Biden is right about this being a choice of democracy vs fascism. Trump is telling voters right now that they only have to vote for him once and everything will be fixed so they don’t ever have to vote again!
He had to be dragged out of the contest, and I think the idea that it was a "selfless act" glosses over his blind conviction that he was the best candidate, but ultimately, he did the right thing by his country and his party.
My own keen interest in the election is in respect of Ukraine. It is in everyone's strategic interest to see Russia's warfighting capability eroded, and beyond that, Ukraine doesn't deserve to be severed through Putin's imperial territorial ambition.
I was curious what the current breakdown is among U.S. voters, identifying as Republican, Democrat, and Independent.
Here is a recent Gallup poll (Jan 2024), that gives the polled ratios of those groups. INDEPENDENT : 43% REPUBLICAN : 27% DEMOCRAT : 27%
And it also goes into the history in Gallup polls over the last 34 years, back to 1991, of those ratios and how they've changed, and interpretation of what they mean.
"Just like 1,300 peaceful Trump supporters who gathered outside the Capitol to PEACEFULLY wave flags and protest he illegitimate electoral college vote, and supported the Republican House and Senate members disputing the election, legally and Constitutionally, as is is the method prescribed in the Constitution to do so.""
Dave, you've switched on a reality distortion field with that one.
No, Australia-Dave, the facts are on my side.
As I've cited repeatedly in multiple topics on the subject, there were well over 100,000 protesters supporting Trump in Washington Square on Jan 6 2021.
There were only 600 who in any way went inside the Capitol building that day, most of them peaceful, and invited in, with the double-doors held wide by Capitol Police, open for protesters to come inside. Videos online show this, protesters videotaping police holding open the doors for them, and police standing like an honor guard on both sides of the halls, as protesters walked by into the Capitol.
There were three double-door entrances, and at only one entrance was there a violent clash between about 6 police and a group of protesters, and that one clash (videotaped and online) took about 30 minutes before police pushed them out of the building. And I question whether those were actual Trump supporters clashing with police, or false-flag agents sent to frame them.
MANY OTHER Trump-supporter protesters just walked around inside peacefully, like they were on a guided tour, and took selfies, then left.
Of the 600 who went inside, 40,000 hours of Capitol surveillance video shows they were overwhelmingly peaceful. And the Democrats suppressed release of that video for 3 years, to keep alive their "violent insurrectionists" narrative.
But when Democrats lost their majority control of the House in Jan 2023, Republicans began releasing the Capitol video surveillance, beginning with Tucker Carlson on his show, showing police following guys around and making absolutely no effort to stop them. And many jailed for "violence" were immediately released from jail (such as "Quanon Shaman" guy Jacob Chansley), because the clear video evidence that they were NOT violent, resulted in their instant release from jail. After THREE YEARS of imprisonment on false charges, with no charges, no due process, imprisoned indefiniely wih no trial or evidence presented against them, in many cases unable to even consult a lawyer. Some beaten in their cells for even asking for a lawyer, by Trump=hating leftist guards. And unable to work, held indefinitely without trial, lost their jobs, unable to pay their mortgages lost their homes, lost their businesses, and were completely separated for years from their families.
Just to prop up a lying "Trump supporter violent white supremacist insurrectionist" Democrat narrative. That release of the 40,000 hours of Capitol surveillance video finally disproved.
AGAIN: only 600 protesters, in any way, went inside. And out of those, there are only 60 alleged incidents of vandalism or violence.
All others were arrested for "trespassing", that's it. Punishable by a fine of $300 or less. But the weaponized 97% Democrat-donating FBI whipped up fake federal charges tacked on, of "interfering with a federal proceeding", to stretch those fake charges into years in prison. And held in prison under terrible conditions, PEACEFUL protester-prisoners were shaken down and forced to sign confessions to crimes they did NOT commit, just so they could end their ordeal, be released, and get on with their lives. And JUST to prop up the Democrats' (and the Democrat-weaponized FBI's) "insurrection" narrative.
Further, WHO ARE these "insurrectionists" EXACTLY ? 60 reported incidents of vandalism and /or violence. Bu FBI has admitted in their own investigative reports, there were "AT LEAST 20" undercover FBI agents on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. That they ADMIT to. That in their reports they describe as "un-indicted co-conspirators". Ray Epps, for example. And the FBI agent in charge of the Jan 6th undercover operations, is the same guy who set up the FBI's sting operation of a fake kidnapping of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. That this FBI supervisor (who is also a wife-beater who forced his wife to go to swing clubs) should have been fired for, but was instead sent to DC, to supervise the Jan 6th similar set-up of Trump supporters by FBI, in a false-flag operation.
And DHS (as I linked earlier) also admitted to "at least 20" DHS agents being undercover in the crowd on Jan 6th, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
And DC Metro Police admitted to having "at least 10" Metro police officers undercover in the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters.
And James Earle Sullivan and his group of at least 20 of his Antifa Salt Lake City group there, who gloated in their posted videos posted all over the internet (under the name "JAYSON X", and who even was interviewed as a "journalist" about Jan 6th events on CNN) Who disguised themselves as Trump supporters, and boasted in their videos of either leading Trump supporters in their disguises to trick Trump supporters into committing violence, or doing violence and vandalism themselves in their disguises and getting Trump supporters blamed for it. Two of Sullivan's Antifa group were in the room when Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd shot Ashli Babbitt and killed her. And JUST HAPPENED to be in that room to videotape the shooting, tape it from TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES by two different false-flag Antifa agents, that I would argue provoked and set up the Babbitt shooting.
20 undercover FBI. 20 undercover DHS. 10 undercover DC metro poice officers. 20 Anifa led by John Earle Sullivan.
That is at least 70 people on the ground on Jan 6th, who were NOT Trump supporters, who were DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, all there to frame the PEACEFUL Trump supporters, to create the narrative they wanted.
And only 60 incidents of "violence or vandalism". One 64 year old Alabama guy (urged to by undercover FBI agents who blocked the doorway and wouldn't let him leave) put his feet up on a desk in Pelosi's outer office and posed for a photo that THEY urged him to take. He also kept some letters from Pelosi's office as a souvenir, and urinated on a desk.
Another guy stole Nancy Pelosi's podium. (And I find it hard to believe, amid all the police, that he could carry out a podium the size of a human body without getting caught, and further drag it a mile or two past police to his car without getting caught.) In any case, he was arrested at his home in Florida a few days later by FBI.
I'd call either of these incidents stupid and more of pranks, than "violence" or "insurrection".
Even the paramilitary Oath Keepers group who were convicted and arguably committed violent acts, the head of the group unknowingly shared a hotel room with an undercover FBI agent the night before. And IT WAS THIS FBI AGENT, NOT THE OATH KEEPERS HEAD OR ANY OF HIS MEN, WHO SUPPLIED THE BATTLE PLAN for violence by Oath Keepers on Jan 6th. Which they didn't follow anyway.
But ultimately, even the 97% Democrat donating and Trump hating FBI, in their final investigative reports, said there was NO EVIDENCE of any organized insurrection at the Capitol building on Jan 6 2021. And as Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism, who led he FBI investigation of Jan 6th events, reluctantly told Republican Senators in hearings, and ONLY WHEN ASKED, that there were NO firearms confiscated on Jan 6th anywhere in Washington Square. How do you have an "insurrection" without any guns?
Asked directly about FBI operations on Jan 6th, both Jill Sanborn and FBI director Christopher Wray, would not say exactly what undercover agents were doing among Trump protesters that day. TED CRUZ: "Were there undercover FBI agents in the crowd tha day?" JILL SANBORN, and later CHRISOPHER WRAY also: "Senator I cannot answer that."
TED CRUZ: " Did undercover FBI agents incite violence that day?" SANBORN, and WRAY: "Senator, I can't answer that."
TED CRUZ: "Did undercover FBI agents engage in violent acts themselves on January 6th?" SANBORN, and WRAY: "Senator, I can't answer that."
Which is evasively saying YES, they DID do these things, to blame on Trump supporters. If Wray and Sanborn admit that, they get the FBI in a shitload of trouble by openly admitting it. And if they deny it, they set themselves up for perjury charges and prison when the truth is eventually found out. Hence, they "Can't answer."
This is the unholy alliance of the Democrat-Bolshevik party, and their 97% all-on-board intimidation and terror wing in the DOJ and FBI. Joined in that unholy alliance by the Democrat-Bolshevik news media. Who are at this point unashamedly the self-appointed Ministry of Truth for the Democrat party, and eagerly sell whatever the current Democrat talking points are.
Look no further than the current Kamala Harris presidential campaign. Two months ago, they were saying on CNN and MSNBC, and in editorials of every major liberal-media paper, that she was incompetent and needed to be replaced on the Biden ticket by another VP candidate.
But NOW...
Biden has imploded with the Trump - Biden debate, Biden has been strong-armed out by party elites, to let Kamala replace him as the presidential candidate, that the news media now SHAMELESSLY tells us with a straight face, that Kamala Harris is generating the same excitement as the 2008 Barack Obama campaign. She's George Washington, FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama rolled into one ! Except she hasn't had a press conference or answered questions since Biden stepped down and she became the candidate. And she can't, without mumbling a word salad, looking stupid as she truly is when speaking unscripted, and hurting her poll numbers. 24 days and counting now, hiding in the bathroom.
Except to read the occasional teleprompter speech on the stump, the exact same speech every time, over and over with the exact same wording and cadence robotically, without the slightest deviation or impromptu remark. For the Democrat-Bolsheviks, there is no preservation of Constitutional law and process, EVERYTHING is done on the fly according to their authoritarian consolidation of power , and they will steamroll anyone who gets in heir way, even within their own party. Bernie Sanders, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and now Joe Biden, all shoved aside by the hand-wringers in the shadows, who ACTUALLY control the Democrat party. And there is nothing "democratic" about the Democrat party. It is barely concealed Democrat-Bolshevism. And people even in the Democrat party, and in the rest of the world should be afraid of what their fanatical authoritarian leftist ideology is unleashing.
Can you not see, Dave, the war in Ukraine, that never would have occurred if Trump were still president? And always the threat that it can further escalate to nuclear war? Russia has said this repeatedly. Likewise the war on Israel, also made possible by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks who opened the door by letting Iran have 80 billion in oil revenue to fund the war, that never would have occurred if Trump were still president. And also in question, whether Biden/Harris would even defend Israel. That is an invitation for Iran and is proxies to attack Israel.
And now an imminent war in Taiwan, where China is aggressively flying over 100 war planes a day over Taiwan air space. If Kamala Harris were to be elected, that would be China's green light to invade.
But yeah, sure, you can believe the Democrat-controlled media's narrative, about Jan 6th, about Covid vaccines, Covid masks, Kamala Harris' competency (when a nano-second ago, they were telling you how incompetent she is), that she is actually securing the U.S. southern border and is tough on immigration, YOU BET !
You might also ask yourself why no conservative sources offering dissent or a counter-argument come up on a Google search anymore. George Orwell's Google. Why the July 13th attempted Trump assassination is invisible in a Google search. Why Kamala Harris' record in rankings of all 100 Senators as the most liberal Senator, even beyond Bernie Sanders, has likewise been omitted from search results. That even Trump's speech from Jan 6th cannot be found in a search, only the narrative in news clips that Trump "incited" the crowd, BUT NEVER ABLE TO CITE THE EXACT WORDS OR ANYTHING CLOSE THAT "INCITED". You can't find Trump's speech to view or read for yourself, to see the exact words he said or the context he said them. Or video of ANY of Trump's rallies or speeches, that shows up in a Google or DuckDuckGo search.
Likewise the "very fine people on both sides" false narrative created by the media, after Trump's press conference about Charlottesville in 2017. Trump's words were twisted to have allegedly endorsed KKK and white supremacists burning Tiki torches, when in fact Trump condemned them. Trump only praised "good people on both sides", those who wanted to keep the Charlottesville city's Robert E. Lee statue, and those who didn't want to keep the statue (the real issue of the initial protest). But Trump flat-out condemned the white supremacists that showed up to hijack the protests, to promote their own agenda, nothing to do with the statue. The 2,000 who were there to protest to keep the statue asked the 200 or so white supremacists who suddenly showed up with their own agenda, NOT the statue, to leave. But the media conflates the two, and slanders the 2,000 who were NOT white supremacists. And eagerly conflates and slanders Trump as well.
That is just one more example of the liberal media's DELIBERATE chain of false narratives, to undermine Trump, or Romney, or McCain, or George W. Bush, or Newt Gingrich, or Bush Sr, or Reagan before them. The deck is always stacked against the Republicans. And from 2008 forward, the media is increasingly less willing to maintain any pretense they are journalists and not liberal-Democrat-Bolshevik activists.
On Charlie Rose's news talk show on PBS in 2004, a Bush official named Robert Kagan was talking to Charlie Rose about the Iraq war. Rose asked: "Why is the U.S. invasion of Iraq so unpopular in European nations?" Kagan responded: "Because nowhere in the European media is there a pro-American point of view."
And I'm sure not in Australia as well.
A least in the U.S., while the media is at least 80% liberal, there is still about 20% of the media that is conservative, and will cross-examine the liberal narrative and present the exculpatory facts for why the liberal spin is untrue and a false narrative.
There are layers upon layers of false facts, baseless insinuations and outright lies in that 14-minute clip of "testimony'. There is also a labyrinth of names and position titles (the positions they held on Jan 6 2021) that are not fully explained, and for which no context is given.
Greg Jacob, then-Counsel to Vice President Pence
Others mantioned without context: John Eastman, then-White House Counsel to Donald Trump
and: Mark Short, then Chief of Staff to VP Pence
First of all, this is from the Democrat-controlled House "Select Committee on January 6th", a House committee on which ACTUAL Republicans were NOT allowed to be assigned to the committee, NOT allowed to cross-examine, NOT allowed to call witnesses or cross-examine "facts" presented, or present exculpatory evidence.
The only "Republicans" Nancy Pelosi allowed to be assigned to the committee were Trump-hating Rep. Liz Cheney, and Trump-hating Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who were / are so despised by their ACTUAL Republican / conservative constituents that they were subsequently rejected by voters in 2022, by the vastest margin an incumbent House Republican has ever been rejected by in U.S. election history (Liz Cheney). And the other (Adam Kinzinger) saw his defeat margin was so large in advance polls that he declined to even run for re-election. And BOTH of them now sound like MSNBC or CNN anchors when they talk about the Republican party in any news interview.
So... the "Select Committee on January 6th" was a Soviet-style show trial where only a Democrat narrative was permitted. And that is exactly what is visible in this clip.
Not that there's any "facts" presented in the clip. The "confidential informant" gave an unverifiable anonymous opinion that Pence and Pelosi were in danger (with no cross examination allowed, or even the name of the person who alleged it, let alone any evidence that anonymous allegation is true.)
Rep.Pete Aguilar gave his opinion (as if it were fact, and it wasn't.)
Greg Jacob gave his opinion, and hearsay of what Pence, Pence's wife, and others thought or felt that day. White House counsel John Eastman is cited as having given a "padded cell" legal opinion to Greg Jacob, Mike Pence and other VP staffers, but was NOT specifically quoted in this above video clip, or was Eastman given a chance to testify in his own words, and with no citation of law or precedent, regarding Eastman's legal opinion that the VP had the ability to delay the Electoral Count for 10 or 14 days to allow investigation of the electoral count's authenticity, and allow nationally televised debate on joint-session House/Senate floor for two weeks of the evidence of electoral-vote validity, or electoral fraud.
And I've seen (and posted) multiple other high-profile legal opinions that Pence had the legal/Constitutional authority to call such a delay. But I think Pence, on bad advice of his staff, just threw in the towel and did what his staffers told him to do, possibly thinking that's all he could do. But Pence DID have options beyond that.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, in this clip, it is implied it was Trump supporters who rioted. I've made a case that there were AT LEAST 70 people in the Capitol that day, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, who were HOSTILE to Trump supporters, and openly wanted TO FRAME Trump supporters. And further, whether they were Trump supporters or not, it is implied without evidence that Trump was responsible for their being in the Capitol and rioting, and that is simply not in evidence, NOT proven.
Trump said "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support" for the Republican House and Senate members in the Capitol joint session, who were LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging the fraudulent 2020 electoral count, in his Jan 6th speech on the White House lawn, from 12 noon to 1:11 PM on January 6th. From 1:11 to 4:12 PM, Trump repeatedly posted on social media for his supporters to "remain peaceful". And when a handful of rioters pushed their way into the Capitol building, he released a video urging any protesters supporting him to "go home". Which even to the astonishment of Capitol police, they IMMEDIATELY DID.
NO PROOF (despite the "Select Committee's" allegation here) that Trump making a LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL challenge of the electoral vote, and pressing to delay the electoral count just a week or two, to allow its legitimacy to be investigated and scrutinized by House and Senate Republicans, that this LEGAL process in any way caused the riot.
The "Select Committee on January 6th" was so objective and credible, and NOT AT ALL DEMOCRAT-PARTISAN that... the moment the Democrats lost power in Jan 2023, THE DEMOCRATS SHREDDED HALF THE DOCUMENTS FROM THE JANUARY 6th INVESTIGATION, SO THAT NO ONE CAN SEE THE EVIDENCE OF THE DEMOCRATS' LIES, FALSIFICATION AND MALFEASANCE IN THEIR FRAUDULENT "INVESTIGATION". Democrats shredded the documents !! So Republicans could not confirm and verify their "evidence". Because Adam Schiff-like, they made public statements for 2 years, alleging "evidence" of things that doesn't actually exist. And shredded the "evidence" (or lack thereof) to avoid getting caught.
More pointedly, Rep. Pete Agiular (D-CA), a hyperpartisan weasel, as all the Democrats on this committee are, just promoting an incendiary narrative, with no interest in the actual facts, tells us in the clip that "a CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT inside the Proud Boys said they would have killed Pence, Pelosi, or anyone they could get their hands on."
"Confidential informant", HMMMM....
As I stated above, "confidential informant" = undercover FBI agent. That would be the same 97% Democrat-donating FBI who despises Trump and his supporters, who were among the crowd disguised as Trump supporters, who had already framed people just weeks before in the Gretchen Whitmer fake kidnapping sting that I just mentioned above? An ANONYMOUS UN-NAMED FBI agent, one in spirit with James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
WOW, how could we possibly question this ANONYMOUS Trump-hating source, we just have to believe everything he said as fact, scout's honor.
So... there is no verifiable sourced evidence that ANY of what was alleged in this show-trial "testimony" is true. NO EVIDENCE that Mike Pence or anyone else was in actual danger. No evidence protesters/rioters planned to kidnap or kill Pence or anyone else. No zip-ties or other restraints found or seen on surveillance video. No getaway van. No guns or other weapons found to conduct such a killing or abduction. [ As there was in, oh, say, the Democrat leftist fanatic who showed up with a gun and zip-ties to abduct Brett Kavanaugh. Or the siege on Trump's White House in May of 2020 by BLM and Antifa, where 50 Secret Service agents were wounded, where Secret Service had to evacuate President Trump to a more secure location, , and there were organized BLM/Antifa (probably Soros-funded) dropped-off pallettes of bricks and weapons strategically placed on nearby street corners in DC, for the crowd to attack the White House. ]
And then after the May 2020 BLM/Anifa siege on the Trump White House, the news media was so angry when the next day after, when then-President Trump walked across the White House lawn to the just- burned church across the street, and the media was enraged when they later realized they were tricked into actually videotaping and broadcasting the evidence of the vast war-like siege and destruction that BLM and Antifa had left behind the previous day. That till Trump walked out across it with cameras rolling, and the media covered him, the media had till then hidden and ignored. Oh, how dare Trump walk across the street and show that Bible at the burned church, forcing us to document the destruction that now even we the media can't deny, because we were tricked into showing it on national television. How dare he !!.
AGAIN: If the Trump supporters wanted to hurt Pence, Pelosi, or anyone else WHY DIDN'T THEY?!?
By the Democrats' and the media's own account, there was a shortage of police in and around the Capitol, and the PEACEFUL Trump protesters, and the few rioters (who I am sill convinced were almost all undercover FBI agents, DHS agents, undercover DC Metro police, and Antifa, who were there to incite and get Trump supporters blamed in a false-flag operation. ) But the Trump supporters DIDN'T hurt anyone.
And in truth, the only people hurt or who died that day were Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, who died of a stroke, period, the end, despite conspiracies floated otherwise. And Ashli Babbitt, who was without question shot dead by a trigger-happy Capitol police lieutenant, NOT by Trump supporters.
And the deaths of Rosanne Boyland (age 34), Kevin Greeson (age 55); and Benjamin Philips (age 50), who all died allegedly of "natural causes", but all three had pre-diagnosed fragile conditions, and these deaths are sill being investigated as having died because a capitol police officer (or someone disguised as an officer) kept shooting concussion grenades into a peaceful crowd OUTSIDE the Capitol building, over and over, at protesters just standing around waving flags, pummeling them with repeated unnecessary trauma that is believed to have caused their strokes and heart attacks, that would have otherwise not died.
Carefully edited liberal media narrative, that glosses over the omitted FACTS that I have cited.
It bypasses that Trump signed an executive order several days in advance of Jan 6th, authorizing at least 10,000 National Guard troops to be placed in Washington Square, that would have prevented ANY possible rioting that day. It was Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser who obstructed and prevented this placement of troops on Jan 6th. That, as one example, is COMPLETELY IGNORED and OMITTED from this propaganda narrative.
No mention of the 20 undercover FBI, the 20 undercover DHS agents, the 10 undercover DC Metro police, the at least 20 Antifa Salt Lake City led by John Earle Sullivan, ALL DISGUISED AS Trump protesters.
And that's for openers. Those are major omissions.
There isn’t a signed executive order from Trump for more security in the national archives WB. Nor did he try to get more help on that day as the Capitol was being stormed . The commander in chief waited hours before asking his people that he loved to leave. In the years since no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could actually stand in a court of a law has been produced. Just radicalized republicans wanting their guy in power even though he lost. Biden was winning in the polls before the election, he won the popular vote and he won the electoral college. Numerous recounts only enforced that win.
And Mitch McConnell and McCarthy both torpedoed an independent bipartisan commission. By that point it was all about protecting Trump and trying to run interference. I consider the republicans that bravely put country before Trump and sacrificed their political careers for pursuing the truth heroes. Likewise for the law enforcement that spoke out about their experiences on Jan 6.
There isn’t a signed executive order from Trump for more security in the national archives WB. Nor did he try to get more help on that day as the Capitol was being stormed . The commander in chief waited hours before asking his people that he loved to leave. In the years since no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could actually stand in a court of a law has been produced. Just radicalized republicans wanting their guy in power even though he lost. Biden was winning in the polls before the election, he won the popular vote and he won the electoral college. Numerous recounts only enforced that win.
And Mitch McConnell and McCarthy both torpedoed an independent bipartisan commission. By that point it was all about protecting Trump and trying to run interference. I consider the republicans that bravely put country before Trump and sacrificed their political careers for pursuing the truth heroes. Likewise for the law enforcement that spoke out about their experiences on Jan 6.
That is pure Democrat party propaganda.
Muriel Bowser answered Trump's order for 10,000 national guard troops, IN WRITING, beyond denial, that there was an order by Trump for 10,000 national guard. Pelosi and Schumer are also documented, but not in written responses.
Kash Patel and others witnessed in interviews they were present and/or involved in Trump's order being issued. And that they were astonished that Pelosi, Schumer , their respective sergeants-at-arms, and other Democrat leaders obstructed Trump's ordered security measures. These Democrats expressed that they didn't like "the optics" of a large troop presence in Washington Square, and so rejected and obstructed Trump's CLEARLY authorized security measures for Jan 6th. And a few days later on Jan 6th, they were begging repeatedly for the troops they had rejected. I don't know how you can deny it.
But of course, these same Democrats had absolutely no problem with creating "Camp Pelosi" after Jan 6th, with 20,000 armed National Guard at that point, and high barb wire fences around the Capitol, to intimidate and crush all protest and opposition to Biden's stolen presidency, and to hundreds of Biden executive orders. And the Democrat-Bolshevik purge of Republicans from military officer leadership, purged from government agencies, and purged even federal contractors. 20,000 National Guard troops. There were only 1,000 people allowed to attend Biden's Jan 20 2021 inauguration, so that was 20 armed soldiers present for every person attending. Democrat-Bolshevism on full display, in all its oppressive authoritarian glory. Seig Heil !
And then a second wave of Democrat purging and crushing all dissent in the nex few months, with the Covid-19 mandates, and AGAIN purging anyone (Republicans, Independents, and any Democrats who dared to think for themselves and refuse the vaccine) Including thousands of doctors and nurses in hospitals nationwide, medically trained people who best understood the medical risks of taking an experimental "emergency use authorization" mandated MRNA vaccine. And for daring to think for themselves and not just OBEY the Democrat-Bolshevik vaccine mandate, they were fired and lost their careers.
Oh, no! Guy who can't detect the irony in writing this said I don't contribute. Garsh darn it! Guess I've been humbled.
The irony is your trying to claim it is my comments, and not yours, that are ironic.
You're a clown and a moron, with Tourette's Syndrome, Iggy. You just can't help yourself !
No impulse control whatsoever. And you'e malicious, with no interest in actual facts or the truth. You have a pathological need to lash out and insult those who disagree with you. You contribute no debate or facts, just unhinged angry insults at anyone who disagrees with you, not the slightest pretense of debate or a willingness to hear both sides of the issue.
And beyond that, you're just a liar.
You make up fake quotes. You came on these boards 15 years or so ago, posting Pat Buchanan articles, and fronting to be a Ron Paul supporter, but are clearly on the Left, and have absolute unhinged contempt for ANY Republican conservative, and ANY conservative media source.
And you suck at the nipple gulping up every word as gospel from CNN, Politico, New York Times, and any other CLEARLY Democrat/Left subservient news source. Sources who have been humiliated REPEATEDLY for publishing disproven obvious lies as if they were news. THESE people you believe, while scorning sources like Fox News, who have not similarly deliberately and maliciously published untruths in a vindictive attempt to one-sidedly destroy the president or the party they don't like.
I've cited repeatedly just a small sampling of liberal media reporters who have been caught and/or fired for being shameless activists for the Democrat/Left, and have shamelessly AND DELIBERATELY gotten the facts wrong, OVER AND OVER, in their fanatical partisan zeal to destroy Trump, and to simultaneously prop up whatever given Democrat candidate.
And really, way further back than 2016 or 2020, it first became visible with Dan Rather's fake letter in 2004, alleged to be from George W. Bush's Air Force National Guard commander, but was proven to be false, NOT by mainstream media, but by independent journalists and bloggers in the early days of the internet. (Certainly, NO ONE in the mainstream media made any effort to prove or disprove the letter. They were all on Team Kerry.) Dan Rather was fired as the anchor for CBS, but (just like Brian Williams, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Clapper, on and on) the liberal media waits a little while., and then hires them back as if they were trustworthy elder statesmen, and not the criminals and liars they have been exposed nationwide to be, re-hired in positions that lend them pseudo-credibility as "political consultants" to tell dumb sheep like you and M E M the lies you want to hear.
More examples of liberal media bias and collusion in a false narrative:
Trayvon Martin coverage. Michael Brown coverage, in Ferguson, Missouri.
Nicholas Sandmann and the whole false narrative surrounding him, that caused several networks to be sued for hundreds of millions in compensation , making Nicholas Sandmann a very rich kid for the rest of his life.
Over and over, the liberal media gives us a narrative, that generally within 24 to 48 hours is exposed as lies, that any trustworthy news source would have confirmed before they aired the story or published it. Would have checked, if they were trustworthy journalists, before a MORE RELIABLE source did a 5-minute fact check and instantly proved them wrong, and exposed them as partisan activists rather than reporters.
All the liberal media's false narratives about Covid masks, Covid lockdowns, downplaying how ineffecual Covid vaccines were, and their side effects, and how even having all those risks they didn't work. Fake narratives about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (that many fake news reporters like Chris Cuomo railed against, then got sick wih Covid, then used Hydroxychloroquine to get well, then went right back to reporting how dangerous these drugs were, despite that they used them to get well with no ill effects. AND that both those medications have been in the U.S. and worldwide for 60 or 80 years before the Covid pandemic came along, and are PROVEN award-winning drugs in fighting Malaria, Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid arthritis and many other illnesses, with virtually no reported negative effects. And that the regions of the Third World that still use them them had relatively few Covid cases, during the Covid pandemic.
But it goes back even further than that, to the Democrat party/liberal media/FBI machine's framing of people like Karl Rove's aide Scooter Libby,. And former Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)
That in retrospect, looking at these historical prosecutions and liberal-media feeding frenzies, we can see the unholy alliance of Democrat conspirators in federal agencies like DOJ, FBI, CIA and IRS, plotting in unison with Democrat journalists. ( Remember Journo-List ? REPORTERS brainstorming how to destroy Bernie Sanders, to pave the way for a Hillary Clinton nomination? REPORTERS plotting how to destroy McCain and Sarah Palin with fake allegations?) Reporters and federal agencies, plotting in unison with Democrat party leaders like the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, the Biden/Harris administration, Pelosi, Schumer and others. In many cases these news networks and newspapers have been caught sending Democrat candidates the debate questions in advance, or e-mailing Democrat candidates stories before airing or publishing them, giving Dems like Hillary the option to spike a story if the Democrat candidate feels it's too damaging to them.
And more.
The Hunter Biden laptop given to the FBI by a computer repairman, that the 97% Democrat-donating FBI buried and hid for over a year, to get Joe Biden through the 2020 election.
State Department and FBI, hiding the red flags given to them about Hunter Biden cash wire transfers, reportedto them by other European governments, hiding these reports to get Biden through the 2020 election.
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media suppressing FACTS about the Hunter Biden laptop, in unison wih Bill Priestap and other (Democrat) former FBI and CIA agents who were then working as executives for Facebook and Twitter. To again again help Democrats still in FBI and CIA suppress the Hunter Biden Laptop story, that they KNEW was a true and accurate story, that they suppressed falsely with a "Russian disinformation" narrative.
Using a falsified FISA warrant, Democrat FBI agents spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, and another 6 months after, into Trump's presidency in 2017. And through surveillance of Trump officials, FBI listened in on phone calls Trump campaign officials had with New York Post reporter Miranda Devine, who was assembling her series of articles on the Hunter Biden laptop, so when they knew she was getting ready to publish it, the Democrat-controlled FBI and other intelligence agencies assembled their "51 intelligence officials see laptop as Russian disinformation" letter, a deliberate false narrative, to bury a TRUE story, to help Biden win the 2020 election.
Anyone who can't see the Democrat auhoritarian corruption and conspiracy at the core of all the above is willfully blind to the obvious.
A former Donald Trump administration official has denied that the ex-president chose not to summon the National Guard during the January 6 insurrection.
Kash Patel, the former administration official, was present as a Trump witness on Wednesday for a potentially significant hearing taking place in Colorado. The trial will determine whether Mr Trump is eligible to run for the 2024 presidential ballot based on the 14th Amendment.
Mr Patel was the chief of staff to acting defence secretary Christopher Miller during the events of 6 January.
The former Trump administration official and right-wing activist denied allegations that the former president obstructed the authorisation of the National Guard’s deployment.
Mr Patel claimed that it was DC mayor Muriel Bowser who delayed calls for the National Guard days before the insurrection, reported The Hill.
“Mayor Bowser wrote a letter herself on approximately Jan 4. … declining further requests for National Guard services outside of the 346 National Guardsmen already authorised,” he said.
Mr Trump is said to have initially resisted sending in the National Guard to clear rioters who stormed the US Capitol.
Even though police on Capitol Hill were overwhelmed after they were stormed by the president’s supporters shortly after a speech he delivered, Mr Trump was unwilling to activate the National Guard, the New York Times said.
Former Vice President Mike Pence approved the order to deploy the guard, acting in conjunction with Pat Cipollone, the White House counsel, the newspaper said. The army activated 1,100 troops of the DC National Guard, an army official told the paper.
Mr Patel’s testimony, however, runs contrary to the findings made by the House January 6 committee as his boss Mr Miller had testified that no order was given to prepare a minimum of 10,000 National Guard troops.
He also said Mr Trump had authorised the deployment of 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops to support law enforcement. Mr Patel cited multiple meetings he had witnessed.
This claim, however, also contradicts findings by the Department of Defence published two years after the insurrection.
“President Trump had authority and responsibility to direct deployment of the National Guard in the District of Columbia, but never gave any order to deploy the National Guard on January 6th or on any other day,” said a Pentagon report.
“Nor did he instruct any Federal law enforcement agency to assist.”
During the hearing, Mr Patel was also grilled over his writings about the supposed “Deep State” conspiracy against the former president.
“You wrote another book called Government Gangsters, is that right?” an attorney said. “And Government Gangsters is about your view that there’s a cabal or Deep State out there that is trying to ruin our country.”
“Not my view in the book, it’s outlined further action,” replied Mr Patel.
“And you wrote the book about the Deep State, right?” asked the attorney, to which Mr Patel replied in the affirmative.
“Is this proceeding part of the Deep State?”
“No, it’s a law enforcement proceeding,” Mr Patel said.
“Am I part of the Deep State?” the attorney said.
“I don’t know, I don’t really know you,” the right-wing activist said.
“Is the judge part of the Deep State?” asked the attorney.
“I take the judge to be beyond reproach,” Mr Patel said.
“Frankly, sir, you think that all liberals or liberal leadership are evil, right?” asked the attorney.
“That’s, that’s outrageous,” Mr Patel replied.
“I worked more in the Department of Justice for deputy attorney general Sally Yates than I ever did in the Republican administration... I worked as a public defender for eight years executing due process. So if you wanna make that globalization, because the cameras are on, you can go right ahead.”
On Wednesday, a Colorado judge ruled Mr Trump was not permitted to dismiss the trial that will decide his eligibility to be listed on the 2024 Republican primary ballot in the state.
Meanwhile, Mr Trump’s attorney moved a plea before a federal judge asking her to halt “all proceedings” in a separate case in Washington accusing him of trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat.
Earlier, US federal prosecutors pushed back against Mr Trump’s attempt to have election conspiracy charges dismissed on the grounds that he enjoyed immunity for actions he took while in the White House.
Re: " 'I don’t know, I don’t really know you,' the right-wing activist said. " Wow...
Despite the CLEAR liberal bias in this article, the article DOES acknowledge what Kash Patel and many other White House staffers testified under oath to, Trump ordering 10,000 , up to 20,000 National Guard troops (despite an anonymous Pentagon report alleging otherwise.)
The Jan. 6 congressional committee allegedly falsely claimed it did not have evidence showing former President Donald Trump’s administration requested National Guard assistance, according to a report detailing a "hidden transcript" that was recently released.
"The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative. Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along: President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down," Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk said in a statement on Friday.
Loudermilk released a transcript of former White House deputy chief of staff Anthony Ornato’s interview with the congressional committee investigating Jan. 6 on Friday, following the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, also a Fox News contributor, reporting, "Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence" that the Trump administration pushed for 10,000 National Guard members to be on the streets. Ornato’s interview was conducted in January 2022, and attended by [Liz] Cheney, among other members on the committee. In addition to serving as deputy chief of staff under Trump, Ornato served in the Secret Service for decades.
The committee, which included seven Democrats and two now-former Republican Congress members, Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, concluded that it found "no evidence" that the Trump administration called for 10,000 National Guard members to Washington, D.C., to protect the Capitol.
Trump has long claimed that he requested the National Guard but that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., failed to act on the request. Amid and following the congressional committee’s investigation, media outlets such as the Washington Post "debunked" Trump’s comments, repeatedly awarding him "Four Pinocchios."
Loudermilk on Friday released a transcript of Ornato’s interview with the committee detailing that he overheard then-White House hief of staff Mark Meadows asking D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as much protection for D.C. as she needed.
"When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?" a staffer with the committee asked Ornato.
"I remember he had – he was on the phone with [Bowser], and we – I had walked in for something, and I was there, and he was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed. Because I think it was the concern of anti and pro groups clashing is what I recall. And not anywhere near the Capitol, this was just out on the mall area or at the event; and wanted to know if she needed any more guardsmen," Ornato responded, according to the transcript reviewed by Fox News Digital.
Ornato went on to cite the "10,000" guardsmen number, according to the transcript, arguing Trump wanted "to make sure that you have enough."
"And I remember the number 10,000 coming up of, you know, the President wants to make sure that you have enough. You know, he is willing to ask for 10,000. I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it. And that she was all set. She had, I think it was like 350 or so for intersection control and those types of thing not in the law enforcement capacity at the time. And then that's the only thing I recall with that number 10,000 National Guard guardsmen," he continued.
Bowser ultimately asked for just over 300 National Guard members, who she requested would not be armed and only work to assist the local police department.
Ornato said in his interview with the committee that after Bowser refused additional National Guard members, the White House requested the Defense Department have a "quick reaction force" on hand.
"The only thing I remember with DOD and the National Guard was even though the mayor didn’t want any more National Guard in D.C., that a request was made to have kind of a, lack of better term, a quick reaction force out at Joint Base Andrews being that it was a military installation," Ornato said in his interview, according to the transcript.
"I remember Chief Meadows talking to DOD about that, I believe. I remember Chief Meadows letting me know that, ‘Hey, there was going to be National Guard that’s going to be at Joint Base Andrews in case they’re going to need some more, we’re going to – the Mayor would need any, we’re going to make sure they’re out there.'"
Cheney’s spokesman Jeremy Adler told Fox News Digital on Sunday morning that the Federalist’s report is "flatly false."
"The Federalist report is flatly false. No transcripts were destroyed, and as this letter (which has long been public) describes in detail, the Committee adhered to its obligations to allow the Secret Service to protect sensitive security information for interviews of its agents before preserving that testimony in the archives," Adler said in a statement.
Except that... it's NOT "flatly false", IS it? Because the "Jan 6th Select Committee" that was oh-so-dedicated to its obligations to preserve all documents, that it later in Jan 2023 when Republicans gained control of the House and all committees, including this one, TRIED TO SHRED ALL DOCUMENTS, TO PREVENT REPUBLICANS FROM READING WHAT THESE DOCUMENTS ACTUALLY SAID.
Back to the article...
[Cheny spokesperson Jeremy Adler continues: ] "Also, relevant content of the Secret Service transcripts was summarized in multiple places in the report… This is all a continuation of efforts to lie about and cover up Donald Trump’s culpability for January 6th," he added, providing links to summarized Secret Service transcripts.
Cheney also took to X this weekend and referred to the report as "BS" while responding to a tweet posted by Mark Levin.
Meadows was reportedly worried about the crowd size ahead of Jan. 6, including from left-wing protesters, according to the Federalist’s report, which pointed to Ornato’s transcript detailing members of the Trump administration wanted to ensure there were enough troops on the streets.
[ Ornato conttinues: ] "And, again, the crowd sizes were, you know, the organizers were saying, you know, there may be 50,000 here. So that’s where it started, I think, to scare the chief a little bit of how many people were coming in for this event, and wanted to make sure that they would be able to bring in National Guard if needed for this size of this many people inside D.C.," Ornato said.
When supporters of former President Trump ultimately breached the Capitol, Ornato said in his interview that the White House called on acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller to deploy assistance.
"So then I remember the chief saying, ‘Hey, I’m calling secretary of defense to get that [quick reaction force] in here,'" Ornato said.
"[T]he constant was, you know, where is the National Guard? Why isn’t – you know, we’ve got to get control of this," Ornato added.
"But, you know, [Meadows] understood the urgency, that’s for sure. And he kept, you know, getting Miller on the phone, wanting to know where they were, why aren’t they there yet," he later added.
Hemingway detailed in her report that Ornato’s testimony matched what former Trump administration aide Kash Patel said during testimony amid Colorado’s failed efforts to boot Trump from the ballot over claims his 2024 presidential run violates the 14th Amendment.
"Mayor Bowser wrote a letter herself on approximately Jan. 4.… declining further requests for National Guard services outside of the 346 National Guardsmen already authorized," Patel said late last year in testimony.
"The authorization came in beforehand. It was relayed to the appropriate officials in D.C. and the Capitol Police. It was declined, and we acted when their request finally came in on January 6," he continued.
The judge in the Colorado case determined Patel was not a credible witness.
Last year, a group of Colorado voters brought a lawsuit arguing Trump should be deemed ineligible from holding political office under a Civil War-era insurrection clause and that his name should thus be barred from appearing on the 2024 ballot. The group said Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021, when supporters breached the U.S. Capitol, violated a clause in the 14th Amendment that prevents officers of the United States, members of Congress or state legislatures who "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the Constitution from holding political office.
The case was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which unanimously ruled in Trump’s favor, allowing him to remain on the Colorado ballot and squelching other states’ efforts to remove the former president from their ballots.
Ornato said the Trump White House on Jan. 6 continually asked, "What’s taking so long?" to deploy assistance to the city, but the rollout was allegedly riddled with hangups.
"Every time [Meadows] would ask, ‘What’s taking so long?’ It would be, like, you know, ‘This isn’t just start the car and we’re there. We have to muster them up, we have to’ – so it was constant excuses coming of – not excuses, but what they were actually doing to get them there," he said. "So, you know, ‘We only have so many here right now. They’re given an hour to get ready.’ So there’s, like, all these timelines that was being explained to the chief. And he relayed that, like, you know – he’s like, ‘I don’t care, just get them here,’ you know, and ‘Get them to the Capitol, not to the White House.'"
It should be pointed out that Pentagon generals IMMEDIATELY deployed troops to protect their own homes in DC from potential rioting and looting on Jan 6th. It was only EVERYONE ELSE that they had to "follow procedure" to activate the DC National Guard over several hours to deploy. But they sure as hell made sure their own homes were protected. These would be the same generals who allege in a Pentagon report that Trump didn't give authorization for 10,000-20,000 National Guard troops days in advance of Jan 6th ? I cited this in another post a few months ago, discussing a detailed timeline of Jan 6th . https://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1239241#Post1239241
Back to the article...
The Jan. 6 report detailed that Gen. Mark Milley said Vice President Mike Pence had called acting Secretary Miller at least two times calling for National Guard presence, while Meadows had allegedly called to "kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all the decisions."
"In contrast, according to General Milley, Chief of Staff Meadows called and said, ‘We have to kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all the decisions. We need to establish the narrative, you know, that the President is still in charge and that things are steady or stable,’ or words to that effect. I immediately interpreted that as politics, politics, politics,’" the report states.
The report states Trump did not personally make a call.
Just days before Jan. 6, 2021, an op-ed penned by former defense secretaries, including Liz Cheney’s father Dick Cheney, argued against involving the military in election disputes. Hemingway cited a report in her piece that Liz Cheney "organized" the op-ed and had allegedly "‘secretly orchestrated’ a pressure campaign to prevent the Defense Department from deploying resources on January 6, 2021."
Trump has meanwhile previously claimed that [Liz?] Cheney "deleted" evidence that his administration wanted a greater presence of National Guard members.
"Why did American Disaster Liz Cheney … ILLEGALLY DELETE & DESTROY most of the evidence, and related items, from the January 6th Committee of Political Thugs and Misfits. THIS ACT OF EXTREME SABOTAGE MAKES IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR MY LAWYERS TO PROPERLY PREPARE FOR, AND PRESENT, A PROPER DEFENSE OF THEIR CLIENT, ME. All of the information on Crazy Nancy Pelosi turning down 10,000 soldiers that I offered to to [sic] guard the Capitol Building, and beyond, is gone," Trump posted on Truth Social on Jan. 1, 2024.
The [January 6th House] committee's final report determined that Trump "never gave any order to deploy the National Guard."
"President Trump had authority and responsibility to direct deployment of the National Guard in the District of Columbia, but never gave any order to deploy the National Guard on January 6th or on any other day. Nor did he instruct any Federal law enforcement agency to assist. Because the authority to deploy the National Guard had been delegated to the Department of Defense, the Secretary of Defense could, and ultimately did deploy the Guard," the report states.
In his Friday statement and transcript release, Loudermilk claimed the committee "hid" Ornato’s testimony. Loudermilk is chairman of the House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight, which is looking into the Jan. 6 committee’s handling of the investigation.
"This is just one example of important information the former Select Committee hid from the public because it contradicted what they wanted the American people to believe. And, this is exactly why my investigation is committed to uncovering all the facts, no matter the outcome," Loudermilk said in his statement.
Fox News Digital reached out to Bowser, Loudermilk and the Trump campaign for additional comment on the matter, but did not immediately receive responses.
I’ve read the claims that he was for having national guards there in advance of his rally but that doesn’t change the fact that he sent his people to be there and then watched the violence unfold. He didn’t call the national guard or show a drop of concern for the elected officials, personal and security people inside the building. The only concern was for his people he watched beat on security and break into the Capitol. Mike Pence and others tried to get help in sooner but not your fat unfit pos sore loser. Even his toadies are not making that claim. Instead you get Meadows telling people afterwards that we need to kill the narrative that it was Pence trying to get the guard in. Trump failed as commander in chief right before our eyes on Jan 6.
I'm not convinced putting sentences into large font and bold is going to persuade anyone, Dave. My eyes skim over it.
As a foreigner (not to me, but to most of you) setting aside the deaths and injuries of the day, I think I was most dismayed by the Confederate flag being walked through the Capitol building.
That's got to be a cause of national shame, no matter your political persuasion. I think about something analogous and its consequences: There'd be riots if the nazi flag was walked through the Houses of Parliament in London, let alone the National Assembly in Paris.
Lincoln would have been spinning in his grave. I watched General Milley talk about this during I think a congressional hearing, and when he noted it, you could see he had to swallow his fury. How galling that the enemy flag of a slaving nation should be in any government building except as a trophy of war, let alone upright while lawmakers scrambled to safety.
I'm not convinced putting sentences into large font and bold is going to persuade anyone, Dave. My eyes skim over it.
As a foreigner (not to me, but to most of you) setting aside the deaths and injuries of the day, I think I was most dismayed by the Confederate flag being walked through the Capitol building.
That's got to be a cause of national shame, no matter your political persuasion. I think about something analogous and its consequences: There'd be riots if the nazi flag was walked through the Houses of Parliament in London, let alone the National Assembly in Paris.
Lincoln would have been spinning in his grave. I watched General Milley talk about this during I think a congressional hearing, and when he noted it, you could see he had to swallow his fury. How galling that the enemy flag of a slaving nation should be in any government building except as a trophy of war, let alone upright while lawmakers scrambled to safety.
The MAGA traitors will just blame that on the phantom "Antifa/CIA plants".
I'm not convinced putting sentences into large font and bold is going to persuade anyone, Dave. My eyes skim over it.
As a foreigner (not to me, but to most of you) setting aside the deaths and injuries of the day, I think I was most dismayed by the Confederate flag being walked through the Capitol building.
That's got to be a cause of national shame, no matter your political persuasion. I think about something analogous and its consequences: There'd be riots if the nazi flag was walked through the Houses of Parliament in London, let alone the National Assembly in Paris.
Lincoln would have been spinning in his grave. I watched General Milley talk about this during I think a congressional hearing, and when he noted it, you could see he had to swallow his fury. How galling that the enemy flag of a slaving nation should be in any government building except as a trophy of war, let alone upright while lawmakers scrambled to safety.
The MAGA traitors will just blame that on the phantom "Antifa/CIA plants".
It's always somebody else's fault.
Or more accurately, Republicans/Conservatives/Trump supporters, ARE RIGHT. That they WERE framed, and the true perpetrators are false-flag Antifa and federal agents.
Well over 100,000 "peaceful and patriotic" Trump supporters showed up on January 6th, NOT to riot, NOT to commit an "insurrection" (a lying narrative that has been utterly destroyed by the facts). NOT "traitors". Just over 100,000 Trump supporters showed up to express their first amendment free speech right to their opinion, and first amendment right to PEACEFULLY assemble, and PEACEFULLY protest an unfair and rigged election.
1) That the election was rigged and that Joe Biden should never have been president, is abundantly clear now. The suppressed Hunter Biden laptop, participation by the FBI and CIA in suppressing it, with semi-retired high-level FBI and CIA agents from both those federal agencies further working in the private sector to suppress the laptop story through their executive positions in Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies, working in coordination with [Democrat] agents still in FBI and CIA to do so. 17% of Democrats in poll after poll over the last 4 years say they would NOT have voted for Joe Biden if they had known the suppressed truth on Hunter Biden's laptop. PERIOD. THE END. Fact. A rigged election.
2) Further, the irregularities in voting, with millions of faked mail-in ballots. Until 3 AM on election night, Trump was winning in all 7 battleground states. Then in each of these states, Republican vote observers were sent home,on the pretense that vote-counting would stop for the night and resume in the morning. And with Democrats alone, counting un-observed, WOW, suddenly there was an insane spike in votes for Joe Biden. WOW, WHAT AN AMAZING COINCIDENCE ! Biden got just enough votes nationwide, in a few Democrat-controlled cities and voting centers, to manufacture a "narrow" Biden victory in the election. But security video in Atlanta shows Democrat election workers pulling out boxes of fake votes as soon as Republican vote observers were tricked into leaving, with the excuse of a fake "water main break". And at roughly the same time, security video also shows a Ryder truck pulling up at 3AM behind the Detroit voting center, filled with giant garbage bags of fake ballots, with no chain of custody. WOW AGAIN, nothing suspicious AT ALL about the sudden spike in ballots counted for Biden after that 3AM drop-off, with no Republican observers, at the Detroit voting center.
3) And the faked letter by "51 intelligence officials" (organized by now-secretary of state Anthony Blinkin) who in a signed letter condemned the Hunter Biden laptop story when released (which FBI knew about because they were doing illegal surveillance on Rudy Giuliani and other Trump campaign officials in late 2016, in their conversations for months with reporter Miranda Devine as she prepared the Hunter Biden laptop story, in the weeks leading up to publication of that series of articles, FBI surveilling them all, using a faked illegal FISA surveillance warrant to do so).
4) The "Twitter files" released by Elon Musk when he took over Twitter, and gave them to several respected independent journalists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter_Files Man, is the liberal media working overtime to try and bury THAT story.
Who are the victims, Australia-Dave? Who are the criminals?
Despite the evidence being clear, you refuse to look at the truth, that this is a government weaponized against its people. And Trump and his supporters are the victims. There is OVERWHELMING evidence of conspiracy by Democrats in federal agencies, and malicious prosecution of Trump and his supporters
And then the protests on January 6th....
20 undercover FBI agents in the protest crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. 20 DHS agents undercover hidden in the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. 10 DC Metro police officers hidden in the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. At least 20 Antifa activists hidden in the crowd, led by John Earle Sullivan, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters. All with hostility toward Trump supporters stated in their own videos (Antifa, John Earle Sullivan) or on social media(many individual FBI and DC Metro officers), or even in media interviews after and far preceding Jan 6th (Michael Fanone, and Harry Dunn, among others) . All there to frame Trump supporters.
And by he way, ALL the deaths on January 6th were Trump supporters, andNONE of hem were inflice by Trump supporters. Even officer Brian Sicknick (who died of a stroke) had written his congressman in opposition to the Trump impeachment, a year prior to his death.
An UNARMED Ashli Babbitt (age 35) was shot to death by Capitol police Lt. Michael Byrd, through the window panel on a locked door, for NO LOGICAL REASON. She was no threat to him.
The other three deaths, Roseanne Boyland (age 34), Kevin Greeson (age 55); and Benjamin Philips (age 50) all had pre-diagnosed health conditions and officially are listed as "natural causes" deaths. But witnesses in the crowd attest to the fact that despite just standing there waving flags, a photographed but unidentified police officer (or someone disguised as one) hit them with concussion grenades over and over, and it was that unnecessary trauma, not natural causes, that caused each of them to go into cardiac arrest from which they could not be revived.
70 fake Trump supporters, particularly the "at least 20" undercover FBI agents, at least one of whom, an FBI supervisor, had just orchestrated a fake kidnapping incident in Michigan to frame conservatives there for a non-existent Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping in Michigan a few months prior, a wife-swapping, wife-beating supervisor who in his social media posts hates Republicans and Trump supporters, who led the framing sting operation.
And JUST BY THE WILDEST COINCIDENCE, well... THIS guy is selected to oversee FBI surveillance of the Trump supporters on January 6th.
And with all those 70 operatives and possibly many more they don't admit to, only 60 incidents of vandalism or violence on January 6th. Where, in contrast, historically at least 6 other incidents have occurred in the Capitol over the last 70 years, that FAR exceed the violence and destruction of the minor rioting that occurred on January 6th. And I think most if not all those 60 lesser Jan 6th incidents of vandalism and violence were done by Antifa, by undercover FBI, and by other Trump-hating false-flag agents.
There are dozens of men caught on video but were never identified or arrested, FBI never used face-recognition technology or cel phone signals to track them down. WHY IS THAT? Because they were false-flag FBI agents, that the FBI never wants to be identified. And yet FBI used that face-recognition software, and cel-phone "geo-fence", to identtify every last trespassing grandma who went in, or even near, the Capitol that day, smashed down their doors in 6 AM raids with AR-15 laser-dots on their heads as they threw them to the floor and arrested them. Maximum intimidation, when they could have just phoned them to surrender and meet FBI at an appointed time with their lawyer.
The ONLY ones I know of who violently clashed with police were the Oath Keepers, and they were tricked into it by an undercover FBI agent who shared a hotel room the night before Jan 6th with the Oath Keepers' leader, and it was his FBI agent who gave Oath Keepers their battle plan, very similar to the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, where FBI created the entire plot, provided the getaway van and the driver, and then tricked 2 or 3 dimwitted outsider locals to participate, but convicted them as if THEY created the plan, rather than the Trump-hating FBI who sett them up. An FBI desperate to manufacture fake "dangerous right-wing white supremacist incidents". The Democrat-weaponized FBI now uses 60% of its resources to chase these phantoms, JUST to create a "dangerous right wing white supremacist" anti-Trump narrative. Resources the FBI should be using to investigate the ACTUAL threats of drug cartels, Chinese spies, and the clear threat of islamic terrorism. But the 97% Democrat-donating FBI hoses away their limited resources, just to prop up a Democrat anti-Trump / anti-Republican narrative.
And then rather than these FBI agents being fired for obviously framing people in this fiasco, these FBI criminals were sent to the Capitol, to further frame Trump supporters on Jan 6th.
And of 1,300 Trump supporters arrested regarding Jan 6th, only 600 of whom in any way went inside the Capitol, 90% of whom were only guilty of at most "trespassing", punishable normally by a fine of $200 or less, were held in prison indefinitely without trial, for over 2 years. Until Republicans gained a majority in the Nov 2022 election, and inaugurated in Jan 2023, took over the House investigation of January 6th, and forced release of the suppressed 40,000 hours of Capitol surveillance video, PROVING these people almost all just walked around inside the Capitol and were guilty of no crimes. Even the innocent ones, along with those who were guilty of piddly offenses like stealing Nancy Pelosi's podium, or propping their feet up on a desk in Pelosi's outer office for a photo (urged to pose for the photo by undercover FBI agents), were pressured to sign confessions or face super-overcharged years in jail for piddly crimes, due to tacking on made-up federal charges of "interrupting a federal proceeding" and so forth. Some of them even committed suicide, when they cooperated in plea bargains for lighter sentences, and then FBI changed the bargain, screwed them over, and added on years in prison after the initial agreement, for what were non-crimes in the first place.
There are DOZENS of people FBI initially had photos up of on their website, who were the true instigators, who committed ACTUAL violent crimes and vandalism, done to frame or incite Trump supporters who didn't take the bait. And then FBI took down their photos, never identified them, never prosecuted them. Because they were the FBI's own guys, and FBI doesn't wan to embarass themselves by identifying them. In the case of Ray Epps, FBI tried to do the same, but he was too high profile and clearly identified in conservative media, so they had to give him a minor sentence. But still less punishment than the innocent Trump supporters they framed, for far lesser non-existent fake crimes.
And regarding the Confederate flag displayed on Jan 6th :
1) SHOW ME where those waving that flag were clearly identified at "Trump supporters". I think it was false-flag agents, not actual Trump supporters, who were displaying that flag. In one of these topics, I sourced an article identtifying one of he more disgraceful protesters videotaped inside the Capitol (identified, because he was arrested) as a leftist radical DISGUISED AS a Trump supporter, and who further is the son of an ultra-Left liberal judge. Oh, OH, THE DISGRACE !!! THE CONFEDERATE FLAG, THE SHAME !! Well, whose disgrace is it? There are many incidents I've posed VIDEO of, where agent provacateurs smashed windows on he Capittol, and ACTUAL and PEACEFUL Trump supporters yelled "No no, Antifa" and several Trump supporters pulled he vandal away and blocked them from continuing any more vandalism.
2) As I've said repeatedly in a topic here at the time, in the Sept 2017 Charlottesville, VA protests, there were about 2,000 people there, mostly retired military and police, who clearly identified themselves as NOT white supremacists, who were ONLY protesting to preserve the history of keeping the statue of Robert E. Lee on a horse in front of he town's city hall. "Heritage, not hate", as many express on bumper stickers. Then about 200-or 300 "Unite he Right" activists who were TRULY white supremacists with their own issues and agenda, made speeches and pushed aside the statue issue to promote their own self serving anti-semitic and white supremacist ideology. The tiki-torches and "Jews will not replace us" stuff.
The 2,000 or so protesting just to keep the Robert E. Lee statue asked them to leave, and refused to march with them. But... that's NOT how the media portrayed it. They portrayed ALL the protesters as white supremacists. And the city council and mayor, and state governor (at that time all Democrats), withdrew police protection, and deliberately set up a situation where the two protesting sides were not kept apart, and set them up to clash with each other. To get the "violent dangerous white supremacists" narrative they wanted.
And likewise on Jan 6th, the media, elected leaders and local police orchestrated events to set up and portray the narrative they wanted. Ignoring all evidence to the contrary. To prop up their desired narrative.