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Trump is saying the only way the Dems could win is if they cheat.

That's silly of course. One party's candidate could easily beat the other given the thin margins involved.

Time to take up arms against a tyranny?

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brutally Kamphausened
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It's not silly if you are a Republican conservative, have eyes to see and read the facts of what has been occurring, really since about 2000.

The 2020 election was definitely rigged, as I've posted about a billion times. Trump was winning on election night 2020 in all the 7 batleground states in a landslide, two narrowly (Arizona and Georgia) , but the others states where Trump had margins of over 500,000 or 800,000 in the lead, with over 80% of the votes already counted.

Then after 3 AM, Democrat election officials sent the Republican vote observers home in all 7 of those states, where Democrat election workers secretly continued counting votes all night long, and lo and behold, there was an incredible spike in votes for Biden.
And a day later, a week later, two weeks later, there were still mail-in ballots being added every day for Biden. Many of them had no other down ballot candidates selected, just Biden. Because Democrat cheaters scribbling those ballots just didn't have time to fill out the others. In many counties, there were more votes than registered voters.
No verification of ballots, no re-counts, no audits.
It was rigged.

Likewise the fake letter by 51 intelligence officials, that said with no facts that the Hunter Biden laptop computer "looks like Russian disinformation", that absolutely, WITHOUT QUESTION altered and rigged the 2020 presidential election. Deceitfully influencing voters with false information. Poll after poll of Democrat voters has shown that if they knew the truth in advance about he suppressed Hunter Biden laptop, they would not have voted for Biden in Nov 2020.

Likewise, the "Twitter Files" released by Elon Musk, detailing the manipulation by FBI and CIA intelligence officials in executive positions of social media companies, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story from social media, that likewise UNQUESTIONABLY rigged the 2020 election.

There is only question of HOW MANY WAYS the 2020 election was rigged.

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich a few days ago said that if Trump wins by a margin of less than 4%, Democrats can rig the election. Only by winning an overwhelming margin can Trump surpass Democrats' ability to rig the election.
And frankly, I'm encouraged that Trump has a wider margin in the polls than in either 2016 or 2020. While Trump has a 1% to 2% lead in most polls at present (that I hope will go higher, and is trending that way), his actual undisclosed popular support is estimated to be much higher.
For example, in 2020, Biden was ahead in the polls an average of about 8.4%, but on election day, his actual victory margin was about 0.1%, or 8 points off from what was predicted.

I was really angry about the election steal in early 2021, and you can see what I posted then.

But I'm not going to fight in any revolutions at this point.

The nation will implode if Kamala Harris is elected. If I thought it would do any good, I might join in an armed fight against tyranny, but it simply wouldn't do any good. The Democrat-Bolsheviks will fall under their own weight, but (like he French Revolution, like Soviet Russia, like Castro's Cuba) it will take a few years for their regime to destroy itself.

Kamala and the Democrats would collapse the dollar.
They would further expand the torrent of millions more illegal immigrants into the U.S..
They would create a central bank digital U.S. currency to even further lock down government control.
And my greatest fear if Kamala Harris "wins" (in a rigged election), China will invade Taiwan. Probably the U.S. would not defend Taiwan to fight a war with China, just let it go the way of 1938 Czechoslavokia, surrender our ally Taiwan as a bargaining chip for temporary peace.
But inevitably, that weakness will just invite greater seizures by China, in an eventual (if not immediate) world war. And Australia would not escape that fate either.

If it got bad enough in the U.S., I would possibly just temporarily leave the country for a few years till the worst off it plays out, and come back after their French Revolution runs its evil course and ends, to help rebuild a post-Kamala America. If there is anything left to return to.

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"But I'm not going to fight in any revolutions at this point.

The nation will implode if Kamala Harris is elected. If I though it would do any good, I might join in an armed fight against tyranny, but it simply wouldn't do any good."'

Why not?

"If it got bad enough in the U.S., I would possibly just temporarily leave the country for a few years till the worst off it plays out, and come back after their French Revolution runs its evil course and ends, to help rebuild a post-Kamala America. If there is anything left to return to.""

Where would you go? Aside from Hungary, most Western countries have governments which are left of Harris.

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Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
"But I'm not going to fight in any revolutions at this point.

The nation will implode if Kamala Harris is elected. If I though it would do any good, I might join in an armed fight against tyranny, but it simply wouldn't do any good."'

Why not?

Because 2nd Amendment handguns and rifles are not effective against tanks, jets, missiles, and an otherwise heavily armed authoritarian Orwellian government.
It would be a turkey shoot of the patriots trying to save their country.
Did you see the post I made about 14 years ago, under Obama's presidency, the DHS had accumulated 2 billion rounds of ammunition?
Enough to supply a hot war such as Iraq at he peak of fighting for 100 years? And that much of this ammunition is hollow point, that the Geneva Convention prohibits being used in a war with another country. So its only use could be for DHS and the military to fire on U.S. citizens (i.e., on a citizens' revolt against an authoritarian government, that would be slaughtered.) and have built hundreds of unused FEMA camps to imprison any left, not killed.

January 6th 2021 is a perfect example. They used agents provocateur (at least 20 undercover FBI agents, a least 20 undercover DHS agents, at least 20 DC Metro police officers, at least 20 Antifa, led by John Earle Sullivan, and further agents who infiltrated Oath Keepers, 3-Percenters, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Movement, etc., who were manipulated on January 6th by undercover FBI agents.

FBI in advance set up a "Geo-fence" to idenify the cel phones of every Trump supporter who innocently entered in or around the Capitol building, and were tricked to do so. Of roughly 600 people who entered the building, 90% were only guilty of "trespaassing"
( If, with the deception on display that tricked them into entering, they were even guilty of trespassing).

"Trespassing" should at most be punishable by a $ 200 fine. But they were unjustly kept imprisoned (and many still are) FOR YEARS.
For trespassing. That's it, nothing else.
Meanwhile, BLM and Anttifa guys were let go by an ideologically Democrat-controlled DOJ and FBI, despite BLM / Antifa rioters /militants doing far worse crimes, trying to trap federal agents and police officers in burning federal buildings they were guarding from BLM/Antiffa.
Rioters who tried to burn police officers to death in their cars with Molotov cocktails thrown.
THESE people the FBI and DOJ just dropped charges on, who never had to even hire a lawyer, before a Democrat-allied FBI and DOJ let them go with no charges ever filed.
While millionaires like Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Peter Navarro and other Trump officials, and Trump himself, are bankrupted fighting DOJ/FBI fake charges.

And then after all these people were jailed, or at best only bankrupted, In Jan 2021 the Democrats then had 20,000 National Guard occupying Washington, that as Tucker Carlson said in a broadcast program I posted video of, the authoritarian message was: "Don't even dare to think about opposing us".

Even after they rigged the 2020 election, and framed Trump supporters en masse by the hundreds, just for waving flags and PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY opposing a rigged 2020 election, for peacefully opposing a corruptly installed Biden/Harris regime, with no re-counts, no investigation permitted. Despite that the votes are always supposed to be kept on file for 22 months after an election for PRECISELY such a constitutionally prescribed LAWFUL recount (clearly not an "insurrecion").
But after the 2020 election, within the first 2 weeks, Democrat-controlled election centers nationwide immediately began shredding paper ballots and wiping the voting machines and memory cards, to prevent just such a re-count, or investigation or audit.
Wow, nothing suspicious, NOTHING AT ALL !

When even Trump officials, military and political leaders like Flynn, Navarro and Roger Stone, with far more experience and wealth to resist such over-reach, cannot defend themselves against a Democrat-Bolshevik authoritarian coup, it is unlikely that I could do any better.

Somehow despite attempts to bankrupt Trump, with almost a billion dollars in lawsuits and fines against him, despite this (with his Truth Social online site and billions in wealth created for Trump by its public stock offering) Trump managed to expand his wealth by billions more, at almost exactly the time he was hit with a billion or so in legal costs. Very few people could do that, and come out on top.
Steve Bannon just got out of jail, convicted of bogus charges, that Eric Holder, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are actually guilty of, but never even charged, by a 97% Democrat-donating weaponized FBI.
Likewise Roger Stone, George Pappadapoulos, Michael Flynn, Michael Caputo, Peter Navarro and others. Despite their wealth, even they never had a chance against this Democrat-Bolshevik authoritarian system. Many went to jail, the lucky ones were pardoned by Trump.

So unless there is a way to fight, and the means to, I lack the resources to do so.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
[WB :]"If it got bad enough in the U.S., I would possibly just temporarily leave the country for a few years till the worst off it plays out, and come back after their French Revolution runs its evil course and ends, to help rebuild a post-Kamala America. If there is anything left to return to.""

Where would you go? Aside from Hungary, most Western countries have governments which are left of Harris.

Hungary is one I considered. Argentina has just given up at least a decade of socialist/communist rule, electing a Trump-like leader, who was similarly previously imprisoned by his political opposition.

Others, possibly Austria or the Netherlands, or somewhere more off-the-radar.
I would prefer to ride it out in a conservative and rural part of the U.S., but again, if even these pockets of freedom disappeared, I'd consider going elsewhere for a few years.

But if Kamala Harris and her hand-wringing puppetmasters seized power, Russia would be emboldened to escalate in Ukraine, China would be emboldened to escalate in Taiwan, Iran would have nukes and be able to put them on missiles, and world war, even nuclear war, would become a far greater possibility.
And in that scenario, like I said, even being in Australia, New Zealand, Patagonia or Outer Mongolia would not protect you from a nuclear war., anywhere in the world.
And if Kamala Harris were president, I fear that Russia, China, or Iran could fire a nuclear strike on the U.S., and Kamala and the Dems wouldn't even fire back, would let U.S. cities be slaughtered without any retaliation. Prime example o make my case: Afghanistan.

Or alternately, Kamala and the Dems could over-react in a global crisis, just to LOOK militarily tough, without ever ACTUALLY BEING TOUGH, or ever BEING ABLE to be, and could cause a nuclear war by over-reaction, with an enemy who would not hesitate to use nukes, while a Democrat/woke Harris presidency would be known to be too weak to fight back, even to the worst attacks on the U.S..

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Oh well, moot point now.

If you have ever been to Hungary, you don't want to go a second time.

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Hungarian women are really nice to look at.

And Hungary is a country committed to preserving their security and national idenity, the only European nation that adequately guards its borders and deports illegal immigrants, particularly Islamic illegal immigrants.

Conversely, Angela Merkel a few years ago admitted that "Multiculturalism has been a failure in Germeny", inundated with millions of mostly Turkish immigrants who are not assimilating, and are raping women and otherwise violently attacking German citizens. Violent crime in every European nation has risen, particularly rapes of European women. Trump made a comment while president about Islamic immigration to Sweden creating an exponential surge in rapes there. President Trump was condemned in the liberal media as a racist, despite that he was proven to be absolutely right by crime statistics in Sweden.

Hey, why let a silly thing like, y'know, THE ACTUAL FACTS get in the way of leftist multicultural ideology and political narrative.

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