Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia launched a hypersonic medium-range ballistic missile attack on a Ukrainian military facility, and warned the West that Moscow could strike the military installations of any country whose weapons were used against Russia.
Putin said the West was escalating the conflict in Ukraine by allowing Kyiv to strike Russia with long-range missiles, and that the conflict was becoming global.
Putin said Russia had conducted combat tests of the "Oreshnik" (the hazel) hypersnonic missile system in response to the aggressive actions of NATO countries against Russia.
"In response to the use of American and British long-range weapons, on November 21 of this year, the Russian armed forces launched a combined strike on one of the facilities of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine," Putin said.
"In combat conditions, one of the newest Russian medium-range missile systems was tested, among other things. In this case, with a ballistic missile in a nuclear-free hypersonic equipment."
Does any of the mainstream media even cover the fact that the U.S. opened a new missile base in Poland in the last 8 days, and that Russia considers it a furher escalaion?
. And by the way, Russia has had hypersonic missile technology for years, and the U.S., incredibly, years later, still does not. Catching up and achieving parity with hypersonic missile technology of Russia and China was never a priority during the Biden years.
But despite being out-gunned by an enemy who has superior weapons, Biden is pushing Russia toward all-out war with us.
I saw a news report a few days ago (on Newsmax) that Russia has also been supplying hypersonic missiles to the Houthis in Yemen, that they have been firing at U.S. vessels in the Red Sea area.
The Doomsday Clock - which shows how symbolically close the world is to nuclear Armageddon - is to remain at 90 seconds to midnight.
Scientists have listed reasons for keeping its hands the closest they have ever been to "Doomsday" - but stopped short of nudging it further forward. The threat of a new nuclear arms race, the Ukraine war and climate change concerns were all factors, they said. The clock is set annually by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Since 2007, members have considered the impact of new man-made risks such as AI and climate change, as well as the greatest threat - nuclear war.
In its 2024 announcement on Tuesday, the Bulletin said that China, Russia and the US were all spending huge sums to "expand or modernise their nuclear arsenals" - which added to the "ever-present danger of nuclear war through mistake or miscalculation". The war in Ukraine had also created an "ever-present risk of nuclear escalation", it said. A lack of action on climate change and risks linked to "misusing" emerging biological technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools were also cited.
At the link, BBC at the end shows where the nuclear clock has been across all decades since it was created. It's been close to midnight since its creation in 1947.
It got a re-set and was scaled back at the end of the Cold War in 1991, pushed back to 17 minutes to midnight, the lowest it was ever scaled since 1947.
And then ratcheted up closer to midnight by India(1998) , Pakistan (1998) and North Korea (2007) each getting nuclear weapons. Some questionable B.S. and agenda pushing diminishes the nuclear clock warnings, when for leftist agenda-pushing political reasons they added A.I. and "Climate Change" to the to the criteria for setting the nuclear clock.
And then since the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia war in 2023, the nuclear clock was moved up to 90 seconds before midnight, the closest to nuclear war the world has ever been.
Youtube went frigging nuts deleting a ton of videos I linked back then. Showing that they are not the place to go for an open discussion, whether the linked videos presented facts or wild conspiracy, or just plain over-the-top unintentional comedy. The censors at Youtube don't trust us to weigh the material and judge it for ourselves. Which means we shouldn't trust THEM. But regardless, a good percentage of what was linked survived.
Does any of the mainstream media even cover the fact that the U.S. opened a new missile base in Poland in the last 8 days, and that Russia considers it a furher escalation?
Well, good.
But I don't really see Russia as much of an invasion threat to Eastern Europe anymore. Its army has been so degraded by Ukraine and Western weapons that it would have trouble invading Georgia at this stage. It is even having to buy relatively lousy equipment from North Korea and Iran in order to keep up.
Given NATO hasn't had to provide a single soldier to a combat role in Ukraine, it has been a gift for NATO. Not so good for Ukraine (50000 dead Ukrainian soldiers, according to Zelenskyy, compared to around 150000 dead Russian soldiers, and the ongoing loss of territory), but wonderful for NATO.
(UK soldiers have been very quietly on the ground in Ukraine, helping Ukrainians with missile attacks.)
Yeah, in Russia's conventional military forces, they've exhausted about 90% of their army reserves just to keep a stalemate going in the last 2 and a half years in Ukraine. And Russia has brought military divisions into Ukraine from as far away as Vladivostok. One news story I read said the Russians bring in portable crematoriums to destroy the evidence of their own losses. So while the Russians outnumber the Ukrainians (140 million total Russians, to about 41 million Ukrainians) the Russians are taking far higher losses in sheer numbers. And a report I saw just today, former U.S. Col. Tony Shaffer said that Russia has advanced only 40 kilometers in Ukraine over the last 14 months in their latest massive offensive. And really, the battle lines have barely moved in 2 years.
That said, while Russia is very limited at this point in their conventional forces and navy, they do have the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth, and have the ability to destroy much of Ukraine, much of Europe, or even the world, either out of spite, out of pure craziness, or out of miscalculation or error. So while Russia is a country with a relatively small $2.5 trillion economy, about the size of Italy (as compared to the U.S. or China, that each have $25 trillion economies), and while Russia does not have a formidable conventional military, it could still, by accident or design, do a lot of damage to the world with their nuclear arsenal.
Detailing the specific nuclear weapons in service of the U.S., China, and Russia arsenals. And the blast radius and estimated deaths resulting from each of these bombs, and computer animation of what each would look like, from launch to reaching its target.