Unreleased(as far as I know) Id like Near Dark,Three O'Clock High,Dont be afraid of the Dark(a made for tv horror movie that kicks ass). Some that Im waiting for are My Bloody Valentine,Last house on the Left,the Fog,and there are some DVD two movie per disks sets coming in October featuring Who Slew Auntie Roo? and Motel Hell.MGM's BIG HAUL August!!! http://www.morbidmortuary.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.cgi?board=deadeneddvd&action=display&num=1023832737
Good luck finding Nosferatu, though thanks to the miracle that is AMC I've seen the movie, and it's far and away the best black and white movie I've ever watched.
Just out of curiosity, you aren't....*shudder*....an Anne Rice fan are you?
I'd like to get:
Last Action Hero(very underrated film)
12 Monkeys(I REALLY wanna hear what Terry Gilliam has to say about it)
Mullholland Drive(so I can know what the fuck the movie was about)
Godfather(....because I've never seen it, don't tell anyone)
quote:Originally posted by Drzsmith: Unreleased(as far as I know) Id like Near Dark
Anchor Bay Home Video (the people behing all the really cool EVIL DEAD DVD releases from the last couple of years, and the owners of the license for most of the Hammer library) has this slated for a special edition DVD release coming sometime late this year....
I've still got my fucking ancient VHS of the flick, that I had a nearly imposible time finding, finally settling for a pre-viewed copy bought at a little rental place going outta business...
quote:Originally posted by Drzsmith: Unreleased(as far as I know) Id like Near Dark
Anchor Bay Home Video (the people behing all the really cool EVIL DEAD DVD releases from the last couple of years, and the owners of the license for most of the Hammer library) has this slated for a special edition DVD release coming sometime late this year....
I've still got my fucking ancient VHS of the flick, that I had a nearly imposible time finding, finally settling for a pre-viewed copy bought at a little rental place going outta business...
That's great. I actually got my vid copy used from a video store going out of business as well. What is the best website for upcoming Horror DVD info?
Actually since I have an overwhelming VHS collection...... and I know DVDs are much better...
Im holding off buying only my absolute favs or waiting for sweet deals...
that said...I cant wait for the Back the Future TRILOGY to come out...I know the first is due in December, but Im betting they'll release all three with some sorta special disc!
Actually...the plan is: They are releasing all three films... on one disc, as unfeasable as that sounds. It's supposed to be part of some sorta special set. The first disc contains the flicks and another (or maybe two more...I've heard it rumored to actually be a three disc set) chock fulla special features goodies. It sounds like a sweet package, and Universal is known for giving really good treatment on their DVDs, even for crappy flicks (like "The Mummy Returns" disc).