Bull shit, you must read all the posts, or why else would you go around changing them all? Ya know, once or twice was funny, but now it's just plain stupid and annoying.
You can keep changing my posts, I will just re-post them. Prove everyone wrong...don't be an ass hole.
quote:Originally posted by The Windy Witch: Bull shit, you and your little small minded friends MUST read all the posts, why else would you change them all. Can't take a little bit a sparring back and forth? Can't take an insult that is meant in fun? Then get the fuck out! Off Topic/Offensive Posts should never have had a moderaor(s) in the first place.
quote:Originally posted by The Windy Witch: Bull shit, you and your little small minded friends MUST read all the posts, why else would you change them all. Can't take a little bit a sparring back and forth? Can't take an insult that is meant in fun? Then get the fuck out! Off Topic/Offensive Posts should never have had a moderaor(s) in the first place.
Time to switch to Decaff?
I am just REALLY sick of all of this. You all (the post changers) act like a bunch of school kids trying to bully everyone on the school yard. Grow up!!
quote:Originally posted by The Windy Witch: Bull shit, you and your little small minded friends MUST read all the posts, why else would you change them all. Can't take a little bit a sparring back and forth? Can't take an insult that is meant in fun? Then get the fuck out! Off Topic/Offensive Posts should never have had a moderaor(s) in the first place.
Time to switch to Decaff?
I am just REALLY sick of all of this. You all (the post changers) act like a bunch of school kids trying to bully everyone on the school yard. Grow up!!
Come one guys pull your heads in. Stop picking on Windy. Deep down she's got the soul of a butterfly. Give her a break. Enough's enough. She would be an asset to this board, with her high calibre and thought provoking posts. Guys, c'mon. Lets all be friends. Stop bullying, like school yard bullies.
All we are sayyyyying Is give Windy a chaaaaaaaance
Dave...that was really nice what you said about Windy! I am proud to say that I agree with you! She really is a nice, sweet person who just likes to cause the occasional uproar; this is the offensive/off topic board, ya know! I personaly have agreed with many of her posts! Yay for Windy!!
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