Pick up the "Bootleg" version...it's the best possible version.
I own the following versions:
this was Anchor Bay's first release...it's decent, basically the domestic theatrical cut, with a short documentary on the SFX, the theatrical trailer, and the original ending as extra features..
The original Universal Home Video DVD release...basically the same, with only the theatrical trailer as a special feature and cast bios. I bought it the day I got my first DVD player, back in April of 1999.
I also own the aforementioned "Bootleg" version, which is great, it's the uncut international version of the film with original ending, and has theatrical trailer, a commentary by Sam and Ivan raimi, and Bruce Campbell, plus some other goodies...
I picked it up when it first came out for 14.99 at a local Best Buy...it must have shot up in price. You can pick it up at most Wal-Marts for around the price I gave for my copy still, though.
If ya want some EVIL DEAD DVDs that'll knock yer socks off, check out these two...I've copies of both of these as well...
Evil Dead II Limited Edition Tin Box set Great disc, with incredibly funny commentary by Raimi, Campbell, and Scott Speigel...a really nice package. Anchor Bay can sure put together a good package...
Evil Dead- Book of the Dead Special Edition Great stuff...great commentary, and the Bruce Campbell documentary, "Fanalysis"
[ 07-30-2002, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: HEROKILLER ]