I have been interning for a judge all summer to earn law school credit and get some real-world experience. I've worked pretty hard for the guy, doing research for him on juveniles in the adult court system, designing a web site for the Miami-Dade County Drug Court, and generally doing whatever else I could to learn and make myself useful. I didn't get paid for any of it; in fact, I had to pay a good deal of my own money because I was earning six credits for school. But this is my last week there, and the judge and his wife bought me a DVD player as a going away and thank you present, which was super-swell of them.
So yippy skippy, the cheapest movie buff alive finally became a member of the DVD rebellion! So far I have bought Snatch (new) and Gladiator (a used copy for $15, not too bad). Here is a list of some of the movies I'd like to pick up. I'm in no hurry because money is always tight, and did I mention I'm cheap anyway? I'd appreciate any reviews or advice on these, good places to order from online, or suggestions of other worthwhile DVDs I should rent or check out.
Fight Club
Dark City
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
The Rocketeer
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
The Killer
Hard Boiled
Grosse Pointe Blank
The Usual Suspects
L.A. Confidential
Brian Setzer Orchestra in Japan
Portishead Live In New York
Spider-Man (in November)
Also stuff I hear I should wait on because better special editions are on the way:
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
True Romance (or is the one out now as good as it gets?)
The Matrix (probably be a kickass box set after the sequels)
And can anyone recommend the Columbia House DVD Club as a good way to build a collection, or is it a ripoff?