ok go ahead and make fun of me....i cryed the first time i saw "the lion king" :lol: and I usually cry or get a little sad when a wedding is involved (cause I cant wait for somebody to pop the question) such movies as "the other sister" and i get a bit sad on the end of "wedding singer" when he sings that song about growing old together....
The Elephant Man really gets to me. It's just such a well done film with great acting that no mortal man or woman can watch it without feeling sympathetic to the character.
I cant think of any,but Im sure theres one or two. Oh,I remember getting emotional over "Stealing Home" but that was a longtime ago. Starring mark Harmon and Jodi Foster.
Lots of movies have made me feel sad, but I've only cried at one movie, "The Green Mile". I'll admit it freely, when John was strapped up to the electric chair I teared up, it was an extremely emotional scene.
Ok,I admit it...I get emotional with movies sometimes.Anyways I teared up the first time I saw "Titanic",I cried at the end of "Old Yeller"...and yes when Mufasa was dead in "Lion King,I had something in my eye.
Pet Semetary- The part where the little baby gets run over by the huge truck and then one second later you see a lot of really cute pictures of the little baby.
This movie made me cry as a child after seeing it the first time (I was like, maybe 8 )...
I recently bought the DVD and watched it again, and now I view it as just a really fucking realistic depiction of survival amongst a warren of rabbits....the 1970's produced some fucked up animated projects...
"Old Yeller" used to do it for me, as well...but somehow I've grown immune to it.
I'd have to say the last film that brought any kind of emotional response outta me (didn't drive me to tears, but I felt kinda sad was:
The Professional
If ya haven't had a chance, get the "International Cut" DVD..good stuff all around. The thing that always gets me is the ending with Natalie Portman's character with Leon's (Jean Reno) potted plant in front of the girls school...then it cuts into one of the few songs by Sting I can stand (that is, without The Police...I dig The Police...just can't stand Sting's solo stuff)....
quote:Originally posted by HEROKILLER: More DVDs from my collection:
This movie made me cry as a child after seeing it the first time (I was like, maybe 8 )...
I recently bought the DVD and watched it again, and now I view it as just a really fucking realistic depiction of survival amongst a warren of rabbits....the 1970's produced some fucked up animated projects...
Yeah, I cried when I watched movie and read the book. I was bawling when Bigwig (he f***ing rocks!) fell into the snare. If you liked Watership Down you should read Plague Dogs and Shardik, I cried at the end of Shardik too.
I also got teary-eyed while watching Gone with the Wind, A Little Princess, Black Beauty (ah, the days when WB made good movies), Lion King, Lilo and Stich, and several others.
Ummm... There are a few that make me tear up. But the most recent one that really got to me... and I am ashamed to say this... was A.I., yeah. Artificial Intelligence.
I avoided watching it in theatres because I am a Kubrick fan, but it was on HBO and I saw it... and seeing how a robot just wanted to be loved... it was soo sad :'(
My eyes watered up at the end. Same thing happened when I watched Philadelphia. You know, the part where Tom Hanks was in the hospital and his relatives are visiting, and his brother breaks down. I broke down too. Kind of imagined what would happen if it was my brother. That stuff gets me.
quote:Originally posted by thedoctor: The Elephant Man really gets to me. It's just such a well done film with great acting that no mortal man or woman can watch it without feeling sympathetic to the character.
The part where Merick is taken to the Doctor's house and meets the Doc's wife and he starts to cry and says no one has ever treated him that nice..........