I bought The Lord of the Rings 2 disc set, well...basically, because I had 17 bucks to blow and I was in Wal-Mart. I didn't catch the flick in the theatres...because I had no interest in doing so. I'd read the books in high school...didn't think they were as great as everyone made them out to be...and went on with my life. The only reason I bought the DVD was just to see what all the hub-bub was about...and, well...I really dig director Peter Jackson's earlier stuff ( Dead Alive, Bad Taste, The Frighteners ).
Eh....it was alright. I got what I paid for. Just chalk it up to my unexplainable bias against sword and sorcery (and the majority of fantasy)...
quote:Originally posted by Drzsmith: Im not a fan of Sword and Sorcery stuff either,but I enoyed the movie. The ending sucked though I hope they write a sequel.
All three books (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King) are in the process of being made back to back. The film version of The Two Towers is hitting theatres this December.
quote:Originally posted by Drzsmith: Im not a fan of Sword and Sorcery stuff either,but I enoyed the movie. The ending sucked though I hope they write a sequel.
All three books (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King) are in the process of being made back to back. The film version of The Two Towers is hitting theatres this December.