Spider-Man (red and blue with the McFarlane-style big eyes, and also the black costume.)
Daredevil (the black/red/white '90s version--so sue me, I like it, and it was visually more interesting than the classic red, with actual utility thanks to the armor.)
Psylocke (her '80s costume with the purple face mask, hood, cape, and body armor over a pink bodysuit, and purple hair to match--trust me, it actually looked cool!)
Moon Knight
Captain America (the 1940s "Ultimate" version of his costume is my favorite, but the iconic one is classic for a reason.)
Jean Grey (her red X-Factor costume with the big yellow "X" motif across it was eye-popping.)
Iron Man (red and silver armor of the '80s, recently made as an action figure.)
Blizzard (Iron Man villain with blue and white costume and full-face mask--just cool.)
Taskmaster (recent UDON version.)
Last edited by Big Bad Voodoo Lou; 2004-12-03 3:23 AM.