jimmy:dont lie to me! you know im not cool, damnit!
<<Who is your favourite Batman creative team Rob? Paul Dini & Bruce Timm?>>
at first response, i'd definitely say yes. their work is my favorite bat work of all time. its just TOO damn cool, whether it be making uninteresting, tired characters new and cool (mr. freeze), inventing new characters to add to the bat mythos (harley), and/or just dead-on nailing characterization (...everyone!). and, that doesnt include timm's beautiful renditions of the characters, and/or dini's ability just to tell a fantastic tale, that draws in even those who arent big on comics.
even with all my afinity towards them and their work, i might have to skip them over, when it comes to my favorite creative team, just because they never really did a "real" monthly bat book.
same goes for my love of frank miller's work. the guy is a genius, coming up with, perhaps, the best stuff ever. but, he didnt put in the month in, month out work.
tho i wouldnt say its my favorite, id be more inclind to agree with your response of o'neil and adams. tho they weren't together long, they did go thru "the grind." and, contrary to popular belief, i DO kinda like their stuff. as much as i hate denny's work now (and, say, the past 5 or so years) what he did THEN was fantastic. and, again, neal adams' work by todays standards is good, or even average, but, back then, it was phenomenal -- no one could touch it.
so, who is my favorite "regular book" creative staff? ... i dunno, really. i might be tempted to go with the current team, of martinborough and rucka. tho martin...'s work isnt the dynamic stuff i typically love, its really good! very classic-looking, almost a plea towards the animated style (a personal favorite of mine). rucka's work is... lord... just frickin good!!! he tells a great story every month, with compelling characterization, exciting "lull" scenes, and fast-paced action sequences. just outstanding.
the ONLY flaw in their work is that they havent been around long enough. give'em another 12 issues (and keep martin on the book, damnit), and id say this, hands down).