I used to go to a lot of conventions as a kid in Miami, and now they are rare and wonderful events. I've been able to meet a good number of comic professionals over the years and get books signed. What about the rest of you?
Stan Lee Kevin Smith Todd McFarlane Arthur Adams Joe Quesada Jimmy Palmiotti George Perez Rob Liefeld Erik Larsen Kevin Maguire Tony Harris Mark Bagley Pat Broderick Mike Baron Bob McLeod Javier Saltares Mark Texeira Marshall Rogers John Beatty Art Thibert Larry Stroman
believe it or not, i've never in my life been to a comic show. partial fear and... well, i guess entirely fear. if i dont go, im not a comic dork, see? ...yes...
during my frequent days in the dc offices
some of my hilited meetings have included: kevin smith paul dini bruce timm arlene sorkin (voice of harley... and a "professional") denny o'neill and alex ross
Rob, conventions rule. Great for deals, people-watching, and reveling in being a geek (and their ain't NUTHIN' wrong with that!) Actually, these days there are more pretty girls attending cons than when I was a kid, due to the crossovers of anime/Japanese pop culture and the Goth scene. At SDCC 2000, I was awed by all the babes in Sailor Moon costumes and black leather corsets and dominatrix-gear! They're really not as bad as you think.
Of course, I got drunk and sang the entire old Spider-Man cartoon theme song into a mic, lounge singer style, on Marvel's stage, so maybe that helped.
....met Adam Hughes at Dragon*Con this year. All he did was grunt and nod when I told him that I liked his work and that I found an old sketch he did that ended up in a Star Wars fanzine.
quote:Originally posted by Big Bad Voodoo Lou: Of course, I got drunk and sang the entire old Spider-Man cartoon theme song into a mic, lounge singer style, on Marvel's stage, so maybe that helped.
you have now been mentally tagged and marked for biological study!!
I've met a few in my time. I love conventions but hate standing in line to meet guys for five seconds, so most of my meetings have been casually.
Alex Ross(Chicago-con) Kevin Smith(also Chicago-con) Mark Allessi(he stayed in a hotel room next to ours at Chicago-con) George Perez(casually, great guy) Jeff Smith(casually as well, also great guy) Neil Gaiman(at a signing for his book)
So far I've met: Sal Buscema(ass) Joe Linsner(ass) Fauve(whatta babe & sweetheart) Gordon Purcell(nice guy...very friendly to fans) Dark One(ass) John Byrne(ass) Scott McDaniel(very nice guy) Ron Frenz(nice guy...loves to talk about Thunderstrike & A-Next) Pat Oliffe(nice guy...lied to me about Untold Tales of Spider-Man though.Said it would last about five years) George Perez(no comment) Martin Nodell(The best...signed a GL ring for me & his wife is a sweetie) Rik Levins(very talkative but nice)
Ive met a bunch,but my favs were Sergio Aregonnes(sp)he was very friendly and even did a Groo sketch for me. George Perez he was great as well. Steve Lieber very friendly and talkative Mart Nodell he did a GL sketch for me,very nice
Hey Disco Steve, I grew up in Kendall, in South Miami (and my parents and many friends are still there, and I visit every so often). Nice to know a fellow South Floridian! Where do you buy your comics?
quote:Originally posted by Disco Steve: That's cool... you got them to draw you stuff... how'd you get them to do that?
Matin Nodell lives in West Palm Beach, which is somewhat near where I live.
If the line isn't long & you ask nicely,they might do a sketch for ya.Or you could go the pathetic route like I did at my first show.I stood in a long line for Scott McDaniel back when he was doing Daredevil & "Fall From Grace" was red hot.I only had issue #325 while all the other fanboys had huge stacks of books.I asked Scott thst since I had only one book,if he wouldn't mind doing a sketch of DD on the cover.He said "Sure,no problem." & with his gold ink pen drew DD right next to his sig.That was the coolest thing any creator has done for me.
quote:Originally posted by Disco Steve: That's cool... you got them to draw you stuff... how'd you get them to do that?
Matin Nodell lives in West Palm Beach, which is somewhat near where I live.
Well,to be honest,Martin Nodell was selling mousepads for $5 and would do a sketch and autograph them.But well worth it in my opinion. Sergio was like Allan said,he was alone and I just asked.Plus hes the fastest artist alive, so they say.
If the line isn't long & you ask nicely,they might do a sketch for ya.Or you could go the pathetic route like I did at my first show.I stood in a long line for Scott McDaniel back when he was doing Daredevil & "Fall From Grace" was red hot.I only had issue #325 while all the other fanboys had huge stacks of books.I asked Scott thst since I had only one book,if he wouldn't mind doing a sketch of DD on the cover.He said "Sure,no problem." & with his gold ink pen drew DD right next to his sig.That was the coolest thing any creator has done for me.
Sergio Argones did the same thing for me. I think he actually draws sketches for anybody who asks, since it only takes him a split second. He drew The Bat-Man on a copy of Sergio Argonnes destroys the DC Universe I had. He's also excellent with kids. (Mental note: cross refrence Sergio Argonnes against all known pedophiles...) Every time a kid came by, he would get all excited and show them pictures of a dog (I assume it was his, or at least hope it was) that he based Rufferto on in Groo. Pretty cool.
I also met Rob Liefeld one time while waiting in line to get Jeph Loeb's signature. He was sittin' back there BSin with him...He did a sketch for a guy, and I swear to Gob, it was the worst looking thing I have ever seen...Otherwise, he actually came off as a pretty decent, nice guy...That, of course won't stop me from ripping on his art or anything...
Jerry Ordway did a Captain Marvel (Shazam) sketch that I proudly display in framed on my wall once at the DC both, and he was an excellent guy to talk to (Even if him and Mike Carlin did lie to me about CM not being in any danger of being canceled...)
Darrick Robertson did a Spider Jerusalem sketch for me a couple of years ago, and even though he was really nice and everything, I still got kind of a jerky vibe from him...I dunno, I could be wrong though...
....i met a guy named Hank, who would bring the comics into the local pharmacy every week, i said hey do you ever keep any comics for yourself? and he said, do you wanna die kid? oh the memories.....