Here is a list of e-mails between me and Carlin about G'Nort...
>>>>Subj: You are most likely annoyed with the G'Nort thing, but hear me out...
Date: 7/19/01 2:38:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: FMRyan420
To: DCOMCarlin
It seems that G'Nort would sell at least one extra comic ever...
Give a puppy a home: Get the G'Nort back into COMICS campaign!!! - the petition so far
The ::ahem:: G'Nort club (or is that culb?) - The original club, which reached about 1400 posts.
The All New, All Different, Wild & Crazy G'Nort Club!!! - The current club, which has almost reached 800 posts.
The Mike Carlin give us G'Nort or we boycott DC Comics thread! - The boycott...heck I didn't even start this thread!!!
I'm not askin' for a series, or one-shot, or a mini...just a cameo. Or maybe a guest spot even.
Is that really too much to ask?<<<<
>>>>Subj: Re: You are most likely annoyed with the G'Nort thing, but hear me out...
Date: 7/19/01 9:02:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DCOMCarlin
To: FMRyan420
In a message dated 7/19/01 5:38:38 AM, FMRyan420 writes:
<< Is that really too much to ask? >>
Nope. And now you asked.
No plans now. But we never say never.
Thanks for all the interest.
Mike Carlin<<<<
>>>>Subj: Re: You are most likely annoyed with the G'Nort thing, but hear me out...
Date: 7/19/01 6:59:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: FMRyan420
To: DCOMCarlin
Okay okay, fair enough. I guess I've bugged you enough already.
But PLEASE seriously consider a guest shot or something, just to see if G'Nort could make a difference in the new millenium!
>>>>Subj: Re: You are most likely annoyed with the G'Nort thing, but hear me out...
Date: 7/20/01 1:55:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DCOMCarlin
To: FMRyan420
In a message dated 7/19/01 9:59:02 PM, FMRyan420 writes:
<< I guess I've bugged you enough already. >>
And I have heard you and several of yer friends out... I just think it's weird that if you KNOW something is annoying, that you think you can get something decided the way you'd like...
But what do I know about life?
Anyways... G'Nort will be considered when a good G'Nort-only story presents itself.
Thanks for caring and like a character so much....
Mike Carlin<<<<
........ (this next one i was really drunk)
>>>>Subj: hey, about G'Nort...
Date: 7/21/01 3:15:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: FMRyan420
To: DCOMCarlin
Hey Carlin...
Viva La G'Nort!!!
G'Nort would be a great person to bring into GL!!!! He could be Kyle's next sidekick!!!!!
Yaaaaaah, viva la G'Nort!!!<<<<
>>>>Subj: Re: hey, about G'Nort...
Date: 7/21/01 9:08:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DCOMCarlin
To: FMRyan420
Hey, Ryan...
I get yer message.<<<<
>>>>Subj: Cool super-team idea!! =)
Date: 7/23/01 4:39:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: FMRyan420
To: DCOMCarlin
Yah yah, I know. "No plans now for G'Nort", but I just thought of a good idea for a crazy super team!
It could include G'Nort (of course!), Bat-Mite, 'Mazing Man, Ambush Bug, maybe even Captain Carrot!! Or Mxy!
Now I'll agree that maybe there isn't a huge fan base for G'Nort himself, but with all of these characters, ya never know!
>>>>Subj: Re: Cool super-team idea!! =)
Date: 7/23/01 10:39:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DCOMCarlin
To: FMRyan420
In a message dated 7/23/01 6:39:41 AM, FMRyan420 writes:
<< I'll agree that maybe there isn't a huge fan base for G'Nort >>
Why don't we just leave it at this?<<<<
>>>>Subj: Re: Cool super-team idea!! =)
Date: 7/23/01 1:22:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: FMRyan420
To: DCOMCarlin
In a message dated 7/23/01 10:39:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, DCOMCarlin writes:
<< Why don't we just leave it at this? >>
What would be the fun in that?
So anywho, what do you think of my idea? =)<<<<
>>>>Subj: Re: Cool super-team idea!! =)
Date: 7/23/01 11:43:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DCOMCarlin
To: FMRyan420
In a message dated 7/23/01 3:22:25 PM, FMRyan420 writes:
<< What would be the fun in that? >>
Sorry this is not fun for me.
<<So anywho, what do you think of my idea? =) >>
I think yer beginning to get on my nerves... IF I may be honest!<<<<
Well, I haven't emailed him back with a response yet. I think he is getting annoyed with me, though.