Here's the rest of the convo:
FMRyan420: hey! is G'Nort gonna appear in JLAvengers?
DCOMCarlin: No.
FMRyan420: oKay bye then!
DCOMCarlin: Bye
FMRyan420: Hmmm, I heard that every ex-member of the JLA was gonna at least make a cameo?
DCOMCarlin: Listen, F... this isn't funny to me anymore. Please stop writing me.
DCOMCarlin: It's Saturday... I'm off duty... and I've TRIED to be nice!
DCOMCarlin: Bye... means bye!
FMRyan420: When are you on duty?
DCOMCarlin: And if Gnort is in it I'll take him out now!
DCOMCarlin: Don't write me IMs anymore!
DCOMCarlin: You really don't know when to quit, do you?
FMRyan420: Dude I'm not tryin' to be mean or nothin'. I've left you alone for awhile, but I had heard that every ex-member of the JLA was gonna appear, so that's why I asked you.
DCOMCarlin: You are not being mean... yer being an asshole. G'Nort is NOT a major player and he never will be... deal with it! DUDE!
DCOMCarlin: You really don't get how annoying you are, do you?
FMRyan420: Why are you callin' me that when I just asked a simple question? Like I said after yer last e-mail to me I decided to leave ya alone cuz it seemed you didn't like talkin' G'Nort. But then I heard this thing about JLAvengers
DCOMCarlin: "Left me alone for a while?" Try being civilised and not assume that IMs are welcome.
DCOMCarlin: But then you AREN'T leaving me alone.
DCOMCarlin: Don't you see?
FMRyan420: Anyway, your SN does include "DCO", which, if I'm not mistaken, means "DC Online", right?
FMRyan420: So why can't I ask you DC related questions?
FMRyan420: ?
DCOMCarlin: Right. So send a letter... snail mail or e-mail.
DCOMCarlin: It IS presumptuous to IM... especially when I've asked you not to before!
FMRyan420: Okay then, from now on I won't IM ya anymore. But calling me names isn't very nice.
DCOMCarlin: Right... but badgering people isn't nice either!
DCOMCarlin: Makes me an asshole too I guess!
FMRyan420: lol
FMRyan420: sorry okey dokey i'll e-mail ya about the JLAvengers thing
DCOMCarlin: I just answered you.
DCOMCarlin: Then you said BYE... and kept writing.
FMRyan420: So the answer is "no", and if it's actually yes, then you will take him out? Is that correct?
DCOMCarlin: Why can't ya just flip through it when it comes out in 2 or 3 years?
DCOMCarlin: What's the rush to ruin the thrill fer yerself?
FMRyan420: Well at the DCMB, I made this thread called "The G'Nort Club", and I just wanted some confirmation to see if G'Nort would be in it or not. That's all, ya know?
FMRyan420: I was gonna post it and let the other fans know if a cameo was in place.
DCOMCarlin: Not gonna tell ya. How's that. Rather folks checked out the book in a few years!
DCOMCarlin: WHY? Why ruin it for EVERYONE?!
FMRyan420: Ruin? I doubt them knowin' if G'Nort's gonna appear will ruin it. After all, the JLAvengers thing should be quite a hit with or w/o G'Nort!
FMRyan420: []
DCOMCarlin: My point exactly... so save some fun for when the book comes out.
FMRyan420: Okey dokey. Sorry again for IMin' ya. But, if I do have any questions, ya don't mind if I e-mail ya?
DCOMCarlin: I only mind if you fight with me about my answers to you. And sometimes I'm not gonna tell ya stuff that will ruin ANYONE's fun!
DCOMCarlin: You also should tell folks that what they're sending you privately is going to be used publicly!
FMRyan420: hmmm?
FMRyan420: ?
DCOMCarlin: What? What don't ya get?
FMRyan420: DCOMCarlin: You also should tell folks that what they're sending you privately is going to be used publicly!
FMRyan420: hmmm?
DCOMCarlin: You ask me for info... but you don't tell me it's for publication elsewhere.
FMRyan420: publication for where?
DCOMCarlin: Your public newsgroup.
FMRyan420: The G'Nort Club?
DCOMCarlin: That's other people right?
FMRyan420: Yah but it's a thread on the message boards. Not like a newsgroup.
FMRyan420: Although, newsgroup is an interesting way to put it.
DCOMCarlin: It's not private. If I do YOU a favor... it's nice to know I'm doing 50 people a favor (OR ruining something for them)!
FMRyan420: Oh don't worry there are only about 4 or 5 regulars at the G'Nort Club. not 50.
FMRyan420: Have you ever actually been to the DC boards?
DCOMCarlin: Okay... whatever, F... still most people who ask us questions tell us what they'll do with the info. It MIGHT change the answer!
DCOMCarlin: I sure have... which is why it's nice to know what I write to you is going there!
FMRyan420: Would you rather me not post my info about you talkin' G'Nort on the G'Nort Club?
DCOMCarlin: Of course... because I think that if folks like G'Nort they might like to discover or be surprised in the books themselves! Why does everything have to be public knowledge before it's published?
DCOMCarlin: And why am I spending this much time explaining what everyone else already knows. Most fans don't just presume to IM
DCOMCarlin: Okay. F... common courtesy and consideration in the future, 'kay... and I won't think those bad words about ya no more!
FMRyan420: I don't think everything has to be public knowledge before it's published.
DCOMCarlin: Then don't post info just cause ya have it!
FMRyan420: Oh well I only post G'Nort related info that I have.
DCOMCarlin: Thanks for understanding... and I'm cutting out now.
FMRyan420: Okey dokey see ya!
[ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: Fox420 ]