I am not interested in The Truth, but Baker is awesome. He is one of the most talented storytellers in the business. And that's what he is: a cartoonist first and foremost, not just an artist or a writer.
He has written and illustrated a few original graphic novels, which are beautifully drawn, funny, and totally unique:
Why I Hate Saturn
You Are Here
I Die At Midnight
The Cowboy Wally Show
King David
He has also worked on:
The Shadow #8-19 (was that the last issue?)
Justice, Inc. #1-2
Both were late-'80s DC series that took familiar pulp heroes and turned them upside-down. Andy Helfer wrote these and he drew them--they are like pre-Vertigo books, definitely for mature readers.
He also drew a Dick Tracy miniseries for Disney in 1990, two issues that led up to the events of the movie, and then the third issue was a movie adaption. These were reprinted in the TPB "True Hearts and Tommy Guns," which I rather like.
And he will be doing Plastic Man next! Baker is the only person I can think of who can do justice to the spirit of Jack Cole's original Plastic Man comics (and not the Jim Carrey-wannabe of the Morrison JLA).
Honestly, I see his work as a big influence on Todd McFarlane, one of the most mainstream artists of all. Read The Shadow and then look at Sam and Twitch, if you don't believe me.