Here's the deal:
I'll pick a character at random from the world of comic books. Your job is to reinvent that character.
Completely redetail the character from origins to powers to villains to costume (include sketches if you'd like). Change and improve anything and everything from the original design, but with full knowledge that you'd still like to appeal to the original audience (i.e; be careful not to change too much)
Upgrade, update, enhance, depower, redesign! whatever you want to do -- its your version!
Today's character:
Alter Ego: Floyd Lawton
Occupation: Mercenary
Base of Ops: Mobile
First Appearance: Batman #59 (June 1950)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 193 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Motivation: Psychopath
An expert marksman who has fallen afoul of the Batman on numerous occasions, Floyd Lawton is both a top mercenary and a man who wants to die. He served as a core member of the Suicide Squad for most of the period when it was headed up by Amanda Waller, managing to survive every mission despite his wish to die. He has even been known to arm his targets in order that they may have a chance of killing their assassin, but he has not yet achieved his goal.