This jerk gave me 10 kinds of grief over some e-bay auctions to what amounted to a lousy freaking extra dollar for postage! The more I think about it the more I think this guy was an ass who tried giving Nature boys grief somewhere. DC Boards or here or both. Anybody know who the ass is? My memory is shitty at best but that username seems to ring bells for some reason. As it stands now we've given each other very negative feedback on e-bay. I would like to report his foul ass for non-payment. Anybody know how to contact e-bay reguarding a situation like this?
I don't know who he is, but you should feel ashamed. I looked at those auctions, the comics you were selling had a cover price of 12 cents and you marked them up more than 1000%. Hang down your head, Llance
How much shipping did you charge him for three comics? In the future dont list your shipping charge and when you charge them too much say it's for "Handling". I have to say it was funny how he mocked your spelling.
I had a bad experience a few months back. Some guy bought two huge auctions for like a buck a piece (it was a moving sale). I never heard anything from him. Then, several weeks after the auction, he writes me demanding the comics. I told him that I never received any payment. The next day he writes really nasty feedback.
Y'know,ya better watch what yer postin' boyo,I bid on your shitty comics cause they were so cheap. I couldna expected to pay such a ridiculous price for shipping or I'da never bid. Yah ya know me from the DCMB's,you harrassed me on your stupid "Speedway squad" thread. Now quit try'n ta rip peeps off on Ebay,ya bastid!
quote:Originally posted by LLance: This jerk gave me 10 kinds of grief over some e-bay auctions to what amounted to a lousy freaking extra dollar for postage! The more I think about it the more I think this guy was an ass who tried giving Nature boys grief somewhere. DC Boards or here or both. Anybody know who the ass is? My memory is shitty at best but that username seems to ring bells for some reason. As it stands now we've given each other very negative feedback on e-bay. I would like to report his foul ass for non-payment. Anybody know how to contact e-bay reguarding a situation like this?
llance43( 56) Aug-23-03 15:41:21 PDT 2187983365 B Complaint : Seller beware! Nitpiks over a lousy extra dollar after auction is over! llance43( 56) Aug-23-03 15:41:20 PDT 2186208223 B Complaint : Seller beware!!!! 2 wks no pay! Doesn't want to pay fair shipping prices! llance43( 56) Aug-23-03 15:41:20 PDT 2186464427 B Complaint : Seller beware! IMs seller to start an arguement over a lousy dollar of fair s/h!
timberweave( 25) Aug-23-03 15:15:20 PDT 2186208223 S Complaint : Says will combine shipping, does not. Does not understand 'Fair Market Value'. Response by llance43 - Seller beware! This guy thinks you should ship at a lost! All this over a lousy Follow-up by timberweave - Total S&H charge: $10. Actual cost to ship 4 comics: $1.42. How is that a 'lost' timberweave( 25) Aug-23-03 15:15:20 PDT 2187983365 S Complaint : Tacks on add'l S&H fees because not happy w/final bid. Very rude when questioned Response by llance43 - extra dollar on shipping! I was happy w/ the bids and was even going to let Follow-up by timberweave - Total S&H charge: $10. Actual cost to ship 4 comics: $1.42. How is that a 'lost' timberweave( 25) Aug-23-03 15:10:22 PDT 2186464427 S Complaint : Treats customers with no respect, tries to gouge on shipping. Very mishandled. Response by llance43 - have an expensive comic for $2.00 in the spirit of fellow comic book reader! Follow-up by timberweave - Expensive? Book had 0 bids @$3. Seller's overestimation of his books very clear.
I tried and tried and tried to work with this guy but he just wouldnt, he kept trying to engage me in gay cyber sex and then even suggested that he blow me in trade for his insane shipping charges.
quote:Originally posted by Timberweave: I tried and tried and tried to work with this guy but he just wouldnt, he kept trying to engage me in gay cyber sex and then even suggested that he blow me in trade for his insane shipping charges.
quote:Originally posted by Timberweave: Y'know,ya better watch what yer postin' boyo,I bid on your shitty comics cause they were so cheap. I couldna expected to pay such a ridiculous price for shipping or I'da never bid. Yah ya know me from the DCMB's,you harrassed me on your stupid "Speedway squad" thread. Now quit try'n ta rip peeps off on Ebay,ya bastid!
quote:Originally posted by LLance: This jerk gave me 10 kinds of grief over some e-bay auctions to what amounted to a lousy freaking extra dollar for postage! The more I think about it the more I think this guy was an ass who tried giving Nature boys grief somewhere. DC Boards or here or both. Anybody know who the ass is? My memory is shitty at best but that username seems to ring bells for some reason. As it stands now we've given each other very negative feedback on e-bay. I would like to report his foul ass for non-payment. Anybody know how to contact e-bay reguarding a situation like this?
So this was all a set-up from the get go! I knew you had to be an ass from way back. You had no intention of ever buying any comics from me at all. It was just your little way of trying to get even for some imagined wrong from way back! Well now we both have negative feedback so who really won moron?
quote:Originally posted by Timberweave: Y'know,ya better watch what yer postin' boyo,I bid on your shitty comics cause they were so cheap. I couldna expected to pay such a ridiculous price for shipping or I'da never bid. Yah ya know me from the DCMB's,you harrassed me on your stupid "Speedway squad" thread. Now quit try'n ta rip peeps off on Ebay,ya bastid!
quote:Originally posted by LLance: This jerk gave me 10 kinds of grief over some e-bay auctions to what amounted to a lousy freaking extra dollar for postage! The more I think about it the more I think this guy was an ass who tried giving Nature boys grief somewhere. DC Boards or here or both. Anybody know who the ass is? My memory is shitty at best but that username seems to ring bells for some reason. As it stands now we've given each other very negative feedback on e-bay. I would like to report his foul ass for non-payment. Anybody know how to contact e-bay reguarding a situation like this?
He's certainly got a bigger ego than me! And I feel oh so crushed I may never pick my ass up off the ground. NOT! You've won nothing moron and you're pretty stoopid thinking that you have. Ooh! A spelling error! Quick! Someone call Timberweave Mr. Spelling Police himself! Gob knows that he has such a little life that all he has to do is cruise the internet looking for other's spelling errors.
quote:Originally posted by Nowhereman: Does that mean you are fatter than him?
Fatter than me...or shorter than you Nowhereman?
Someone inquired if this poster is the real Timberwave or not. I'm not really sure. He alludes to the Speedway Squad thread and I think I did kick Timberwave's ass on that thread but only because he deserved it. I'm also not sure if I really care if it is or not. In fact I'm more interested if it's one of my Nature Boy buddies or not because this has really been a feeble attempt on their part and they should hang their head in shame. If it's the real Timberwave he'll be able to tell me what comic I was generously going to let him have for $2.00. Clock's ticking moron...
Well I'm fuckin' outta here,I thought I'd see more of that bloated temptress llance but I guess he's afraid of me. BTW You offered me a Superman comic and a blow job. FUCK OFF!!!!!
Hee! I knew this guy was a fake! It was a coveted Mystery in Space comic w/ Hawkman! So...which of my friends did such a dastardly thing? The really really really really short one! Now blow me Nowhereman...if you can reach up that high that is! Bwahhahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doctor! You wound me! It was you pulling such an obvious deception? I thought I taught you better than that! Now I have to make you stand behind the short little shit to give me some head!