quote:Originally posted by LLance: Does Pig Iron and/ or Allan1 need a ride? This is the time to discuss these issues! Franta, have you heard from our friend from Pennsylvania? I almost saw Pig Iron in the flesh this past Sat. but he arrived late and I missed him by minutes! The comic staff at Comic Book World says he "seems" okay. Thank Gob they're on my payroll and not his!
Pig Iron and/or allan1 DO NOT take a ride from this guy.You will be raped Deliverence style!
Sounds like someone else is hinting to be picked up as well...eh, my good Doctor Smith?
quote:Originally posted by LLance: Does Pig Iron and/ or Allan1 need a ride? This is the time to discuss these issues! Franta, have you heard from our friend from Pennsylvania? I almost saw Pig Iron in the flesh this past Sat. but he arrived late and I missed him by minutes! The comic staff at Comic Book World says he "seems" okay. Thank Gob they're on my payroll and not his!
Yeah, but I purchased a Storm Statue...so they were paid in a sense.
Yes. Kathy's voice did raise an octave when she mentioned the Storm statue purchase!
While I was waiting on you a character who looked like a skin head and who might repeatedly ass-rape me on a long car ride walked into the store and I remember thinking to myself as I clutched my buttocks "...Please don't ask for LLance...Oh Dear Gob...Please don't ask for LLance!"
Well, I was just informed today at work that we are having our semi-unannounced annual state audit the first week of August. My boss basically said it would be in my best interest to re-schedule my vacation. I wasn't forced to give up my vacation slot, but it was suggested strongly (since my boss previously knew and remembered from a previous conversation that I wasn't flying). I was informed that my caseload couldn't be attended to while the other workers were doing the extra workload...it wasn't "workable".
So, apparently I will be working OT nearly everyday until it is over screening my caseload by individual cases for the audit and doing my regular tasks on top of that. I hate my job and my boss.....
quote:Originally posted by LLance: Damn it Nowhereman! If you loved truly loved me you'd dress up as a homeless man and bum a lousy 600 quid or whatever that symbol is and come to America to see me in the flesh...and nothing but the flesh! Teehee!
quote:Originally posted by LLance: Damn it Nowhereman! If you loved truly loved me you'd dress up as a homeless man and bum a lousy 600 quid or whatever that symbol is and come to America to see me in the flesh...and nothing but the flesh! Teehee!
Damn it Franta! You give Nowhereman the goods for free he'll never show up!
Everybody's going to Dave and Buster's Saturday night though! Right after we leave Dreamer's! Are there port-a-potty's in Dave and Buster's parking lot? It would be nice if someone posted an official guest list for Dave and Buster's as well!
J Lo will be there...as well as Ben Affleck! Their movie bombed now they must run neekid and have rabid comic geeks shoot paintballs at their naughty parts! :)
quote:Originally posted by THE Franta: Batwoman we told you that huntforbambi was a hoax...dont count all your chickens before they've hatched next time!
Im off work for two weeks after tonight and computer at home is fucked.
SO if I dont respond to official NB emails you'll know why!
Quit going to those porn sites and infecting your computer..you should know better... :)