Yeah, I think you're right. I've seen mid-1970's Byrne pages of Captain America from early in his career. But this one looks to be on more modern blue-line paper, as you can see at the top of the page.
But there are many early Byrne pages of Captain America, he was clearly hot to do the character in print, long before he ever did.
Un-flippin' beleivable. Ours has definitely become a much more expensive hobby than it used to be. In the 1980's you probably could have picked up that 2-page spread, or any other pages from X-MEN 137, for in the neighborhood of $100 a page or less.
I remember when guys were offering me early 70's DC Kirby pages for 15 to 25 per page, and that was in 1987. When I was at a show in 2012 looking at similar 70's Kirby Marvel and DC original pages, they were in the $2,000 range per page.
A cool project from 1980, Byrne worked on 2 of the 4 pages for the X-MEN PORTFOLIO, published by SQ Productions in 1980. What appears to be Byrne pencils or layouts, airbrushed and painted by Fastner or Larson.
Without Byrne, Fastner/Larson also did a HULK PORTFOLIO and a SPIDER-MAN PORTFOLIO, all in that 1979-1981 period. And a later 2nd X-MEN PORTFOLIO, without Byrne, and I think less impressive without him.
From that period I described in my opening post, a time where Byrne pretty much strode over the industry like a god.
. Regarding Roger Stern and John Byrne's run in CAPTAIN AMERICA 247-255, I knew at the time that Stern and Byrne had both left the book abruptly, for reasons not disclosed at the time. This link on Byrne's site answers that question :
Stern says it was for deadline reasons, and being treated badly by book editor Jim Salicrup.
Byrne has a different recollection that it was Jim Shooter's sudden order that all stories had to be resolved in a single issue, that Stern wanted to comply after completing a 3-part Red Skull storyline he had just plotted. That Shooter insisted had to be condensed to one issue, that Stern resigned in protest, and Byrne resigned in solidarity with Stern.
Byrn'e version rings more true to me, of all the factors involved. Stern's version makes Jim Salicrup look like the bad guy. Byrne's version makes Jim Shooter the bad guy. It could be one reason or both reasons. But ultimately, they both resigned from the series abruptly in protest.
Marvel in the 1970's and 1980's, by many accounts, was not an easy place to work for many. I'd love to see a panel of writers and artists who did work for both Marvel and DC, and see their consensus of whether Marvel or DC was the better place to work. Both seem to have had their good and bad moments.
Byrne again, this time photographed like he was posing for a Macy's Labor Day weekend sale catalog. But with some really nice oversize commission pages.
Byrne did early art on issues 3-6, the last of which Byrne also scripted. At which point Byrne was increasingly working only for Marvel, and at a better rate of pay.
Where the Thing is given a cure by Reed Richards that should make Ben Grimm human again. But unfortunately, Grimm has been the Thing for too long for it to work, at this stage of his mutation. So when left alone, Grimm has the idea to use Richards' time machine to go back to 1961, and administer the cure to himself at his earliest stage of his mutation, so the formula will work on him.
It's a nice character exploration, of how the Thing was portrayed in his earliest days, and how the character had evolved up to that point over 18 years (from 1961-1979), the things of two eras meeting, where they could be contrasted side by side. An impressive opening offering by Byrne as writer/artist And a precursor of what Byrne would do in FANTASTIC FOUR 232-293 as writer/artist, with a solid grasp of science fiction, time travel paradoxes, and a good understanding of the FF characters from the earliest days of the series, tapping into the appeal of those earliest issues, returning those elements to the series during his run.
Also interesting to see the FF issues from 1979-1980, circa issues 209-221, when Marv Wolfman was writing the series, and Byrne was just pencilling the series, inked by Joe Sinnott, where Byrne was not at the creative helm, just one part of the FF creative team.
Given the Memorial Day holiday today (and in the weeks leading up to July 4th) , I thought I'd also mention Byrne's CAPTAIN AMERICA run, in issues 247-255. Teamed with Roger Stern, penciilled by Byrne, with Rubinstein inks. A great little run.
And also the story that partly re-lives Cap's World War II Golden Age glory days in issues 253-254, with an aged Union Jack, Baron Blood, and a mysterious series of vampire murders in the English countryside, coinciding with Cap's visit to the region.
I also loved the opening 3-issue story in 247-249, in a more SF vein, with Cap visiting Nick Fury and a hidden SHIELD tech center in the middle of Manhattan, with a lot of cool robots and futuristic high-tech machinery that Byrne excels at, along with the giant gargoyle-looking Dragon Man.
And the great finale in issue 255, re-telling Captain America's origin story, that again strokes the heartstrings of nationalism and patriotism at the core of what makes the character work. And a nice plus, most of the story is reproduced directly from Byrne's pencils, only partially inked, that also gives the art a nice additional layer of texture and detail, and somehow also adds to the story's Golden Age look and tribute.
This run was also reprinted in the CAPTAIN AMERICA: WAR AND REMEMBRANCE collected trade, with an additional 6 pages of Byrne pencils, for an issue left unfinished when Roger Stern and John Byrne both abruptly quit the series, due to editorial interference, by either Jim Shooter or the book editor, or both. As I recall, Byrne quit, and then Stern left in solidarity with Byrne. And then Stern took over DOCTOR STRANGE for a great run in 46-73. And Byrne took over as writer/artist on FANTASTIC FOUR 232-293. So in a way it worked out, but one can't help but wonder what might have been, if they remained on CAPTAIN AMERICA for another year or two, and finished the storyline they'd in interviews discussed having already plotted.
Roger Stern's best work was on this CAPTAIN AMERICA series, on AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 224-250, and on DOCTOR STRANGE 46-73. Two of the three of which he left because of ediorial interference (on SPIDER-MAN, Stern had planned to reveal the Hobgoblin's identity with issue 250, but after a year's worth of buildup, the book editor blocked what Stern had planned, so he left the series. ) Gee, why did Stern leave Marvel to write SUPERMAN? I can't imagine.
I think maybe the guy who posted it took the early Byrne issues from the 1970's-1980's period, and had them professionally bound, in a one-of-a-kind personal set of hardcovers for himself.
I've seen the same done by others, where they took individual issues and had them bound together in a personal hardcover collections.
I bought one on Ebay a few years back of a small-press trade collection of Lou Fine's complete Black Condor and The Ray stories, that the seller decades ago had re-bound in a decorative hardcover. Mostly black and white with about 20% in color, but still nice to have. The book has an intro by Jim Steranko.
I've seen other similar custom-made collected hardcovers on Ebay I didn't buy. Where for example, another guy did the same with his CONAN THE BARBARIAN Barry Smith and John Buscema issues. If you have the cash and inclination, making your own hardcover is a way to have a collected edition exactly the way you want it. I was tempted to do the same 25 years ago with Jack Kirby 1970's DC work, or a custom-made complete hardcover set of all Neal Adams work for Marvel and DC. But then Marvel and DC started publishing all that stuff in nice hardcover editions, and I no longer felt the need.
I wouldn't want to damage nice copies of comics, even if I did make a hardcover. I'd want to purchase Good or VG copies for that mission, if I did it at all. And really, as old as these issues are, 50 years or more old, I'd hate to ruin original comics of that era in any grade. I talked about my hardcover-binding old comics issues idea with a rare used bookstore owner in my area I grew up with, and he was horrified at the idea. He looked at me like I wanted to murder children.
This video asks the same question I began this topic with: At what point did John Byrne lose it as an artist?
In the video, he argues that Byrne lost it in the latter third of his FF run, circa 1985-1986, that he narrows down issue by issue to FF 265, 266 and 267. I would argue the decline was visible a little earlier than that, where Byrne still has a lot of detail, but even with the detail, it was much looser and less decorative than his earlier work, starting to decline back to around 247-250.
It was in FF 258 that Byrne in the letters page explained that for several issues up to then, he had already begun drawing in ink, skipping the pencil stage, which made clear to me as a reader he didn't care anymore. I still enjoyed the series for the writing, and the art was only slightly diminished. but still nice. I enjoyed the series up till about 275, and only slightly less the issues from 276-293.
Byrne's work on MAN OF STEEL 1-6 and SUPERMAN 1-22, ACTION COMICS 584-600, HE EARTH STEALERS special, and other Superman stuff he did is somewhat impressive, but again, below that of his past work such as X-MEN, early FF, and his other 1975-1982 Marvel work. His version of Superman was out of proportion and way over-muscular, way out of character. Even so though, to a large degree I liked much of Byrne's art and new story concepts on his Superman tiles.
I really never warmed up to any of Byrne's work after that. His SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK run was fun, but again nowhere near his earlier work, and that was the last series of his I regularly bought.