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#188817 2003-05-16 9:59 PM
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So what ongoing comic these days is your must buy, the book on the top of your reading pile, the comic that's your first priority above all others once you enter your local comic shop/ magazine store?

As of now, The Adventures of Superman is my top pick these days. Which is surprising, since Joe Casey was at one point the weakest link on the Superman titles in my eyes for a long while, with the occasional good issue here and there. But ever since Ending Battle ended, well, shockingly enough, his title has been interesting to say the least. The Hollow Men are a rather unique group of villains, and seeing the Golden Age Superman appear in current continuity, abeit briefly, was cool.

So, the question turns to the gang here. What comic is your consistent favorite?

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Right at this minute.....I can consistently turn to Batman, Detective, Aquaman, JLA, Catwoman, Witchblade, Tomb Raider and the Hulk and get a fucking awesome story.......was I supposed to pick one. [eh?]

Hey FF you never answered my question........was that you that briefly posted as Willitude Version 1.0? And if name.

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Yup, that was me.

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Love and Rockets is currently my favorite fave.

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well for me it is batman, detective, robin, and hulk, and bop and GK'S

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I have drastically cut back on my reading.

In fact I’ve dropped more books in the past several months then I have in a life time of reading.

The stuff out of the Superman camp breaks my heart. Its just bland pedestrian crap.

The only shinning spot is Joe Casey on Adventures who at least has taken a stand and seems willing at this point to do some exploring. That is if the bucket heads in editorial and corporate allow him to.

After the whole Zod thing I have dropped Action all together. It’s just such crap and shoots so low that it’s a big fucking joke foisted upon the readership.

Is this the best they can do?

Play out a story for 4 years about yet another guy with a bizarre grudge against Superman for being too nice?

Can you say Kenny Braverman or Cyborg?

Heart breaking.

At this point I don’t think the new Superman primer by Segal will catch on with current fans. And here’s why: There is NO ONE buying these books except the same 30,000 faithful who will buy any SHIT with a \S/ on the cover. It IS NOT attracting new fans BECAUSE it’s still the same BORING feet of LEAD Superman.

The character as currently portrayed is finished.

Anyway, what was the question again?

Oh yeah,

Detective (My personal favorite)
Tom Strong
Adventures of Superman.

Everything else is a month to month basis full well knowing that any of the Superman crap will be available in any discount bin in any comic book store in the country.
[worst.  icon.  ever.]

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I'd have to say a few must-reads are:
Detective Comics
Captain Marvel
Fantastic Four
Amazing & Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate X-Men

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Yes, Superman doesn't fight anymore in AoS. Doesn't make the book good. Casey can't see to do anything but rip from Morrison these days. Automatic Kafka, the "hollow men", and I recently saw a cover for an upcoming AoS issue that had a monkey drawing a picture of Superman.


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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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Y: The Last Man.

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The Flash is my favorite book at the moment. It's the only one that I would probably show physical signs of withdrawl if I couldn't get it every month.

In fact it's been almost 7 weeks or so now and Im all itchy and having trouble sleeping at night. [eh... i dunno... ]

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LIBERTY MEADOWS by Frank Cho. He draws the most beautiful women in comics, AND the thing's as funny as old 1940's WB cartoons!!! :)

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Y-the Last Man!

And this is my first post to these boards.
I had a different name on the DC boards, but that is in the past.

~Bill Z. Bub
[mwah hwah haa]

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Lately, it's been Player Vs. Player and Liberty Meadows for me. I'm actually getting more joy out of the humor comics than I am the superhero stuff.

I was liking Steven Seagle's run on Superman until #192, when he finally succumbed to the long-standing "Lois Lane: Superbitch" mantra. That, and I felt the story was rushed and inconsistent. Right now, that's book's on the fence, and it's the only Superman title I'm still buying. But Scott McDaniel's art is nothing less than excellent.

I've been reading JMS' Spider-Man on and off, but as I have little hope that Spidey and MJ's reconciliation will last much longer, I may well be "off" again.

Captain America has been OK, but bland. I may end up dropping it.

JLA has been really inconsistent of late (a problem that's plagued all of the creative teams since the relaunch). Don't know how long I'll be buying it. Great Mahnke art, though.

The Loeb/Lee Batman run has been a total slog. I'm seriously thinking of dropping it. (And I HATE, HATE, HATE the new Huntress suit. What was wrong with the previous one?)

Add to that the random books I pick up whenever the mood suits me.

Lately I've been looking into TPBs and compilation books. I'm actually enjoying those more than the monthlies.

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Originally posted by Kilgore Trout:
I have drastically cut back on my reading.

In fact I’ve dropped more books in the past several months then I have in a life time of reading.

The stuff out of the Superman camp breaks my heart. Its just bland pedestrian crap....

After the whole Zod thing I have dropped Action all together. It’s just such crap and shoots so low that it’s a big fucking joke foisted upon the readership.

Is this the best they can do?

Play out a story for 4 years about yet another guy with a bizarre grudge against Superman for being too nice?

Can you say Kenny Braverman or Cyborg?

Heart breaking.

At this point I don’t think the new Superman primer by Segal will catch on with current fans. And here’s why: There is NO ONE buying these books except the same 30,000 faithful who will buy any SHIT with a \S/ on the cover. It IS NOT attracting new fans BECAUSE it’s still the same BORING feet of LEAD Superman.

The character as currently portrayed is finished.

I'm writing an article about just that that I hope to submit to the Other Earths website. Just so's you know, you aren't the only one who thinks the books have collapsed beyond repair.

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I'll go with 100 Bullets

A cast of 100s all with their own agendas, all trying to stick knives into each other's backs.

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Originally posted by King Krypton:

I've been reading JMS' Spider-Man on and off, but as I have little hope that Spidey and MJ's reconciliation will last much longer, I may well be "off" again.

The Loeb/Lee Batman run has been a total slog. I'm seriously thinking of dropping it. (And I HATE, HATE, HATE the new Huntress suit. What was wrong with the previous one?)

Add to that the random books I pick up whenever the mood suits me.

Lately I've been looking into TPBs and compilation books. I'm actually enjoying those more than the monthlies.

Ok, a few things -

1. Why do you think that Pete and MJ won't last? Not a slam, just curious, as they just (FINALLY!) got back together. :) I'm in the camp that wants them to work out, but that's just me.

2. Totally agree with you about the Huntress' new costume. I used to say it on the old DCMB, but all that costume says is, "It's a business doing pleasure with you." [...rassamnfrackin...] Lee's "explanation" for why she looks like a two dollar whore just doesn't fly with me. [no no no]

3. The compilation books got me reading the Hulk again - I had read so many good things about Jones' run, but was too lazy to start looking for individual back issues. Then came the compilations... [biiiig grin]

As for the original question, I don't think I could narrow it down to just one title - but the top ones would be: Alias; 'Tec; Y: The Last Man; Fables; Ultimate Spidey; Sojourn[for the art alone - Greg Land is my fav'rit artist out there]... and slowly , but surely, The Hulk is joining those ranks. Those seem to be the ones I consistantly read first.

Batman, for all the Hush hype just has not been doing it for me. Shame, cuz after Loeb's LOTDK Halloween Specials and TLH and DV I was expecting much better stuff from him... [sad]

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Originally posted by harleykwin:
Ok, a few things -

1. Why do you think that Pete and MJ won't last? Not a slam, just curious, as they just (FINALLY!) got back together. :) I'm in the camp that wants them to work out, but that's just me.

Well, Kevin Smith talked about how Marvel wanted to keep a distance between Peter and MJ because of the way the first movie ended, and what a problem he felt it posed for a writer. And there was a comment made in a recent issue about MJ being in town for a photo shoot and Peter not having enough money to move her into an apartment with him. If she's only in town for a photo shoot, what happens after that? Is Marvel going to force them apart again?

Don't get me wrong. I would like nothing better than to see Spider-Man and his girl stay together (especially since Superman's marriage is an unmitigated disaster). But given the way things have gone with comic book marriages in the past, and the hint that MJ may not be in town for much longer, I have my doubts. If I'm proven wrong and they stay together, I'll be delighted. But if they split them up again, I'm finished with Spider-Man. I'm beyond sick of seeing comic book marriages fall to pieces.

2. Totally agree with you about the Huntress' new costume. I used to say it on the old DCMB, but all that costume says is, "It's a business doing pleasure with you." [...rassamnfrackin...] Lee's "explanation" for why she looks like a two dollar whore just doesn't fly with me. [no no no]
If you want me to be honest, I think her previous costume was infinitely sexier than the mess Lee designed. I have a major weakness for women in tights dating back to when I first saw Olivia Newton-John in Grease when I was three years old. Huntress is a skintight catsuit? Love it. Huntress in a belly shirt and hot pants? Ick. Too much skin for my tastes. There's more mystery and appeal to a full spandex bodysuit. (The only fictional character who I think can pull off the belly shirt look is Aayla Secura, the spandex-clad Twi'lek Jedi from Episode II. Otherwise it looks stupid on superhero characters.)

Besides, it's more practical to wear a full bodysuit if you're going to be doing the street-level stuff Batman and the gang do. Showing as much skin as she does now practially screams "Hey, shoot me here!" Not the brightest of ideas. Hopefully the Lee suit will get trashed as soon as he's gone.

3. The compilation books got me reading the Hulk again - I had read so many good things about Jones' run, but was too lazy to start looking for individual back issues. Then came the compilations... [biiiig grin]
Yeah, I starting to get into those myself. I don't have a lot of them yet, but there's quite a few I'm interested in. They're certainly more fun to read than the monthlies, I'll say that.


Batman, for all the Hush hype just has not been doing it for me. Shame, cuz after Loeb's LOTDK Halloween Specials and TLH and DV I was expecting much better stuff from him... [sad]

I know. I'd have to rank it as some of Loeb's worst work to date. Although the latter half of his Superman run was pretty rank, too.

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Right now? I'd have to say JSA is my favorite book on the market, followed closely by The Flash, Ultimate Spider-Man and Tom Strong.

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Top Titles: GirlGenius, Liberty Meadows, Age Of Bronze.

Top DC Titles: JSA, The Legion.

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Gotham Central
Ultimate Spider-man
Y the last man

In that order (at the moment, it varies).

100 bullets
starman (if any more come out, I started buying them up last year, only to find out there hasn't been one for ages)

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It USED to be BATMAN, when Brubaker was writing it. Now it's DETECTIVE COMICS. I'm thinking about dropping GOTHAM KNIGHTS for either POWERS or PLANETARY. So, I guess, as of last month, it was:

3. BLACK PANTHER (cancelled)


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Well I don't think you really need to drop anything for Planetary. I mean, yes we are finally getting an issue in August. But after that your guess is as good as mine as when the next issue will be out. Next February?

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Good afternoon.

This is my first post in "Rob's land." Interesting to know that I can say just about anything and not receive an email telling me to cool it. How refreshing!

Oh, as to the topic at hand...NEW X-MEN.

And it's so...weird seeing all my old DCMB buddies posting such dirty stuff. Let's keep it up, shall we?


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Well of course it's 'THE LEGION' !!!


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Although I was disappointed for a few issues, with Dream Crime, The Legion is back to my number one book.

Exiles would be the second book on my list.

And I have to add that I also think that the Superman titles have gotten really bad. I recently dropped all of them from my hold list.

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