I just got back from a MAJORmidwest coaster tour. A couple of weeks ago. We started at Holiday World for Stark Raven Mad, which was INCREDIBLE (I had already ridden both the Raven and the Legend, but NOTHING could have prepared me for the experience of riding both of them in PITCH-BLACK darkness. I haven't ridden Ghost Rider yet, so I can't rank it, but the Raven and the Legend are my two favorite coasters, hands down. Then, we spent a two-day FUN FRENZY at CEDAR POINT... we got two rides on Top Thrill Dragster, and 3 rides on MILLENIUM FORCE, one in the front. There is nothing like the sheer freedom and rush of adrenaline, testosterone, whatever hormone you can think of-they're all pumping in that front seat! WAH-HOO!!! We rode everything else too.
Then, we went to King's Island, and it was... ehhh... part of the letdown had to do with just having come from Cedar Point, but honestly... Beast and Son of Beast aren't all that.
Then we had to go home,
![[eh... i dunno... ]](graemlins/ehidunno.gif)
stopping for a few hours at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom on the way home.
In four words? GO TO CEDAR POINT!!!!!!!!!!