Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I'll give you this much credit, Joe. Unlike Iggy, you don't need a board of your own in order to obsess over me so that you can forget about what a pathetic piece of shit you are. Your stupidity is completely self sustaining.

Uh oh. I think I hit a nerve with Tommy. Perhaps I could follow up with pointing out that, unlike Iggy, he doesn't even have "a board of [his] own in order to obsess over [me] so that [he] can forget about what a pathetic piece of shit [he is]." That he has to leech onto other boards, only to have his life of perpetual failure pointed out to him over and over again.

You're fun when you're floundering, Tommy.

OMG!!1! You are my fucking hero with that post!

-Joe Mama's Fangirl (aka me and Pulloutski)

Last edited by iggy; 2008-09-02 7:39 AM.