on and on it goes.....

God bless her.

Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.

Hmm.... banning books is just one step removed from book burnings. So Palin thinks there are books people shouldn't be exposed to based on her own beleifs and values?

Nazi Book Burnings 1933

Burning the 'Satanic' Harry Potter books in New Mexico.

As recent and historical memory suggests, banning books sometimes just isn't good enough for these types of people.

Today's NY Times has this blurb recounting how McCain really wanted Lieberman to be his V.P., but was blocked by his party:

Only last month, friends say, Mr. McCain wanted to reach beyond his base and ask Mr. Lieberman to be his running mate; in that instance, though, party influence proved too strong, with many Republican officials and delegates insisting they would reject Mr. Lieberman because of his support for abortion rights and some gay rights laws.

The word working its way through political circles in Connecticut is that John McCain actually called Joe Lieberman to ask him to be the GOP v.p. candidate. The "ask" was made. However, a revolt ensued, led by Mitt Romney and others, threatening a floor fight. That resulted in a second call a couple hours later to Lieberman from McCain pulling the offer.

There is so much in that little anecdote if these sources are accurate. First, it shows what a tool Lieberman is. Last night, Lieberman spoke at a convention where he's actually vilified, yet he went anyway and flat out lied about Obama. More importantly, it shows what a wimp McCain is. He's supposed to fight al Qaeda, but won't stand up to the religious fanatics in his own party. Instead, McCain made an impulsive choice, Sarah Palin, who wasn't vetted. McCain couldn't have the v.p. he wanted. So, he was forced to pick someone he didn't even know. Says a lot about John McCain's willingness to gamble with America's future.

We need more details.

Palin's church also pulled the section of their website that contains past sermons. I saw an evangelical minister on MSNBC about an hour ago vilify Obama for the Rev. Wright for his sermons even as he in the same breath vilified "the left" for looking into the sermons of Palin's minister. Talk about hypocrisy of the highest order!

These fuckers are only too happy to vilify someone on account of their pastors words but hey, do that to them and it's below the belt and uncalled for!! They wrote the rules, time to take what you dish out. Palin's church also sponsors the whole ex-gay movement BTW.