Originally Posted By: the G-man
True, but the "Harvey is dead" statement comes directly from Aaron Eckhart.

Of course, I wouldn't put it past Nolan to have Eckhart and company start spreading that rumor so that his return in the next film is a surprise.

Ekhart contradicts himself anyway.
He states a fact that Dent will not be back, but then goes on to say that nothing has been decided about the movie.

How can he say with any conviction that Dent will not be back?
The only thing he would be able to say is he would not be back as Dent if he has already decided he does not want to return.

Of course, as G-Man said, it could all be smoke and mirrors, to cover up any storylines from the next film, especially after all the stuff that they circulated prior to the last film.

Like TDK, nothing will be certain until we all see it, so any speculation or rumour is pointless at this moment in time!