Originally Posted By: the G-man
  • Howard Guttman, an original member of the Obama national finance committee, went on Laura Ingraham Friday to again and again infer that Palin’s parenting skills and the choice to run for VP were suspect.

    Gutman said the issue wasn’t one of gender, but one of parenting -– regardless of the gender of the parent.

    “This has nothing to do with gender, whether Todd Palin was the nominee or Sarah Palin was the nominee,” Gutman said. “If my daughter had just come home at 17 years old and said, ‘Mom, Dad, I’m pregnant, we have a family problem,’ I wouldn’t say, ‘You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to take this private family problem…and you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to go on the international stage and broadcast this to the world.’”

    Gutman continued, “this wasn’t a working mother issue, this was a parent issue…The proper attack is not that a woman shouldn’t run for vice president with five kids, it’s that a parent, when they have a family in need, a Down’s baby who needs them — mother or father.”

    “So you are judging her parenting skills,” Ingraham said. “You’re saying you don’t think she’s a good parent for doing this job.”

    “I’m saying the proper criticism is not that it’s a woman or man – it doesn’t matter whether it’s Todd or Sarah,” Gutman said. “Think of how many politicians have said it’s not the right time in my family’s life for me to run.”

    The Obama camp denied that this outburst represented their views.

So much for Obama's promise to fire anyone in his camp that attacks Palin's family.

this shouldnt be surprising, isnt Obama's whole paltform based on his elitist friends know whats best for your family and your taxes? I dont know how many times they refer to poor people that support McCain as uneducated. Not everyone gets a free ride to Harvard, but there are other ways in life to be educated....