Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
as G-man pointed out one of his economic advisers was bashing her family, how can you breathe in the sand?

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It isn’t clear what role Gutman still has in the campaign...He use to be with the campaign but any reference to him seems to be past tense.

As Jim Geraghty notes:

  • we're getting a rerun of something we saw earlier this year. Whenever we saw an Obama surrogate — say, Wes Clark, George McGovern, Jay Rockefeller, Tom Harkin, Democratic congressional candidate Bill Gillespie, Ed Schultz or Tony McPeak — attacking John McCain's war record, the response was always the same - a short, curt, pro forma "we disapprove" statement from a spokesman, with no real consequences for the surrogate who stepped out of line.

To the best of my recollection, none of those other "surrogates" were "official" Obama employees either.

There seems to be a pattern of Obama saying some sort of unwarranted personal attack is "off limits" and then a high-profile supporter just "happens" to make the attack anyway. And that supporter always just "happens" to be one that Obama can't fire because he or she isn't actually a paid employee.

FUNny about that.