By the way, nice writeup in today's Wall St Journal debunking the allegation that Palin was banning books:
  • Among other things, Palin's opponents claim that as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, she was a "book banner"--which is to say, that she sought to have books removed from the local public library. This claim has been debunked--but not before it has spread all over the Internet with the help of some in the mainstream media.

    The book-banner tale seems to have originated in a widely circulated Aug. 31 email from Anne Kilkenn... a Wasilla resident and harsh Palin critic.

    but when the Anchorage Daily News investigated the story, it found no evidence that Palin had ever sought to remove books from the library.

    The chairman of the Alaska Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee tells the Daily News that there is no evidence in her files of any censorship at the Wasilla library