Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: rex
9-11. The day everyone stops what their doing to let the terrorists win.
I didn't see anyone stop what they were doing today. Just because there were a few ceremonies and many people taking a few moments to reflect on this day and what it means to them and this country doesn't mean the terrorists win. You are a weird fucking person sometimes. Lighten up.

I just hate that every channel has to have 9-11 coverage. We all know what happened.

Not to politicize the whole thing but not everyone seems to remember, there are those in this country that would let the enemy build up and attack again. I heard criticism on TV again today of the Bush Doctrine of if there is credible evidence someone is going to attack us, attack them first. Many people unfortunately would like to stick there heads in the sand and wish this away. Many innocent people died for no reason of their own. The forces that did this will do it again if they arent lept on the run.

well the forces that attacked us have been pretty much ignored by bush so that he could go after the wrong country and attack someone he wanted to attack the moment he took office.
we need the support of other nations, we need to have friends in the world and do the job correctly. mccain wants to keep to empty rhetoric and attack sovereign nations who've done nothing to us while obama wants to build support and friendships that bush has ignored. obama also wants to actually get bin laden and not just make a boast about it.
if he's in pakistan and we go there acting macho and talking tough all we do is generate more anti-us sentiment in the world, help along bin laden's whole argument that we want to conquer the middle east, which only increases al queda's numbers. but if we go to the table and say we have so many countries with us who will exert certain pressure through economic and diplomatic channels, that would get the job done. if that doesn't work then we can use military force but not look like imperial assholes.
Only Siths speak in absolutes Ray. In all seriousness I support the War in Iraq I just feel it was mismanaged at times. If you are ever going to have peace in the middle east and israel it will be because democracy has taken root there. This is a first step. I know you don't want to believe it because you hate the man so much but there is a chance that 20 years from now historians will look back and say because of Bush there is peace in the middle east.

Plus one added bonus of the war in iraq was al qaeda came to us. Initially they made life pretty miserable for us. And if our leaders listened to the french/liberal partisans in this country we would have packed up and left. Instead we and the iraqis have shredded al qaeda to practically nothing in the country and whatever is left is getting attacked by iraqis now who have had enough with these scumbags. The war worked and now we will concentrate on afghanistan.

Palpatine has clouded your mind.
yes al queda came to us in iraq, and many many innocent civilians have been killed because of this. saddam may have been bad but we've been worse. we've done more torture, brought more random violence, and have generally helped bin laden's cause by doing all of this. democracy can't be forced upon a country, and democracy isn't some magical pure thing. hitler and saddam came to power through democracy. the whole point is that they have to choose it and fight for it themselves. military invasions only unify a country against the invaders. look at iran. there is a strong movement to reform things now, if we act in ways to help them reform (like diplomatic pressure which makes it harder for the bad guys to maintain a powerbase) then things will improve,but if we invade right off the bat all we do is unite all of iran against us.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
No I think he's claiming that poverty motivated Bin Laden...cause, you know, it's not like Bin Laden came from one of the wealthiest families in the world or anything.

a simple way of looking at things. bin laden is one guy, who does he recruit? what is he saying, what is he playing on to recruit? hitler wouldn't have been able to come to power if people weren't unhappy and looking to blame someone. bin laden uses our presence in the middle east to say "look! foreign invaders! we must protect our home." and people join him because they want to protect their homes, or because their family members have been killed by our bombs. diplomacy, even if it fails and still leads to war, at least shows that we're reasonable and that war is not our main goal. understanding these people is the best way to minimize and undermine bin laden's power. but by invading we only bolstered bin laden's claims by giving some proof that we want to rule the middle east.
essentially what people like you are saying is that we shouldn't try diplomacy, we should jump right to putting American troops lives in danger and the lives of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. i would prefer to try and talk bloodlessly first. obama has been clear that he wouldn't take military action off the table, he'd just be an adult and try a peaceful solution first.

Bow ties are coool.