Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i'm not surprised the Time War story will be told. Davies seems like the type who at least likes to wrap up his own stories and the time war is the big one he's referenced but never really shown. it'll be good to see mcgann and get some closure, i really hope they can get eccleston for at least a cameo to show the regeneration. it just doesn't sit right that we have hartnell through mcgann in clear regenerations but a gap between 8 and 9.

While I agree I would love to see The Time War, I'd love to see it as a movie rather than a television episode. And I totally want to see the regeneration. However, I doubt they're going to show that, if only because they wouldn't be able to get Eccles back for the cameo.

anyone read the link i posted? moffet's thoughts on the series are interesting, especially since they were given way before he was on the show or up for the head writer post, so there's a brutal honesty in his opinions.

I had already read this awhile back. And while I agree with most of what Moffat says, I also think he was being too much of an elitist to be able to judge the series so harshly. Not to mention, I first saw this when someone brought this up over at the OG Boards where Moffat is/was known to post as himself. He admitted to being embarrassed by the twelve-year-old article, and explained that "age mellows". So, take that for what you will. Meanwhile, his obvious love of Davison is apparent with Time Crash.

Ray, what Doctor are you watching right now?