Ray, I'm going to say that we need to agree to disagree on whether or not the war in Iraq was a good idea. You've got your opinion, and I've got mine. But how in the hell can you say that we've done more torture in Iraq than Saddam's regime?
there was a study done in 2005 after abu graib. saddam may have been bad, but he was more pointed. he tortured specific people and killed certain people. the death toll has been higher and more chaotic, the torture and abuses have also been random towards people who were guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. a lot of people detained are there because someone gave their name or they had the bad luck of being picked up, no evidence, no trial. the atmosphere of recklessness under bush's lead lead to that.
and i would think that anyone who loved America would be horrified by our actions and want to root out the problems in our system and our leaders so that America can once again be the respected good guys we used to be. of course that seems to be a democratic viewpoint that is attacked with:
Blame America First!
which only undermines and weakens America, allowing the corruption and global antipathy to become deeprooted.