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Obama kicked ass on the Service Forum last night......McCain did as well. This coupled with how well he did on O'Reilly will help him. I still am troubled with some major inconsistencies with Obama. He'll say one thing to the liberal groups (like I'm going to drastically cut the military) and other things to the rest of us (like how he will keep the military strong and try to grow it). That is just one of many examples. Where as with McCain he says the same thing every time to whoever he is speaking with.
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Well, if you don't lie about things or say whatever you think an audience wants to hear, it's not a problem keeping your stories and/or positions straight.
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McCains biggest liability on the campaign trail is the thing I like best about him, his honesty. Unfortunately it seems most people like candidates to tell them what they want to hear and dont care whether it is true.
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His new ad mocking McCain for not using a computer? Turns out that McCain can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country: - From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000): McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.
Seriously. As the above link points out, this has been known for eight years and the guy at National Review who broke the story was able to find this out in about five minutes with Google. What the fuck was Obama thinking?
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well he did send Joe Biden out to mock a paraplegic in Florida....
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http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/09/obamas_fading_celebrity.html The Democrats are in a panic. In a presidential race that is impossible to lose, they are behind. Obama devotees are frantically giving advice. Tom Friedman tells him to "start slamming down some phones." Camille Paglia suggests, "be boring!"
Meanwhile, a posse of Democratic lawyers, mainstream reporters, lefty bloggers and various other Obamaphiles are scouring the vast tundra of Alaska for something, anything, to bring down Sarah Palin: her daughter's pregnancy, her ex-brother-in-law problem, her $60 per diem, and now her religion. (CNN reports -- news flash! -- that she apparently has never spoken in tongues.) Not since Henry II asked if no one would rid him of his turbulent priest, have so many so urgently volunteered for duty.
But Palin is not just a problem for Obama. She is also a symptom of what ails him. Before Palin, Obama was the ultimate celebrity candidate. For no presidential nominee in living memory had the gap between adulation and achievement been so great. Which is why McCain's Paris Hilton ads struck such a nerve. Obama's meteoric rise was based not on issues -- there was not a dime's worth of difference between him and Hillary on issues -- but on narrative, on eloquence, on charisma.
The unease at the Denver convention, the feeling of buyer's remorse, was the Democrats' realization that the arc of Obama's celebrity had peaked -- and had now entered a period of its steepest decline. That Palin could so instantly steal the celebrity spotlight is a reflection of that decline.
It was inevitable. Obama had managed to stay aloft for four full years. But no one can levitate forever.
Five speeches map Obama's trajectory.
Obama burst into celebrityhood with his brilliant and moving 2004 Democratic convention speech (#1). It turned an obscure state senator into a national figure and legitimate presidential candidate.
His next and highest moment (#2) was the night of his Iowa caucus victory when he gave an equally stirring speech of the highest tones that dazzled a national audience just tuning in.
The problem is that Obama began believing in his own magical powers -- the chants, the swoons, the "we are the ones" self-infatuation. Like Ronald Reagan, he was leading a movement, but one entirely driven by personality. Reagan's revolution was rooted in concrete political ideas (supply-side economics, welfare-state deregulation, national strength) that transcended one man. For Obama's movement, the man is the transcendence.
Which gave the Obama campaign a cult-like tinge. With every primary and every repetition of the high-flown, self-referential rhetoric, the campaign's insubstantiality became clear. By the time it was repeated yet again on the night of the last primary (#3), the tropes were tired and flat. To top himself, Obama had to reach. Hence his triumphal declaration that history would note that night, his victory, his ascension, as "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Clang. But Obama heard only the cheers of the invited crowd. Not yet seeing how the pseudo-messianism was wearing thin, he did Berlin (#4) and finally jumped the shark. That grandiloquent proclamation of universalist puffery popped the bubble. The grandiosity had become bizarre.
From there it was but a short step to Paris Hilton. Finally, the Obama people understood. Which is why the next data point (#5) is so different. Obama's Denver acceptance speech was deliberately pedestrian, State-of-the-Union-ish, programmatic and only briefly (that lovely coda recalling the March on Washington) lyrical.
The problem, however, was that Obama had announced the Invesco Field setting for the speech during the pre-Berlin flush of hubris. They were stuck with the Greek columns, the circus atmosphere, the rock star fireworks farewell -- as opposed to the warmer, traditional, balloon-filled convention-hall hug-a-thon. The incongruity between text and context was apparent. Obama was trying to make himself ordinary -- and serious -- but could hardly remember how.
One star fades, another is born. The very next morning McCain picks Sarah Palin and a new celebrity is launched. And in the celebrity game, novelty is trump. With her narrative, her persona, her charisma carrying the McCain campaign to places it has never been and by all logic has no right to be, she's pulling an Obama.
But her job is easier. She only has to remain airborne for seven more weeks. Obama maintained altitude for an astonishing four years. In politics, as in all games, however, it's the finish that counts.
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You know, there's a certain irony in Obama mocking McCain for allegedly being computer illiterate when his own staff wasn't smart enough to Google the reason why McCain doesn't use one.
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Well, you need to remember, for the past twelve months or more he's had millions of leftists and scores of syncophantic "objective" journalists tell him that he's the second coming of Jesus H. Christ (Jesus Hussein Christ?). That's bound to build up anybody's ego to bizarre proportions.
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Apparently, the assholes over at DailyKos have figured out that this is very damaging and are running all over the web arguing that "Stephen Hawking uses a computer" as if that somehow means that McCain should put himself in physical pain to do the same thing. The big difference is, of course, that Hawking needs to the computer to communicate, while McCain can accomplish his day to day tasks without doing so.
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Why don't you go argue with them over there, or are you too chicken?
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Because you're bringing their shit over here. We have enough ray adlers here to spew their commie bullshit.
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What the fuck are you talking about? Mentioning what assholes do on another site is not the same as inviting them over here.
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as if this place needs more assholes.
How you doin'?
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Insert obligatory Rob is gay joke here.
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No, I'm just saying that there is enough different opinions here that you don't need to bring other ones to this board.
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rex your hatred of G-man is clouding your sense of reason. He was just trying to make a point and it was a valid one.
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also, quit fucking socks.
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rex your hatred of G-man is clouding your sense of reason. He was just trying to make a point and it was a valid one. No, its not a hatred of g-man I just don't like it when someone tried to argue something they don't believe in just for the sake of arguing.
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You're becoming a caricature of yourself.
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You're becoming a caricature of yourself.
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I'm a douchebag forever and always.
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I can get you a toe.
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Damn you and your lemonade!!
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Barack rhymes with sock....
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http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2008/09/14/2008-09-14_barack_obamas_big_blunder.html With top Dems fearing Barack Obama is in a hole, the Obama campaign has made a weird decision. It's going to dig that hole deeper, harder and faster.
No more Mr. Nice Guy, Obama vows. He's going to really start hitting John McCain now. He's going to make voters understand that McCain equals four more years of George Bush.
It's a weird decision because Obama has been doing exactly that for four months. The problem is not that Obama hasn't hit McCain hard enough or linked him to Bush often enough. The problem is that he hasn't done anything else.
How about a new idea? How about putting some meat on the bony promise of "change"?
And what happened to that post-partisan uniter who took the country by storm during the early primaries by offering an optimistic vision for America? Why not bring him back?
Apparently that Obama has left the building. He's been replaced with a party man who sees the other side as evil and beneath contempt. Consider these bitter words from campaign boss David Plouffe that outlines the Obama plan for the stretch run.
"John McCain has shown that he is willing to go into the gutter to win this election," Plouffe wrote in a memo circulated Friday. "His campaign has become nothing but a series of smears, lies and cynical attempts to distract from the issues that matter to the American people."
That rant might be comfort food for the nervous base, but will likely alarm independents who already aren't sure about Obama. By further scaring them with scorched-earth partisanship, the Obama team will only cede to McCain the label of the real independent.
Indeed, even as Sarah Palin has rallied the GOP base, McCain himself has ramped up efforts to secure his brand as a maverick willing to cross party lines. Obama's response appears to be surrender of the high ground.
The decision to stick with a mostly-nasty approach should finally end the myth that the Obama campaign is a flawless machine. It had an extraordinarily appealing candidate, a message of change to an unhappy nation and made brilliant tactical decisions that defeated the Clintons.
But that was last season. Since then, it has frittered away four months and, even before Palin rocked the race, Obama was coasting as the presumptive President. He secured his base in Europe, but neglected West Virginia, where Clinton beat him by 40 points. Poll-wise, he remains where he was when Clinton quit in June.
Now faced with an energized and disciplined opponent, Team Obama is doubling-down on an approach that failed to seal the deal despite a beatable McCain, a favorable environment and a fawning media.
The decision is extra odd given what seemed a growing consensus before the Democratic convention that Obama needed to better connect with middle-class voters. That consensus was that hammering home an economic message of hope and help was the answer and the plan, supporters said then.
But Obama didn't do it in his acceptance speech, and he hasn't done it since. Lately he's been so startled by Palin that he took to attacking her himself instead of leaving it to others.
His tax plan is one area where Obama has failed to press an economic advantage. He says his plan, while raising levies on high earners, would mean a tax cut for 95% of the working class. If true, that's a helluva plan. Yet Obama himself has done little to explain the details and how much individuals would benefit at different income levels.
There was even more ominous language in the Plouffe memo. After throwing in the name of Karl Rove, which is boob bait for Bush haters, Plouffe promised to summon the furies of the liberal press to expose McCain and Palin. "We trust that the obvious conflicts between their rhetoric and records, their promises and their plans will not go unreported in the last 53 days of this campaign," Plouffe wrote.
Ah, yes, the press. I guess that means more Charlie Gibsons of the world looking down with disgust at Palin as though she was soiling his shoes. Even The New York Times allowed that Gibson, in his ABC interview, came off as "supercilious," which is a fancy way of saying arrogant.
By all means, more arrogance toward the heartland. Just what Obama needs.
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a lot of this is what i've been saying all along, the McCain is Bush tactics just come off as petty. John McCain is a known person by the people of the US, he is known as a Maverick and has been a well known thorn in Bush's side. a couple months of attacks wont change that. If Obama wants a shot at this he needs to define who he is, and what he is going to do and show some proof from his past that he can and is willing to achieve change, and what that change is. making silly McCain is Bush comments works with the wacko lefties like whomod, but they were going to vote for Obamassiah anyways.
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a lot of this is what i've been saying all along, the McCain is Bush tactics just come off as petty. John McCain is a known person by the people of the US, he is known as a Maverick and has been a well known thorn in Bush's side. a couple months of attacks wont change that. If Obama wants a shot at this he needs to define who he is, and what he is going to do and show some proof from his past that he can and is willing to achieve change, and what that change is. making silly McCain is Bush comments works with the wacko lefties like whomod, but they were going to vote for Obamassiah anyways. Running McCain as Bush's third term doesn't really work for me either, pretty much for the reasons you've stated. It's less sound bytie but I think Obama does better when he spends time on specific policies that McCain & Bush share.
Fair play!
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fighting the terrorists in their backyard?
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Creating hurricanes with the White House's magic weather machine to destroy low income areas of the country?
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their Muslim beliefs?
oh wait, i meant to post this in the Obama/Farrakhan similarities thread!
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The thing is: a few months ago there was some sort of poll or study about what views the American people actually hold and it turned out that most Americans are closer politically and policywise to McCain than Obama.