Originally Posted By: whomod
Hey G-Man.... The Blackberry was invented by a Canadian company -- not by John McCain. There's a rather serious side to McCain's claim that he invented the Blackberry. The Blackberry has been the subject of some rather high-stakes law suits. If in fact McCain created the device, and not Research in Motion - or even if McCain were a co-inventor - this would raise some interesting legal issues with regards to who owns the rights to the device. I would suspect Research in Motion isn't interested in watering down its patent, which to my eye is exactly what John McCain just did today.)

Today, McCain's campaign claimed that McCain created the Blackberry. Regardless of whether G-man thinks it was as a "joke". Blackberry was developed by Research in Motion, a Canadian company. If McCain's campaign knew how to use the Google, they'd have known this important fact.

I guess not only did McCain invent the BlackBerry -- he outsourced it! McCain is now a serial liar!!!!!! Looks like besides dementia, he's now developing Munchausen syndrome!

Jesus Christ, you really are dense, aren't you?

The original story, at CNN and elsewhere, made it clear that it was a joke and that McCain didn't say it, a staffer did:
  • McCain senior aide Matt McDonald said that the senator "laughed" when he heard the comment.

    "He would not claim to be the inventor of anything, much less the BlackBerry. This was obviously a boneheaded joke by a staffer," McDonald said.