i also, btw, don't see what the reveal would do. you'd, then, just ... know who was doing it all the time. so whether its with the obsessor ID, or the misterjla ID, its all the same. it just happens and you hate it.

Nicely played.
Yeah, like I wrote before, I started the whole "look at what such and such is reading" craze, but it was a work of art.
Like catching Rob when he was reading a thread that I was making fun of the Bankee$ and their payroll advantage, and then having him post later. As if to say "HA! Rob just can't stop reading my Bankee$ posts, he knows I'm right"...and stuff.
Or catching Glacier reading the Blog. That's self explanatory.
But Wanky is just being a tard for the sake of being a tard. There's no art to it.
He tried to copy my EPIC posting style, but since he's a clueless dipshit he misses the whole point of my EPICness.
Poor guy.