I've now begun to include older collaboratively written stories in the Archives section of the site, beginning with Vanguard:
http://sites.google.com/site/blamguard/archives/vanguardI've been creating posts from the original story as individual chapters in the story, and editing things for style, continuity, grammar, spelling and punctuation. Eventually I hope to add more detail to the chapters, especially when there are elements introduced but never explained. Any chapters that don't really fit into the story I've moved into a subsection called "Non sequitur." I'll be doing the same with every archived story.
In the case of the older MBL and TOMB stories, I'll have to do a lot of rewriting to get them up to par with the more sophisticated style of the later stories, so they won't be appearing very soon. When they do, it will be more like a slow trickle than a flood, since rewriting and massive expansion takes much longer. One of the things I plan on doing is changing some of the names, for instance. Many names were simply random usernames and don't make much sense as names for superhero characters. Other names are trademarked names of characters owned by DC Comics, Marvel Comics and others, so I'll be changing them as well.
I'm afraid only the most geeky, die-hard fans of the original MBL (ie. me and Eurostar) will be interested in the above, but I wanted to let anyone interested know, assuming there are still a few former MBL/TOMB/Vanguard writers still floating about.