Originally Posted By: whomod

That's probably why you support McCain.

No, I support him because he's not an American hating commie.

It's called being a "Low information voter". They're the ones who get all their "facts" from Rush Limbaugh and what their equally uninformed relative tells them with info that he also heard on talk radio.

limbaugh was born and raised in rio linda california. Nothing good has ever come out of that white trash shit hole. I've never listened to his show and I don't know anyone that listens to it.

Y'know he ones who really believe Obama is a Muslim and that he wants to raise EVERYONES taxes.

I'm one of the people that correct it when someone says obama is muslim. He's got enough bad things going for him. I don't see why we should make up lies to make him look bad.

Obama will raise taxes. That's what commies do. That's what democrats do.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.