Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
I never took you for a fool MEM. I would never defend a scum republican.

PJP this started out with a bipartisan committee launching the investigation. By bipartisan I mean mostly republicans & some democrats. It's not about defending a guy who tasered a 10 yr old. It's about Sarah Palin & how she used her office. Supposedly she's for better government accountability all the while she's trying to dodge this. If there's nothing really there it's foolish & damaging on their part to act like there is.
you still didn't answer my question. Just toeing the party line as usual. Is the brother in law someone you would want to be a police officer?

Palin isn't being investigated for firing her ex-brother-in-law. She's being investigated for firing somebody else.

As for the tasering the stepson story it took some googling to find out any details beyond Palin just saying it happened.

One day -- maybe a year or two before the investigation -- Wooten showed his stepson his Taser. He had just been to Taser instructor school. Wooten told Sgt. Wall that the boy was fascinated and pleaded to be tased.

"So we went in our living room and I had him get down on his knees so he wouldn't fall. And I taped the probes to him and turned the Taser on for like a second, turned it off. He thought that was the greatest thing in the world, wanted to do it again," Wooten told the investigator. The boy flinched but nothing more, he said. The boy was about 11 at the time.

In his interview with troopers, the stepson said it hurt for about a second, according to Wall's report. The boy said he wanted to be tased to show his cousin, Palin's daughter Bristol, that he wasn't a mama's boy. The probe left a welt on his arm, he said. His mother was upstairs yelling at them not to do it, the boy said.

As Bristol remembered it, the jolt knocked the boy backward, the trooper report says. She said she was afraid.

The probes are attached by thin wires to the Taser cartridge. In the field, an officer fires the probes into a suspect's skin or clothing and the suspect receives a jolt of electricity for five seconds, said Steve Tuttle, a spokesman for Taser International, which makes the devices. They are only incapacitated during that time. In demos, the probes might be taped to a person so that they don't accidentally strike an eye or injure the volunteer, he said. If the Taser is fired for just a second, it would feel like your funny bone was hit but the quick jolt wouldn't knock you over, Tuttle said.

Palin leaves out the part about the kid asking his stepdad to do it again. If he knew that his stepson was only going to recieve a shock that was comparable to getting your funny bone hit then it's really not a big deal is it?

Fair play!