Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'm still amazed at people like whomod and MEM who think Palin was wrong for wanting to see fired a crooked cop who abused his family and tasered a ten year old kid.

That isn't reflective of what I've posted. I'm mostly following the investigation into of Palin allegedly abusing her office when she fired somebody else. If she did that & lied & tried covering it up, well I can understand why she would appeal to you as a VP.

Her ex-brother-in-law doesn't sound like a great family guy btw but the tasering incident sounds worse than what it was. I played sports, had snow ball fights with my dad with a bigger chance of injury than being tasered for a second. The kid begged him to do it & he did it in such a way that it was the equivalent of having your funny bone hit. Afterwards his stepson asked if he could get tasered again. Now I think the guy sounds like a loser since he's been married about as many times as your guy Rudy but this particular incident is a case where it sounds bad as long as you keep it as "he tasered an 11 yr old" & forego the details.

Fair play!