MEM, according multiple sources, including Amnesty International, Tasers can be fatal in some circumstances. In others, courts have held their use to be excessive force. While their use is preferable to, say, firearms in many circumstances they aren't a toy that you use on a kid as a joke.

I was at demonstration a couple years ago where the local Undersheriff volunteered to be the test subject to demonstrate the department's taser policy for local officials. This guy was a 6'4" ex-marine, wearing protective gear, and the Taser still dropped him to his knees. I would never want someone to use one on an 11 year kid unless it was a life or death situation and, even then, I'd be uncomfortable with the idea of it.

You can make excuses for the guy in an attempt to get at Palin but the simple fact of the matter is that any cop who fucks around with his weapons and a kid should be fired. It's too risky.