Originally Posted By: the G-man
Yep. "McCain is old" is this week's DNC talking point.

Yep. Here's 3 well known "democrat" operatives, Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson, and George Will yesterday repeating their DNC talking points.

Will and Roberts, neither of whom is awfully very friendly to Democrats (yes, G-Man, that was sarcasm above), both really ripped into McCain on ABC's This Week. And Sam Donaldson repeatedly said that McCain's actions this week brought back into question "the age issue." The Huffington Post has a 4 minute clip, it's devastating.

"I suppose the McCain campaign's hope is that when there's a big crisis, people will go for age and experience," said Will. "The question is, who in this crisis looked more presidential, calm and un-flustered? It wasn't John McCain who, as usual, substituting vehemence for coherence, said 'let's fire somebody.' And picked one of the most experienced and conservative people in the administration, Chris Cox, and for no apparent reason... It was un-presidential behavior by a presidential candidate."

Donaldson then jumped in: "It was two days after the he said the fundamentals of the economy were strong. His talking points have gotten all mixed up. And I think the question of age is back on the table."...

The whole, painful, episode crested with Will leveling an even harsher blow.

"John McCain showed his personality this week," said the writer and pundit, "and made some of us fearful."

Oh yeah, G-Man I forgot, they work for the "liberal" media.

I'll see later if someone has YouTubed this segment. Ever get the feeling that the wheels are starting to come off the Straight Talk Express?