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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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As far as the taser issue, it was bad judgement but it was done at the behest of the kid in order to impresshis cousin, the young unwed Palin girl. So the Obamatarians are back to attacking Palin's family, including her 11 year old nephew and her daughter again? Troopers who show bad judgement are supposed to get fired, whomod. They aren't supposed to blame the underaged victim. Man, you people will step over anybody and betray every principle to get this guy into power, won't you? Actually it looks like that's what Palin did to the guy she fired. Consider what would have happened if he went ahead & bent to the pressure & fired her brother-in-law. The guy had been investigated & punished. He's in a union & was aware that Palin was trying to get him fired. This other guy would then have been in Palin's place minus the busload of lawyers from the McCain campaign.
Fair play!
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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He was investigated and reprimanded by his superiors, numbnuts.
You can stop spinning now.
Apparently procedure isn't good enough for Sarah Palin. Anyone not exacting the kind of personal revenge she wants to her satisfaction is in danger of losing their job. Vince Foster, George Stephanopoulos and Dick Morris weren't available for comment. Oh and Foster wasn't available because the Clinton's murdered him. 
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Ignored by 3 users and 2 moderators 4000+ posts
Ignored by 3 users and 2 moderators 4000+ posts
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Pariah nerdy Moderator Triteness kicks us in the nads. 15000+ posts Tue Sep 23 2008 12:08 AM Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Sarah Palin for VP
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
THE Franta 3000+ posts
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Reply to what?
your assertion that most candians and Brits Don't like free health care. Your assertion that Austin Powers is my "god"? Or your assumption, however uninformed and misguided that most people like the staus quo and that what they're clamoring for is not the solution but the status quo is.
Its utter nonsense what you're saying, incoherent or otherwise. Homod How many actual REAL life Brits and Canadians have YOU met in real life and NOT online that actually LIKE universial health care (and NO I dont mean that SL bullshit)? Please tell me when I meet Canadians and Brits IN PERSON outside a Micheal Moore propaganda set that is worse than Pravda...they DONT LIKE IT.
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
THE Franta 3000+ posts
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People respect John McCain, the only possible way to beat him is on issues and ideas, Obama has neither, attacking him personally is seen as bad taste by everyone but the extreme fringe, and since they love it they don't even see it. Attacking Palin's experience is seen as sexist given the lack of experience Obama has. Yep. That explains all the polls showing Obama leading McCain. Moron. Maybe I aint watchin the same Homod stations as you but from what Im seeing the Obama campaign is slinging a helluva lot more mud then McCain..... Maybe you dont like what Mccain stands for but to allege Obama has more experience.....?!?!?!?!
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
THE Franta 3000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?!
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Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
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Whomod will never respond to any of your posts. He's too afraid to. He'll hide behind his propaganda and other people's words. He's nothing more than coward.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?! They both suck balls and they both have a bunch of dumb fucks who follow them (or their party) with blind zeal. No matter which one wins, America loses.
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
THE Franta 3000+ posts
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Whomod will never respond to any of your posts. He's too afraid to. He'll hide behind his propaganda and other people's words. He's nothing more than coward. zactly
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
THE Franta 3000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?! They both suck balls and they both have a bunch of dumb fucks who follow them (or their party) with blind zeal. No matter which one wins, America loses. zactly and I aint so sure how good mccain is either but I am sick of the Oprah/news/and NOW SNL crowd blindly sucking Obama's cock on live TV to the point that idiot whore Robin Whatever on CNN is buying in to this BULLSHIT BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS are looking out for their rich friends IDIOTS its how bad they can SCREW middle class is what is TRULY an issue. HEY DUMMIES REMEMBER HILARY AND YOU HATED THIS GUY A COUPLE MONTHS BACK
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?! They both suck balls and they both have a bunch of dumb fucks who follow them (or their party) with blind zeal. No matter which one wins, America loses. zactly and I aint so sure how good mccain is either but I am sick of the Oprah/news/and NOW SNL crowd blindly sucking Obama's cock on live TV to the point that idiot whore Robin Whatever on CNN is buying in to this BULLSHIT BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS are looking out for their rich friends IDIOTS its how bad they can SCREW middle class is what is TRULY an issue. HEY DUMMIES REMEMBER HILARY AND YOU HATED THIS GUY A COUPLE MONTHS BACK About the only thing I could say about McCain is that I would really like to believe that the past four years or so have been imaginary in regards to him & that he is really a straight shooting maverick. In a perfect world, it is all a ruse and he is really planning to go all Chester Arthur on them when elected. Elsewise, he's just a hack who has bent down and kissed the asses of all the people he derided within the Republican base years ago. Anyway, along the original line of conversation, I would say that I hope whoever gets elected dies in office. But, then, we'd be stuck with their VP choices who are about as worthless.
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
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Well said rex some of the few ridiculously stated comments I have heard of either candidate.
Overall I think that for good or bad MCCain has had much more experience and is much more an independent thinker than Obamab who has been influenced by many that I dont agree with . Mccain has proven that he will go against his party's belief. Obama has not, obama in fact has stated that a man he trusted and than later retracted after his racist statements was his confident. Do we really want a man who cant see THAT in office? And truly take a look at the corrupt state of Illinois, Chicage being prominent what has Obama done to correct that? P Diddy criticism's Palin coz she aint got crack addicts in Alaska...but is that a criticism or compliment?
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How hard could it be to govern Alaska, anyway? Isn't it the least populated state in the Union? She's governing all of 65 people.
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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THE Franta 3000+ posts
THE Franta 3000+ posts
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How hard could it be to govern Alaska, anyway? Isn't it the least populated state in the Union? She's governing all of 65 people. Better than what Obama did for the "BIG" state of Illinois and its problem child "Chicago" He did nothing to improve ANYTHING in illinois The Daley machine continues to roll.....Palin at least made some changes instead of focuing on being president like Obamma since HIS election that is all he has done since being in office focus on a presidential campaign
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Award-Winning Author 10000+ posts
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Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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Quit gaying up the politcs forum, Snarf. w(HOMO)d does that enough already.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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How hard could it be to govern Alaska, anyway? Isn't it the least populated state in the Union? She's governing all of 65 people. It's long term executive experience vs. Obama's short term legislative experience. Small town or no, she's dealt with actual management. The most Obama's done is maintain the image that he pushes regulation (see also: abstaining from hundreds of votes in the senate) and stood in as a figurehead for a Get Out the Vote campaign based in Chicago.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?! Wow. Slant the question much? First you start off with the assumption that Obama is "elitist" and McCain is "experienced". That's pure talking point drivel from the right. How is the guy with one car and one home who just recently made his wealth by publishing a couple of books and just recently paid off his student loans, the silver spoon guy, the "elitist" and the guy married to the beer heiress who can't recall how many homes he owns nor how many of his 13 cars are foreign made, and who thinks anyone making less than 5 million a year is middle class, the everyman? And Obama has already made his plans known. Especially his tax plan, which if you believe republican talking points, you probably believe involves YOU being taxed instead of you getting a tax cut and the other 5-10% making more than $250,000 a year would pay more.. But Both Obama and McCain's tax plans I think would need to be reevaluated in light of the recent crisis. I think it's fair to say that both candidates would reevaluate any position in light of changing circumstances. Still, Obama's plan sounds like change while McCain's plan, making Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, permanent, just sounds like more of the same. McCain would make permanent most of the tax cuts President Bush has already enacted, including those that benefit the middle class, such as elimination of the marriage penalty and the increase in child credits. He would also keep cuts that benefit the wealthy, such as the elimination of the highest tax brackets. Obama would keep the breaks for the middle class but not the ones for the wealthy. That's per the 'Tax policy Center' analysis of both plans. As for his accomplishments in Illinois: * Voted to end $300 million worth of tax breaks for businesses. (2004) * Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research. (2004) * Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion. (2000) * Successfully co-sponsored a prescription drug discount buying club program for seniors and the disabled. (2003) * Unsuccessfully co-sponsored ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The measure became law after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate. (2003) * Successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform called the Gift Ban Act. (1998) http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/30/us/politics/30obama.html?_r=1&oref=sloginAs per the article: Obama took on tough issues and demonstrated he could work with the other side: During his last two years, Democrats controlled the chamber and he was the go-to guy on a variety of issues. He helped pass legislation overhauling Illinois' troubled capital punishment system and was a key figure in requiring a massive statewide study of traffic stops to look for signs of racial profiling. Although police groups opposed the legislation, they say Obama listened to their concerns and accepted some of their suggestions to improve the bill.
Even when he was in the political minority, Obama sometimes played a critical role. He helped write one of the rare ethics laws in a state known for government corruption and worked on welfare reform with Republicans. Listen, if you're predisposed to vote Republican and dislike Democrats as it sounds like in the way you phrased your question to me, then anything I say will just be a waste of time. I've already gone on and on about why McCain is not a good choice IMO, the whole selling out his integrity to win his party's nomination and now the whole lie based campaign he's running makes any claim of integrity he may cling to, laughable. Obama inspires me and he inspires many many more. You can be a cynic and mock that, like a lot of Republicans do by trying to make him a messiah figure or you can just try something different after 8 years of GOP leadership that frankly has benefited a select few over the great many in this country. McCain reinforced that last when he said that the fundamentals of the economy were sound and his economic advisor and architect of his economic policy, Phil Gramm said we were in a mental recession and America was a nation of whiners. Of course they think that. This economy has benefited THEM these past 8 years. Only when it was painfully obvious that McCain was tone deaf in the wake of a economic meltdown did he suddenly try to steal Obama's populist tone and rail against "greedy CEO's" He can change the tone and rhetoric but the record and philosophy of a deregulatory is there for anyone to see. Only in 2005 did he ever call for more regulation and that pretty much was it. Even after being a part of the Keating 5 did he still not learn the lesson of lax regulation, although at the time he claimed he had learned much.
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We already are 15000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?! Wow. Slant the question much? First you start off with the assumption that Obama is "elitist" and McCain is "experienced". That's pure talking point drivel from the right. How is the guy with one car and one home who just recently made his wealth by publishing a couple of books and just recently paid off his student loans, the silver spoon guy, the "elitist" and the guy married to the beer heiress who can't recall how many homes he owns nor how many of his 13 cars are foreign made, and who thinks anyone making less than 5 million a year is middle class, the everyman? And Obama has already made his plans known. Especially his tax plan, which if you believe republican talking points, you probably believe involves YOU being taxed instead of you getting a tax cut and the other 5-10% making more than $250,000 a year would pay more.. But Both Obama and McCain's tax plans I think would need to be reevaluated in light of the recent crisis. I think it's fair to say that both candidates would reevaluate any position in light of changing circumstances. Still, Obama's plan sounds like change while McCain's plan, making Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, permanent, just sounds like more of the same. McCain would make permanent most of the tax cuts President Bush has already enacted, including those that benefit the middle class, such as elimination of the marriage penalty and the increase in child credits. He would also keep cuts that benefit the wealthy, such as the elimination of the highest tax brackets. Obama would keep the breaks for the middle class but not the ones for the wealthy. That's per the 'Tax policy Center' analysis of both plans. As for his accomplishments in Illinois: * Voted to end $300 million worth of tax breaks for businesses. (2004) * Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research. (2004) * Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion. (2000) * Successfully co-sponsored a prescription drug discount buying club program for seniors and the disabled. (2003) * Unsuccessfully co-sponsored ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The measure became law after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate. (2003) * Successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform called the Gift Ban Act. (1998) http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/30/us/politics/30obama.html?_r=1&oref=sloginAs per the article: Obama took on tough issues and demonstrated he could work with the other side: During his last two years, Democrats controlled the chamber and he was the go-to guy on a variety of issues. He helped pass legislation overhauling Illinois' troubled capital punishment system and was a key figure in requiring a massive statewide study of traffic stops to look for signs of racial profiling. Although police groups opposed the legislation, they say Obama listened to their concerns and accepted some of their suggestions to improve the bill.
Even when he was in the political minority, Obama sometimes played a critical role. He helped write one of the rare ethics laws in a state known for government corruption and worked on welfare reform with Republicans. Listen, if you're predisposed to vote Republican and dislike Democrats as it sounds like in the way you phrased your question to me, then anything I say will just be a waste of time. I've already gone on and on about why McCain is not a good choice IMO, the whole selling out his integrity to win his party's nomination and now the whole lie based campaign he's running makes any claim of integrity he may cling to, laughable. Obama inspires me and he inspires many many more. You can be a cynic and mock that, like a lot of Republicans do by trying to make him a messiah figure or you can just try something different after 8 years of GOP leadership that frankly has benefited a select few over the great many in this country. McCain reinforced that last when he said that the fundamentals of the economy were sound and his economic advisor and architect of his economic policy, Phil Gramm said we were in a mental recession and America was a nation of whiners. Of course they think that. This economy has benefited THEM these past 8 years. Only when it was painfully obvious that McCain was tone deaf in the wake of a economic meltdown did he suddenly try to steal Obama's populist tone and rail against "greedy CEO's" He can change the tone and rhetoric but the record and philosophy of a deregulatory is there for anyone to see. Only in 2005 did he ever call for more regulation and that pretty much was it. Even after being a part of the Keating 5 did he still not learn the lesson of lax regulation, although at the time he claimed he had learned much. How come you don't respond all nice and civil to me when I ask you questions? If you respond rationally to the rest of us we might actually be able to have real conversations here.
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fudge 4000+ posts
fudge 4000+ posts
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what is the definition of an elitist?
Racks be to MisterJLA
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We already are 15000+ posts
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basically someone who thinks they are better than you.
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We already are 15000+ posts
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Look, it's MEM: 
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Don'rt worry Sarah. I'm sure they won't ask you hard questions. From ABC's Jake Tapper: The woman seeking to be to a heartbeat away from the presidency without ever holding a press conference remains on the same relatively unaccountable path.
McCain-Palin campaign officials apparently feel the American people should trust her with the button and the world's financial markets without ever taking questions from reporters. And considering that McCain is 72 years old, has had 4 bouts of serious melanoma in recent years, and now is showing increasing signs of mental confusion, it's a fair question to ask how long McCain is going to be around before President Palin is sworn in. It's incredibly reckless of McCain to play politics with our national security in this fashion
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Quick show of hands: Does anybody there believe that, if McCain had chosen, say Fred Thompson over Palin, whomod would be talking up Thompsons age, wisdom and experience? Does anybody believe that, if McCain had chosen any old white male, whomod wouldn't be here screaming about the need for "youth" and "new ideas"? Anybody? Anyone? 
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Quick show of hands: Does anybody there believe that, if McCain had chosen, say Fred Thompson over Palin, whomod would be talking up Thompsons age, wisdom and experience? Does anybody believe that, if McCain had chosen any old white male, whomod wouldn't be here screaming about the need for "youth" and "new ideas"? Anybody? Anyone? G-man, you've brought up the experience issue when Hillary was in the race. Plus anything else that you thought you could say to minimize her. I don't see where your any different except your willing to go on & on about Whomod more.
Fair play!
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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The difference is that "your" side is calling for a higher level of experience for the Vice-President than you expect for your presidential candidates.
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How much experience did George Washington have, hmm?
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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The difference is that "your" side is calling for a higher level of experience for the Vice-President than you expect for your presidential candidates. Well to be honest I've chimed in on the issue and think it's less of an issue for the VP but I would expect both President & VP to be able to meet leaders without needing the other guy there. I know Obama & Biden can do that. Palin is being so sheltered though that I don't know. Probably not a big deal for your party though since Bush had to rely on Cheney much the same way & your use to that type of thing.
Fair play!
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Probably not a big deal for your party though since Bush had to rely on Cheney much the same way & your use to that type of thing. Ooh, burn!
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Well to be honest I've chimed in on the issue and think it's less of an issue for the VP ... And, to be fair, that's why I referred to "'your' side" as displaying hypocrisy on this issue, rather than simply accusing you of it. Beyond that, I note a certain irony in anyone contemplating supporting Obama/Biden while complaining about the inexperienced Bush having to rely on the more experienced Cheney.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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ALLRIGHT WHOMOD et al I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense
I challenge you
I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.
I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.
Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?! Wow. Slant the question much? First you start off with the assumption that Obama is "elitist" and McCain is "experienced". That's pure talking point drivel from the right. How is the guy with one car and one home who just recently made his wealth by publishing a couple of books and just recently paid off his student loans, the silver spoon guy, the "elitist" and the guy married to the beer heiress who can't recall how many homes he owns nor how many of his 13 cars are foreign made, and who thinks anyone making less than 5 million a year is middle class, the everyman? And Obama has already made his plans known. Especially his tax plan, which if you believe republican talking points, you probably believe involves YOU being taxed instead of you getting a tax cut and the other 5-10% making more than $250,000 a year would pay more.. But Both Obama and McCain's tax plans I think would need to be reevaluated in light of the recent crisis. I think it's fair to say that both candidates would reevaluate any position in light of changing circumstances. Still, Obama's plan sounds like change while McCain's plan, making Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, permanent, just sounds like more of the same. McCain would make permanent most of the tax cuts President Bush has already enacted, including those that benefit the middle class, such as elimination of the marriage penalty and the increase in child credits. He would also keep cuts that benefit the wealthy, such as the elimination of the highest tax brackets. Obama would keep the breaks for the middle class but not the ones for the wealthy. That's per the 'Tax policy Center' analysis of both plans. As for his accomplishments in Illinois: * Voted to end $300 million worth of tax breaks for businesses. (2004) * Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research. (2004) * Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion. (2000) * Successfully co-sponsored a prescription drug discount buying club program for seniors and the disabled. (2003) * Unsuccessfully co-sponsored ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The measure became law after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate. (2003) * Successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform called the Gift Ban Act. (1998) http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/30/us/politics/30obama.html?_r=1&oref=sloginAs per the article: Obama took on tough issues and demonstrated he could work with the other side: During his last two years, Democrats controlled the chamber and he was the go-to guy on a variety of issues. He helped pass legislation overhauling Illinois' troubled capital punishment system and was a key figure in requiring a massive statewide study of traffic stops to look for signs of racial profiling. Although police groups opposed the legislation, they say Obama listened to their concerns and accepted some of their suggestions to improve the bill.
Even when he was in the political minority, Obama sometimes played a critical role. He helped write one of the rare ethics laws in a state known for government corruption and worked on welfare reform with Republicans. Listen, if you're predisposed to vote Republican and dislike Democrats as it sounds like in the way you phrased your question to me, then anything I say will just be a waste of time. I've already gone on and on about why McCain is not a good choice IMO, the whole selling out his integrity to win his party's nomination and now the whole lie based campaign he's running makes any claim of integrity he may cling to, laughable. Obama inspires me and he inspires many many more. You can be a cynic and mock that, like a lot of Republicans do by trying to make him a messiah figure or you can just try something different after 8 years of GOP leadership that frankly has benefited a select few over the great many in this country. McCain reinforced that last when he said that the fundamentals of the economy were sound and his economic advisor and architect of his economic policy, Phil Gramm said we were in a mental recession and America was a nation of whiners. Of course they think that. This economy has benefited THEM these past 8 years. Only when it was painfully obvious that McCain was tone deaf in the wake of a economic meltdown did he suddenly try to steal Obama's populist tone and rail against "greedy CEO's" He can change the tone and rhetoric but the record and philosophy of a deregulatory is there for anyone to see. Only in 2005 did he ever call for more regulation and that pretty much was it. Even after being a part of the Keating 5 did he still not learn the lesson of lax regulation, although at the time he claimed he had learned much. How come you don't respond all nice and civil to me when I ask you questions? If you respond rationally to the rest of us we might actually be able to have real conversations here. It may have something to do with some people here trying to make every discussion about me and not the issue. I generally have no experience with Franta being a dick or piling on afterwards in support of a dick that wants to discuss me rather than the issues at hand. Plus as Franta said, it was a challenge. An honest question. So I gave him an honest answer.
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and now is showing increasing signs of mental confusion, You two have something in common now.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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How much experience did George Washington have, hmm? Well, he was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War (not to mention his experience in the French and Indian Wars), ran a rather large plantation, held several political offices in Virginia, and presided over the Philadelphia Convention that gave us our current Constitution. Does that answer your question, Snarf?
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Yeah, that's exactly why no one takes Snarf seriously when he posts here. His stuff is feeble.
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At least he can (somewhat) think for himself.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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You're being way too kind. All Snarf did was parrot a talking point that even most Obama supporters have been ashamed to run with.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Wow, CNN grew a few. Good for them. AP apparently protested as well. Yes, Virginia, there is a media. And it's starting to wake up. I'm really shocked that CNN did this. CNN was the network providing television coverage for all the networks, and after McCain's people said there would be no coverage of Palin's actual substantive (if you'd call it that) conversations with world leaders, CNN pulled the plug. Wow. Here's AP's coverage, it's good: Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who has not held a press conference in nearly four weeks of campaigning, on Tuesday banned reporters from her first meetings with world leaders, allowing access only to photographers and a television crew.
CNN, which was providing the television coverage for news organizations, decided to pull its TV crew, effectively denying Palin the high visibility she had sought.
Palin planned to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe in New York on Tuesday as the United Nations General Assembly convenes this week. She also was expected to meet with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
Those sessions and meetings scheduled for Wednesday are part of the Republican campaign's effort to give Palin experience in foreign affairs. She has never met a foreign head of state and first traveled outside North America just last year. The Huffington Post has more, and notes that the media also seems to have gotten ticked at McCain this morning for refusing to take questions. Well here's an idea: Stop covering him. Pull your reporters on the McCain's bus (well, they're no longer in the bus at all, now they follow in vans) and stop covering McCain as clearly there is nothing to cover. That will get his attention.
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm? 5000+ posts
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Oh boy. It goes on.... McCain permitted the press to observe Palin meeting with the Colombian president, for a whole 15 to 20 seconds, then kicks them out.  Wow, brave media. After treating the press like dirt this morning and refusing to let anyone cover Palin's meetings with foreign leaders at the UN, leading CNN to cancel its camera coverage of Palin's phony photo opps, the Palin/McCain campaign promised the media that it was all a misunderstanding. So during the next event, the media was let in to cover it. All for a grand total of 15 to 20 seconds. Then they were told to get out. At this point you'd start to think the McCain camp is trying to hide something about Palin... Have none of these people ever watched any Charlie Brown? Are they stupid or something? The press never had any clue that Palin/McCain woud pull the football out from under them again. And again and again. Seriously, stop covering these phony photo opps. Stop sending people on McCain's bus and plane (when you're not even on McCain's bus anyway, real journalists were kicked off of that thing long ago). It's like the Stockholm Syndrome with you people. I'm expecting the Palin/McCain campaign to release a photo any day now of Candy Crowley with a Tommy Gun. September 23, 2008 McCain camp tries to keep reporters out of Palin meetingsPosted: 02:45 PM ET From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby (CNN) — McCain-Palin campaign officials shifted course Tuesday after being informed by television news organizations that they would not broadcast footage of Sarah Palin’s meeting with Afghan leader Hamid Karzai Tuesday in New York — the Republican VP nominee’s first with a foreign leader — if a reporter was not allowed in to observe the pair. The media was allowed to observe Palin and Karzai for less than 30 seconds.CNN, which was the pool network for the event, informed the campaign of its decision. The network was then told a CNN producer would be allowed in the room to act as a media representative, just minutes before the photo op was scheduled to take place. However, print reporters and wire services were not allowed to observe the meeting, as they have been able to do at similar McCain events in the past.
The press only caught a brief glimpse of the vice presidential nominee. Palin was seated in a large chair a few feet from Karzai, with a table in between them. Seated slightly behind Palin were campaign foreign policy advisers Steve Biegun and Randy Scheunemann, who are accompanying the governor in her motorcade today.
As the pool entered, the Afghan president appeared to be telling Palin about his young son, who was born in January 2007.
Palin, her legs crossed and at one point patting her heart, was leaning in eagerly and smiling. Karzai, wearing his traditional clothes but without his trademark karakul hat, was also grinning while discussing the child. His remarks were mostly unintelligible as the noise from the clicking cameras drowned them out.
“What is his name?,” Palin asked.
“Mirwais,” Karzai responded. “Mirwais, which means, ‘The Light of the House.’”
“Oh nice,” Palin responded.
“He is the only one we have,” remarked Karzai.
After 29 seconds observing the meeting, CNN and other photographers covering the meeting were escorted out of the room.
Later, McCain-Palin press representatives chalked up the restrictions to a “mix-up, a miscommunication among staff.” The full pool — a print and wires reporter, along with a television producer — was then allowed in to observe Palin’s meeting with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe for 15-20 seconds.Wow. what a substantive conversation. I'm now convinced she has what it takes!  And you wonder why the press isn't allowed to see her in action.
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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phony photo ops? it wasnt a real photo op? dude, your losing it....