Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Franta
I cant be arsed to read the other nonsense

I challenge you

I challenge you to show me how the rich elitist Democrats in Obama's newblood camp are better than McCain's experienced republican camp.

I am not and never have been a political pundit my wife has helped me to do so as we now have four children that will need to live in future American.

Tell me how the Democrats will affect the rich (which Obama certainly is and alwasy has been unlike Palin....an unfair compairision as he is the Presidential candidate and she the vice I know). And tell me how much Obama "fixed" Illinois with the corrupt Chicago machine.....I know P Diddy tells us that Palin cant be a good govenor because they aint no crackheads in Alaska but they alot of crackheads in Illinois under Richie Daley that Obama has done NOTHING to address, instead he focused on his presidential career. Hmmm Anyone have McCain's credentials handy?!?!?!?!

Wow. Slant the question much?

First you start off with the assumption that Obama is "elitist" and McCain is "experienced". That's pure talking point drivel from the right. How is the guy with one car and one home who just recently made his wealth by publishing a couple of books and just recently paid off his student loans, the silver spoon guy, the "elitist" and the guy married to the beer heiress who can't recall how many homes he owns nor how many of his 13 cars are foreign made, and who thinks anyone making less than 5 million a year is middle class, the everyman?

And Obama has already made his plans known. Especially his tax plan, which if you believe republican talking points, you probably believe involves YOU being taxed instead of you getting a tax cut and the other 5-10% making more than $250,000 a year would pay more..

But Both Obama and McCain's tax plans I think would need to be reevaluated in light of the recent crisis. I think it's fair to say that both candidates would reevaluate any position in light of changing circumstances. Still, Obama's plan sounds like change while McCain's plan, making Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, permanent, just sounds like more of the same.

McCain would make permanent most of the tax cuts President Bush has already enacted, including those that benefit the middle class, such as elimination of the marriage penalty and the increase in child credits. He would also keep cuts that benefit the wealthy, such as the elimination of the highest tax brackets. Obama would keep the breaks for the middle class but not the ones for the wealthy. That's per the 'Tax policy Center' analysis of both plans.

As for his accomplishments in Illinois:

* Voted to end $300 million worth of tax breaks for businesses. (2004)
* Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research. (2004)
* Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion. (2000)
* Successfully co-sponsored a prescription drug discount buying club program for seniors and the disabled. (2003)
* Unsuccessfully co-sponsored ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The measure became law after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate. (2003)
* Successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform called the Gift Ban Act. (1998)


As per the article:

Obama took on tough issues and demonstrated he could work with the other side:

During his last two years, Democrats controlled the chamber and he was the go-to guy on a variety of issues. He helped pass legislation overhauling Illinois' troubled capital punishment system and was a key figure in requiring a massive statewide study of traffic stops to look for signs of racial profiling. Although police groups opposed the legislation, they say Obama listened to their concerns and accepted some of their suggestions to improve the bill.

Even when he was in the political minority, Obama sometimes played a critical role. He helped write one of the rare ethics laws in a state known for government corruption and worked on welfare reform with Republicans.

Listen, if you're predisposed to vote Republican and dislike Democrats as it sounds like in the way you phrased your question to me, then anything I say will just be a waste of time. I've already gone on and on about why McCain is not a good choice IMO, the whole selling out his integrity to win his party's nomination and now the whole lie based campaign he's running makes any claim of integrity he may cling to, laughable.

Obama inspires me and he inspires many many more. You can be a cynic and mock that, like a lot of Republicans do by trying to make him a messiah figure or you can just try something different after 8 years of GOP leadership that frankly has benefited a select few over the great many in this country. McCain reinforced that last when he said that the fundamentals of the economy were sound and his economic advisor and architect of his economic policy, Phil Gramm said we were in a mental recession and America was a nation of whiners. Of course they think that. This economy has benefited THEM these past 8 years.

Only when it was painfully obvious that McCain was tone deaf in the wake of a economic meltdown did he suddenly try to steal Obama's populist tone and rail against "greedy CEO's" He can change the tone and rhetoric but the record and philosophy of a deregulatory is there for anyone to see. Only in 2005 did he ever call for more regulation and that pretty much was it. Even after being a part of the Keating 5 did he still not learn the lesson of lax regulation, although at the time he claimed he had learned much.
How come you don't respond all nice and civil to me when I ask you questions? If you respond rationally to the rest of us we might actually be able to have real conversations here.

It may have something to do with some people here trying to make every discussion about me and not the issue. I generally have no experience with Franta being a dick or piling on afterwards in support of a dick that wants to discuss me rather than the issues at hand.

Plus as Franta said, it was a challenge. An honest question. So I gave him an honest answer.
i've tried to ask you real questions. i would honestly like to have a civil discussion with you and everyone else here.