Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: whomod

At some point, Republicans have to ask themselves why they're willing to risk our national security, should McCain die in office, on someone who is quite clearly not ready to lead our nation in a time of crisis.

think about the poor democrats there candidate himself has no foreign experience except wearing an Islamic robe in Kenya....

"Islamic robe"?

Dumb racist idiot. He was dressed in traditional kenyan clothing. Stupid twat.

Oh sorry, that's stupid RACIST twat.

When G.W. Bush went to China in 2001 he wore a traditional Chinese outfit, when Bill Clinton went tol Indonesia in 1994 he wore traditional dress, and when Hillary Clinton went to Eritrea in 1997 she wore traditional dress including a head piece. So why the fuss over Obama?

So I guess bsams thinks GW Bush is secretly a Commie.

 Originally Posted By: bsams the idiot

AAAIIIEEE!!! Hillary's a MUSLIM!!!!

Sincerely, retarded fucknut.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.