Originally Posted By: whomod
the AP calls out the liar. BSAMS cries

AP: McCain didn't suspend his campaign as promised

Busted. McCain's campaign specifically said they'd stop appearances, rallies, and TV advertising. But they didn't. Liars.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain vowed Wednesday to suspend his campaign to focus on the nation's financial crisis, but there were plenty of signs of activity on Thursday — including an apparently live fundraising link on the campaign's Web site.

On Wednesday, McCain said: "Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington after speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative. I have spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of my decision and have asked him to join me."

He offered no details, but senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt later told reporters, "We're just not going to engage right now in the back and forth of the campaign," adding that meant appearances, rallies and TV advertising would be canceled. In an e-mail to reporters, spokesman Brian Rogers added that fundraising would be halted.

McCain appeared that evening in an interview on CBS' newscast, but canceled a planned appearance on David Letterman's "Late Show." His vice presidential running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, made a highly visible visit to ground zero in New York on Thursday morning. McCain spokeswoman Nicole Wallace appeared on NBC's "Today" show....

E-mail messages continued to trickle out from the campaign, but at a far slower rate than normal. And the Huffington Post, a left-leaning Web site, said it had called 15 McCain campaign offices in battleground states, and none said it was suspending operations.

it's sad how many times bsams falls for Republican lies.
and how 'bout you and Democrat lies?