Originally Posted By: whomod
this should comfort bsams. According to Sarah Palin, Iraq was responsible for 9/11. Not even George W. Bush and Cheney try this bit of deceit anymore. I guess the brainwashed faithful allowed it to sink in despite all evidence to the contrary to where they now live in some artificial reality and can't come to grips with the fact that this was disproved.

Here Palin channels Bush & Cheney circa 2004: Blames Iraq for 9/11

AP REPORTER: Do you think that our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan--our continued military presence there--is inflaming Islamic extremists?

SARAH PALIN: I think our presence in Iraq and in Afghanistan will lead to further security of our nation. Again, because the mission is to take the fight over there, do not let them come over here and attempt again what they accomplished here. And that was some destruction. Terrible destruction on that day. But, since September 11th, Americans uniting and rebuilding and committing to never letting that happen again.

Sarah Palin thinks she's foreign policy-qualified because she lives close to Russia. And now we know that she thinks Saddam did 9/11. At least she's up front about it.

And, doesn't she make you feel safe? I know bsams is apoplectic with terror right now over Iraq hitting us on 9/11. AAAIIIEEE!!!!!

No, don't look in that cave over in the Afghan/Pakistan tribal regions, look at Iraq!! Look at Iraq!!! THEY DID IT!!!!! Sarah Palin sez so!!!!!!

Sincerely, retarded fucknut.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.