OK whomod I respect your points and I must admit after discussing these things to other friends you actually have a reason and passion about Obama and the Democrats unlike so many others I see like so many sheep following Obama because he is not A BUSH CLONE but cant have a decent discussion/debate!

but in rapid fire mode I respond

Letterman looked like a baby bashing McCain....my own personal belief he switched to back Obama and needed a way to bash McCain and was possibly going to do that but McCain ALSO had a responsibility to go back to his job .....something even Letterman pointed out that Obama didnt do. And McCain pulling a no show to WORK on our government issues is as admirable as the other traits Letterman citied. I mean come on how many people ditched Letterman for hangovers, fear of insult and/or lack of responsibility and Letterman didnt berate them. AGAIN DISCLAIMER my own personal opinion with NO FACTS to back it up Letterman wanted to dis McCain because of previous support on his show.

Truly Letterman looked like a bitch.

As far as Palin taking over AGAIN she is the VICE presidential candidate it is not appropriate to take over CAMPAIGNING for the president....if/when she gets in office YES she needs to step in NOT NOW though.