The drama queen is going to the debate after all. Seriously, the best word to describe McCain these days is "erratic." Richard Holbrooke's comments in the video posted below are devastating. Words like "incoherent" and "confused" are being increasingly being used to describe McCain. Even GOPers seem concerned.

Take for example, Mike Huckabee, who spent a lot of time on the trail with John McCain over the past couple years, who blasted John McCain's antics. From FOX News:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Thursday that Sen. John McCain made a “huge mistake” by even discussing canceling the presidential debate with Sen. Barack Obama.

McCain’s campaign has said the Republican wouldn’t participate in the Mississippi debate Friday unless there was a consensus on the financial crisis, but Obama still wants the debate to go on.

Huckabee defeated McCain in the Alabama GOP primary in February.

Huckabee said Thursday in Mobile that the people need to hear both candidates. He said that’s “far better than heading to Washington” to huddle with senators.

He said the candidates should level with the people about the financial crisis and say the “heart of this is greed.”

Huckabee said he still backs McCain’s candidacy, but said the Arizona senator should not have put his campaign on hold to deal with the financial crisis on Wall Street. He said a president must be prepared to “deal with the unexpected.”

“You can’t just say, ‘World stop for a moment. I’m going to cancel everything,”‘ Huckabee said.

Sure sounds like Huckabee doesn't think McCain is prepared to be president.

poor poor G-Man.. Between McCain's disasters and Palin's disasters, it's been some kind of meltdown for the Straight Talk Express, eh? ;\)