Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
yes, thats more important than someones pastor hating america.

One trick pony, you are. Are you disappointed that you and a few extremists are the only people in America who still give a fuck about Reverend Wright?

Everyone else has moved on. You seem stuck in the primaries.

No one has moved on. You liberals are trying to act like it never happened. The truth is the truth no matter what the liberal bloggers who think for you feel.

Didn't the media spend WEEKS on that story? Repeating the footage over and over and over again?

Apparently the fact that people moved on already pisses you off. As for Wright being brought up by the "liberals". Dumbass, we were discussing a Kenyan witch doctor who exorcises the witch out of you. It was YOU who brought Wright up as a counter. And like I said, America has seen the Wright footage and isn't as flabbergasted as you. I think perhaps there are other reasons you cling to this besides your claims of wanting to protect us from the "America hater". 1) change the subject about the witch doctor and 2) you just hate him for other reasons and want so badly to try to hang Wright around his neck as if Obama himself said those things.

Like I said, people heard Wright and yet Obama still leads in the polls. That must mean a majority of Americans hate themselves!!!!! Or it just means you're filled with Obama hate.