Oh I understand perfectly that they'll declare a win if she just manages to answer coherently and not pass out or else give that deer in headlight look in the entire 90 minutes.

Plus the whole Gwen Ivers controversy is just IMo an attempt to get another moderator, i'm thinking a MALE one. It's much harder to lob accusations of sexism, or to have Palin appear as the victim of two mean men against her , when you have a woman asking you the hard questions.

Already today you had G-Man basically say that Palin's disastrous performances on TV were the fault of Charles Gibson and Katie Couric. Never mind the fact that they were pretty much puff pieces compared to a real press grilling that McCain has shielded her from for weeks already.

And how then if it was the bad biased reporters making her look bad do you explain her sounding just as hapless on Sean Hannity's fawning softball questions interview?

So if she does bad, expect more of G-man's tack from today blaming Gwen's evil liberal bias. I expect her to do pretty decent-wise as far as basic repeating McCain policy points goes. Hopefully she'll be challenged to clarify on the whole rape kits, religious beliefs VS public policy, and 'Putin rearing his head over Alaska' stuff. Plus it'd be nice if see could name just 1 Supreme Court case that she's aware of besides Roe V Wade. Especially since she's had time to mull it over some. Or just get some left field policy questions that won't be able to be answered by simply repeating memorized stump speech lines.

Here's Palin's Greatest Hits Vol. I

Vol. II, an even funnier or scarier one depending on how close you think this race actually is, was aired tonight on Olbermann's show. His Greatest Hits clips were more of the disastrous interviews she's done of late rather than of her 'misstatements' on the campaign trail that this one had.

As soon as it's YouTubed, I'll post it for your (or rather, MY) entertainment.