Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
amazing how you miss the part about bombing the capitol and the pentagon, the part about how Obama lied at the debate, the part were he launched his career at his friend Ayers home....

what a idiot I am

We all know Ayers past. What that past has to do with Barack Obama is still a mystery. By the time Obama met Ayers, Ayers was already part of the Chicago educational community, working with local government on educational issues.

it's funny how you and the McCain campaign try to INFER somehow that Ayers and Obama were in the basement cooking up terror plots or something..

here's the CNN transcript BTW about Obama launching his camapign at Ayers' house. It seems you're trying to simply listen to the accusatory pats and covering your ears to the fact that it's all pretty much having to do with education reform and local politics and having NOTHING to do with terrorism.

Ayers has strong defenders in Chicago, among them Richard Daley, the mayor, who called Ayers a valued member of the Chicago community. The city gave Ayers its citizen of the year award in 1977 for his work on the Annenberg Project.

For Obama, the chairmanship of the $100 million Annenberg board helped vault him from South Side Chicago lawyer to political player. And that, too, has another connection to Bill Ayers. [stand]In 1995, months after the little known Barack Obama became Annenberg Project chair, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced the young Obama as her political heir apparent.

Where was that introduction made? At the home of the '60s radicals Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. The Obama campaign again says it is just a coincidence.

DUNN: A Democratic state senator organizes a meeting of her supporters at the house of another one of her supporters. What is the problem here, Drew? It is the worst kind of inference and the worst kind of politics to say that, somehow, that says something about Barack Obama.

As the news packet said also, it's just trying to infer some sot of culpability on terrorism to Obama based on the fact that Obama and Ayers knew the same people in local government and education reform. Again, you guys need to explain what the hell this has to do with terrorism.

GRIFFIN: Anderson, this meeting at Bill Ayers' home has been classified in many different ways. What I can tell you from two people who were actually there is, number one, former State Senator Alice Palmer says she was in no way organized this meeting. She was invited and attended it briefly.

And, Dr. Quinton Young (ph), a retired doctor, told us this indeed was Barack Obama's political coming-out party and it was hosted by Bill Ayers.

COOPER: So, Drew, if Obama and Ayers worked together with others to, I guess, improve schools, what exactly is the McCain/Palin camp saying is wrong with -- with this relationship, or this working relationship, or however you want to characterize it?

GRIFFIN: Well, Anderson, I haven't contacted the McCain campaign on this issue.

Honestly, it's just desperate innuendo on your and McCain's part. How this is going to resolve the economic crisis is beyond me.

Again, it seems the right just can't seem to stop fighting the culture wars and the divisions of the 1960's and the Vietnam era. Even if the opponent happened to be a child a the time of all this social upheaval. It may have resonated 20 years ago, but it's a tired and dated script already. William Ayers as well as this country have all moved on. The only ones still talking about "hippies", Jane Fonda, and 60's radicals seems to be the geezers and the geezr minded of the far right conservative movement. To them it'll forever be 1980.